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ArL - Arthurian League

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freddex, Dec 9, 2012.

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  1. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Anyways symph isn't the only one lagging in those pictures, if you noticed sentinel, and often sigsson.
    Also you ignored this part freddex "or change the home away system so it must be the same players or players with similar ping for both matches."
  2. AAAAANNddd KARP! :3 lel@fuckingISP Still annoys me with packet loss which means 500+ ping in Euro home server :/
  3. vampo

    vampo alchemist Donator Tester

    mfw using kapaktopc english can't read
    symph need to be muted on all ArL servers :p
    either that or subs need to stay off the server until neededX3
    Beepo likes this.
  4. Beepo

    Beepo Asian Faggot Donator
    1. Delta Force - Delta

  5. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Instead of having humans fight each other we should just set up two teams of bots with different clan tags and stream that. That way lag isn't a problem and it's completely balanced until someone realizes how overpowered blue is...
    Lord_bugg, Guitarman, justi01 and 6 others like this.
  6. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    срач (sruch) means when peoples bitchin with each other. Lesson of russian.
    HardPenguin and vampo like this.
  7. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    Verra: See the lag scale. They are not in the critical area. 200 ping is okay, 400 ping is not. Yup, I should've payed your second suggestion a paragraph, sorry. I think it is not practical to have this kind of ping balance thing. Limiting players adds a lot of bureaucracy and makes it harder to organise matches for both the clans and me. Why don't we just try to have fair matches? If everyone cooperates, it works.
    Domis and Andr01d like this.
  8. Alright, quick summary.

    We gave FAITH a choice, they didn't realize it cause it wasn't clear to them.

    Cpa3y, I do respect that fact you dont care about ping and only spoke up when I mentioned we gave you a choice. I only brought that up cause of the recent complaints about playing EU clans on Aussie server.

    EU to AUS or vice versa should be banned unless both clans can field a team there. I agree with that. NA to AUS and vice versa shouldn't, however.

    I do in fact lag everywhere, but aside from random disconnects, I don't really care. My problem is with camping, not lag, which is the complete opposite with most people.

    Freddex, that's funny how you're saying we shouldn't force people to accept our ideas about being international, etc., when you guys are forcing us to compromise on the ping.

    And yeah, that shit was hilarious when vampo was made about my typing. Guess he was so drunk that the text distracted him or something :p

    Anyway, seems like the server issue is resolved now, NA to AUS, but not EU to AUS. That's good enough for me.
    Beef and zollie20 like this.
  9. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    >NA to AUS.
    Without me for sure.
  10. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    I don't see how changing your whole clan style and changing the server are the same, SymphonySoldier. Let every clan be like he wants to be, it's none of my affairs to force people to recruit new members to win a match. It's a difference between making amends for the good of the group (as in playing on a different server) and forcing everyone to change (as in 'recruit international members'). Either POWER makes a small adjustment or we all change our teams. Simple choice to me.
    Yup, issue seems resolved for me.
    Domis likes this.
  11. Ahhhh rants. Phillipinecones and rants. Kag clans and rants. A thread of ArL full of rants.
    Fix what'cha need to, and tell others to quitch'er bitching if they complain about something completely unrelated to what you changed. If the change is for the better, hey, maybe someone will like it.
  12. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    That's the plan.
    Domis likes this.
  13. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, Youngblood has claimed yet another moral victory.

    Being unable to cobble a full team together, our players took to the field of battle amongst our Russian foes, supported temporarily by our Russian foes in a vain attempt at making the game even vaguely balanced. One of our number went down, dragged from the server by the weight of a votekick, leaving only the most handsome defender on the server.
    Despite being supported against the vile Russian foe by their equally vile Russian counterparts, we suffered a devastating moral victory, giving FAITH their rightful points after just a single round.

    Good job guys, I'm just sorry we couldn't field a proper team.
    justi01, rocker2, killatron46 and 4 others like this.
  14. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    Hella I'm really sorry for that votekick. I assure you it was accident. I Hope next week match will be great.
  15. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    Hey, maybe we can re-play this game later? C'mon guys, we want 2 play with u.
  16. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Doesn't seem that accidental when you just about votekick me right after.
  17. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    It was only one vote and he has been punished. I'm sorry for that.
  18. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    shooted him it an ak47?
    rocker2 likes this.
  19. 16th

    16th Bison Rider

    :D In your case that was a joke.
    Why your team don't came anyway? Sad, we don't play last week, and today we skip again :QQ:
  20. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    No. He feed a bear.
    WarrFork, rocker2 and 16th like this.
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