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[590] Good Archer Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by -Crimson-, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    • moved and fix'd the build number
    A good archer tower made by myself, it has lots of positions to shoot from and with a lot of archers in the tower, it shouldn't be underestimated. :) The spawn post is just optional (whatever it's called), I mainly just added that in for looks, also I added "The Turtle"
    all credit goes here:

    [​IMG] Pro's and Cons: Pros: Deadly when archers shoot at you especially if theirs a lot. Make's it harder for enemy knights to attack, different positions to shoot from making it harder for the other team/builder to attack you and your team.

    Cons: Enemy knight(s) can bomb jump over and attack from behind, if you don't have enough archers, the building can get taking down with bombs and builders, but then again even if you have a lot of archers, it can still get taken down like that.

    If you don't like it up in the front lines, then you can always move it back to defend/behind tent.
    I wouldn't suggest front lines though, my opinion. Feedback appreciated :B):

    ~ -Crimson-
  2. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    3 bombs can take the top of, unlikely tho.

    You missed 2 places to put spikes in your pit were knights can jump in and out when ever they want.

    I would suggest making it easier to get up towards the overhang and maybe have the doors higher so if knights get through spike pit they wont be able to get through the doors. maybe have 4 team bridges to hide archers in the nest were your builder is. Try to have all workshops of the ground and rather in the tower or on team bridges to avoid enemies misusing it.

    Maybe, pull the archer hole at the bottom, in towards your tower a bit to avoid a enemy jumping on top of it and have a safety spot.

    (if theres more time to do this) Maybe have spikes on the roof and maybe a one block thick wall with doors on top at the back to stop knights if they bomb jumped over. Or something similar just to keep your archers safe.

    Here are the points im talking about:
    Have a way to access the top of the tower and jump of if a builder blocks of your doors.
    Place a block under tree to avoid team killing noobies.

    My first time doing this shit so im probably wrong.
    I3lue and Digger101 like this.
  3. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    Thank's Jester, I will put those into consideration and try to fix them up, next to the spikes on the right, under the tree you had the red circle. I didn't block that off because I think it would be easier for archers to shoot straight forward instead of the arrows hitting a block when they're at the bottom.
  4. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    The badly animated ground is where ground should be.
    the first pick is what im coming at. However, as seen in the final copy of the tower it becomes resource heavy and i didint have to have spikes were the archers shoot out on the over hang, as the knights will fall into the pit below.

    I took away 4 doors as they slow down noob archers if they want to run away from a bomb which can potentially go into the door way. Im not sure if it still does but last i checked the team bridges absorbs bomb damage (not sure tho).

    If, as in your tower, the trap is higher then the ground then yes, take away that stone block. Or maybe make the pit one block deeper which brings down the team bridges and potentially avoids noobs falling in the spike.

    something similar to this. (my editing is bad im too lazy to build it again)
    But then it may give you the same problem u started of with.
    I3lue likes this.
  5. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    Excellent Jester!, that's amazing the effort you have put in to tell me things I have mistaken. Very appreciated and I agree with you. :)
    ill have to make this sometime on rave ctf. :)
  6. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    Demon_Jester`s tower is better than you. It have less weak places and it`s more thought.
  7. -Crimson-

    -Crimson- Haxor

    It involves a lot more materials though.
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Can I just say something? The 'Turtle' makes the rest of your tower pointless. Seriously pay more attention to the details. Two bombs could provide a passage under your tower... Same to you Demon but one bomb could provide a tunnel under your version of his tower.

    Im not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest.
  9. Demon did a great job there pointing out all the flaws in you design but I think it is good, but easily destroyed in your original form.
  10. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    Perhaps. But if u change so many things it isint the same tower anymore. Therefore i only improve, i try not to change :L if that makes sense
    Force likes this.