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Frosty Trunk

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by HardPenguin, Dec 4, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    We can't do anything with this information, please tell which admin did it or which were online, how I went and what they said (and who the hacker was).
  2. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    Freddix banned me..... A archer was shooting threw walls and then i messaged "!admin" and he came on and the hacker stopped and he said i was lieing so i got banned.....

    Maverick my friend talked with Feddix and He said that Feddix said i was annoying and that is why he banned me...

    Worst server ever...
  3. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Actually it's the best server, but we aren't talking about that atm.

    Anyway, will track him down on irc to ask what exactly happend, thing is; shooting through walls is a bug, some people just think it's something like bomb jumping, a 'skill'. Last thing, you remember the archer's name?
  4. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    The arrow through wall glitch is a well known bug; Fred probably thought you were spamming !admin just to get attention.

    You'll probably be unbanned, but I recommend an apology to Freddex for causing him trouble.
  5. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    Rapid fire and shooting threw walls?

    If call in admin and i get banned how is that fair? I know it wasn't a bug... His arrow went faster then normal arrows (Not reloading. The arrow that was shot.)

    Why should i say sorry?
  6. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    You can ignore Rocker, he sais something weird and has nothing to do with Frosty, sorry.
  7. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    You are not banned anymore (if you were at all). What is more, you were not present on the server at all, according to the logs.
  8. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    I do not remember that. Were you playing under the same name? Anyways, when I ban annoying people, they normally are annoying. I have a strict policy on banning people, as the server owner HardPenguin is aware of, and I'll stick to that. Frosty Trunk is a server for advanced players that show some brains while playing, too.
    CrystalClear, HardPenguin and rocker2 like this.
  9. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Now when KAG has an easy possibility to play with genuine fair skiled players (gather), should this server be closed?
  10. acidicstudios

    acidicstudios Builder Stabber

    Lol, got banned for making large spike/insta-kill pits~
  11. Cpa3y

    Cpa3y Shark Slayer

    No. Gathers don't playing everytime and many skilled players don't playing gathers.
    16th likes this.
  12. Lord_bugg

    Lord_bugg Smashing Donator

    I agree with cpa3y, this is a great server with quality maps and a good ruleset and admin team. Servers like frosty are hard to find, and will be even harder to find after beta and steam.

    Although gather is a good service its also very organised and relies on you being able to commit to playing for a whole 3 rounds and waiting for other players to join the bot list. Frosty is good for a less competitive and regimented game against equally skilled players. I personally would rather play on frosty than in a gather match.

    You were probably banned because your pit was unnecessarily large and you were no longer helping the team. no matter how pig your pit is a builder can still cross it so making pits to the bottom of the map is useless on a server such as frosty where knights are smart enough to wait for builders to back them up and bridge the gap.
    HardPenguin likes this.
  13. moshermadnes

    moshermadnes Shark Slayer

    SpideY banned me for a harmless joke. I was try to fix up our messed up base and he said I made it easier for the other team...

    [08:07:42] <moshermadnes> ur mom the only easy thing here
    [08:07:55] <[NMS] SpideY> keep cool dude
    [08:08:03] <[BoW] GalenMarek> Sigh
    [08:08:05] <moshermadnes> can't take a joke
    [08:08:05] <[NMS] SpideY> you will think about it
    [08:08:07] <[NMS] SpideY> with a ban
  14. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    He banned you for 10 minutes, i can only quote Spidey here
    "keep cool dude".
    GalenMarek likes this.
  15. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    You were doing some shitty structures. GalenMarek asked you to stop that. Your answer was very polite and you deserved it .

    HardPenguin and GalenMarek like this.
  16. moshermadnes

    moshermadnes Shark Slayer

    I thought this server was suppose to be for experienced players and circumvent the BS of other servers, I guess I was wrong.
    Seems to me like the admins of this server just like to ban people, for not building to their "Standards", with little to no warning or respect. Judging from some of the other post here I am not the only one who would agree.
    I and my friends will not be playing on such a dictatorial and closed minded server.

    Sincerely a few lost players.
  17. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    And it seems you like to insult others players without any reason dude. We dont need you on frosty trunk. We will ban any retard, kid, troll, hacker and newbies. Thats the purpose of that server. Deal with it.

    Sincerely, an evil admin.
    Hella and HardPenguin like this.
  18. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Also, I told you to stop building that crap you were building, and I did that at least twice. So, I did warn you, and you were behaving like "Yeah whatever dude, fuck off".
  19. moshermadnes

    moshermadnes Shark Slayer

    I have the logs so you can not lie about telling me twice.

    You asked me what I was building.
    I told you I had no idea but it was cool.
    you said it was making it easier for the other team.
    <I stopped building and moved to the front>
    I made a comment about how easy your mom is.
    then I from frozen and ban.

    If you are a person here complain about being ban it's not worth it, just do like me and find another server and don't continue playing/wasting your time with this one.

    Have fun playing with your selves because I guarantee no one will want to play on this server very long with admins like you all.

    P.S. If your users complain about some thing, the proper response is to deal with it sensible.
  20. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    [12:05:52] <[BoW] GalenMarek> Mosher wtf are you building
    [12:06:02] <[BoW] GalenMarek> Hello?
    [12:06:05] <moshermadnes> IDK
    [12:06:10] <[BoW] GalenMarek> YEAH IT SEEMS LIKE THAT
    [12:06:11] <moshermadnes> BUT ITS COOL
    [12:06:12] <[BoW] GalenMarek> No
    [12:06:15] <[BoW] GalenMarek> It's total crap
    [12:06:23] <[BoW] GalenMarek> And only making it easier for the enemies
    [12:06:25] New player joined the game
    [12:06:25] Unnamed player is now known as vlad590
    [12:06:25] vlad590 has joined Red Team
    [12:06:26] <[BoW] GalenMarek> So remove this crap already
    [12:06:46] <moshermadnes> ur mom the only easy thing here
    [12:06:47] * COLLAPSE by [BoW] GalenMarek (size 34 blocks)
    [12:06:55] * [RCON [NMS] SpideY] \freezeid 20318
    [12:06:58] <[NMS] SpideY> keep cool dude
    [12:07:07] <[BoW] GalenMarek> Sigh
    [12:07:08] <moshermadnes> can't take a joke
    [12:07:08] <[NMS] SpideY> you will think about it
    [12:07:11] <[NMS] SpideY> with a ban
    [12:07:15] * [RCON [NMS] SpideY] /banid 20318 10
    [12:07:15] krw703 left the game
    [12:07:16] moshermadnes left the game
    [12:07:17] <[NMS] SpideY> 10 mins.
Mods: jackitch