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[590] Sliding

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Supran0va, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Supran0va

    Supran0va Ballista Bolt Thrower

    anyways.. nothing much to explain on the 1st and 2nd picture but on the third picture, you see the knight holding his shield down while waiting for the perfect time to throw the bomb. you have to shield down for this to work. just keep holding it and when you land, you'll move faster.
    note: you can also move faster if you move thru gaps.
    that's all.
    this is my first guide or how to. XD feel free to tell me what i should do so you could find it easier to learn. :)
  2. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    A bit late man, everyone knows about this. Its been around for months
    Digger101 likes this.
  3. Supran0va

    Supran0va Ballista Bolt Thrower

    well i just wanted to do this simply because nobody made a picture/simple guide or how to about it. :U
  4. DubstepMonkey

    DubstepMonkey Horde Gibber

    Once again mostly experienced players know this but i got this a few months ago, very nice guide also useful for new players.
    • sliding is useful for getting across flat maps.
    • vulnerable to archers (getting shot behind)
    • You don't need timing for this you can light the bomb then throw it down then wait to slide.
    • you can also change direction just hold the opposite key after your sliding it still works.
    • Slows you down if you hit a ladder and you can't continue sliding.
    • But it's a waste of a bomb if you just hit a block after you just started sliding.
    • also a jump boost (i think or im lagging) just hold w and d.
    delankski likes this.
  5. Supran0va

    Supran0va Ballista Bolt Thrower

    thanks for adding stuff. :D
  6. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I already read (at least, could be approx. three more) five guides which explain the many ways of bombjumping.
    This one must have been in at least four of those.

    Oh, and by the way, it already existed somewhere between build 200 - 300.
  7. Supran0va

    Supran0va Ballista Bolt Thrower

    mmkay, i discovered it just this build since i've just played 2 months ago or a month ago, (again). :)
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    This is old dude. Very old.
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    well, I guess its not bad to bring this up again.
    the guides that explain bombjumping are usually on the very bottom, so the average tutorial-seeking gamer will just skim through and miss them.
  10. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Not months, a year. Lookup "Kag Racing". :p

    its cool that you found this out on your own super, well done!
  11. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Months is a variable. It could of been 14 months for all I know.
    I wasn't sure on the exact date, and did not want to assume it was a year or more.
  12. Supran0va

    Supran0va Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Thanks. :) At first I thought it was just a glitch so I experimented on bombs and stuff. then after a couple of tries, I knew how to do it.
  13. zollie20

    zollie20 Haxor

    -when you land from a reasonable height to begin with, instead of sliding it stuns you, so adjust accordingly if using it to escape
    -also gets you across 1 block deep, 1-3 block wide pits. (needs a bit of speed for 3 blocks)

    I haven't personally seen this have it's own tutorial, so good initiative!