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Clash of Empires rp

Discussion in 'Spamcan' started by lukepop, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    In every age there are Heroes, Men and women with exceptional prowess in combat and valour. You are such a hero as you have seen your name in the book of heroes,while the adults said your name is common . You know they are wrong as you have been touched.

    In this world, on this continent there are many empires clashing as they have for years.Two empires from the east and west respectively have met in the land of Jel'q'far. Their leaders were both stubborn pig-headed fools drunk with the fury of conquest, one of them were bringing a small amount of well equipped warriors.You are one of these. However there was a group of land bandits and there is an Island full of sea-wolves who are fed up with preying on the people of the Land.An empire of sea going mercenaries and traders.But your people who came from the auxiliary forces brought by the Velcrians (The west empire, fights similar to romans) rebelled and now they are staking this as their new homeland for they were once a great empire ( You can choose from the port of Melkala, The Great Fort of Marqu'd or the island colonies that have been seized by the rebels.)

    P.s. I am going to do one but don't worry I post almost every day, I also don't know how to do spoilers.

    I was 18 when I saw the book and my name. I was already proficient with the sword and bow.In the attack on the citadel I slipped on some blood from one of our fallen troops and was knocked unconscious. When I woke up I went through a slave course and they found I was a good soldier. By that time the war had been going on for decades and I was one of the few selected to fight in the Jel'q'far. I was one of the fewer who survived and one of the fewer still who led the freedom fight and escaped to the island colonies. Life is tough but It is better then being hounded by the Velcrian Dogs who are right behind you in the line as you fight.12 months passed since the freedom battle ( which all players were in) and 18 since I was taken from the citadel. I am going after the Velcrian magistrate of Marqu'd.

    Age: 24
    Backstory: My father was a trader. I often spent my time helping on repairs to the ship he used, or traveling short distances with my dad to wherever demand was high for our wood and ores. My two sisters stayed behind with my mother. One day, on the ship, we ran into trouble. The ship was taken by the Velcrian, and damaged. My father, who rebelled, was cut down where he stood, without mercy. I barely managed to find land.
    My family started to have money issues. The very little money we earned went towards food. It was like this for 6 months, until suddenly, a miracle was bestowed. Desperate to feed my family, I signed up to learn how to fight. I was paid and I discovered I was quite handy with the spear, able to wield one 6 meters long. 3 years later, I traveled to Melkalas, as I longed for my family, after the Freedom Fight. My sector was led by a man named Parley. I hope that my family is okay, and that nothing has happened to them.

    Weapon of choice: Tomes
    Backstory: My mother died when I was at age 6, so I spent the rest of my time usually in with my father in his lab. I became quite good at making healing salves, potions, and all kinds of things out of gross and unappealing objects. About ten years later, when I was a fully fledged alchemist, I met a wandering sage in the fields. I spoke to him and he said he taught magic and he was willing to teach me if I would let him. I accepted and then I learned magic. I loved learning it because..well... maybe it was because I actually had magic in me, magic blood. Nearly 20 years later I became a sage like my teacher. Then he left. It was sad to see the man I had known for 20 years leave and probably never see me again. I left on a ship because I was hearing of evil in another land. (The land where the rp takes place in) I had to fend off a few pirate ships but when I[/quote finally got there, chaos was abound.

    Name: Tincut Aroble
    Age: 26
    Story/History: Tincut was born in a mighty family, parents we're rich and very good fighters, brothers and sisters we're the same, Tincut is the youngest. The family didnt last mighty for long, though. A war broke it, just when Tincut was only 15, half way being a good warrior like others. Tincut is the only one known, who ismalive is his family, others are missing, some dead. Tincut tried to live on his own, in a village. From all his training being a mighty warrior turned out into a hunte and just a miner. As a minerhe had lived through all dangers, monsters, demons who lie deep in the caves. As a hunter of course, he almost become a legend, and was invited into his empire's army. In a patrol, he was captured by a bandit band who were mercy enough tomspare his lives. So they made him their slave. Those we're hard days for Tincut, untill he was taken to a island, in a some sort of mission. Tincut, of course, had a change for the first time to escape and started to learn the island, and the lands where he was...

    The journey (or RP) begins for Tincut, here...

    </br>--- merged: Sep 22, 2012 10:07 AM ---</br>
    (Need five people any extras can join as newly rescued or newly imported and rescued from then on it their choice you can also be a sea wolf or native.)

    EDIT: changed you can be anyone you can think of listed and possibly un-listed and you don't have to be a hero I was just thinking of heroic warriors fighting for freedom when I started this rp if you're seawolf you can start anywhere really so long as you get to Jel'Q'far soon.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
    feet likes this.
  2. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    Name: Fernando Cardo
    Age: 24
    Backstory: My father was a trader. I often spent my time helping on repairs to the ship he used, or traveling short distances with my dad to wherever demand was high for our wood and ores. My two sisters stayed behind with my mother. One day, on the ship, we ran into trouble. The ship was taken by the Velcrian, and damaged. My father, who rebelled, was cut down where he stood, without mercy. I barely managed to find land.
    My family started to have money issues. The very little money we earned went towards food. It was like this for 6 months, until suddenly, a miracle was bestowed. Desperate to feed my family, I signed up to learn how to fight. I was paid and I discovered I was quite handy with the spear, able to wield one 6 meters long. 3 years later, I traveled to Melkalas, as I longed for my family, after the Freedom Fight. My sector was led by a man named Parley. I hope that my family is okay, and that nothing has happened to them.

    (Lukepop, you might want edit the post. You failed to mention which empire (east,west) is Velcria. Also, from this part
    (You are one of these however there was a group of land bandits and there is an Island full of sea-wolves who are fed up with preying on the people of the Land.An empire of sea going mercenaries and traders.But the people who were brought from the conquered lands rebelled and now they are staking this as their new homeland for they were once a great empire.)
    I became confused.
    lukepop likes this.
  3. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    ( fixed)
    feet likes this.
  4. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    Ok, I'll get a backstory tommorow, but how are you gonna be a player and Gm?
  5. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    (I don't know but I`m trying it.)
  6. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    Yes, being a player and GM at the same time...will just...not work.

    Also, to do spoilers, do this:
    put the text you want in the spoiler here
    put the text you want in the spoiler here

    Or if you want a spoiler with a title, then do:
    [spoiler=the title of the spoiler goes here]
    Which will show up as:
    text in the spoiler

    Hope that helped.
  7. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    (yep it did from now on please put non rp text in () )
    </br>--- merged: Oct 8, 2012 8:12 AM ---</br>
    I'm gonna wait till the shroud rp is finished before continuing with anything to do with this thread.
  8. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    Why wait for the shroud rp to finish? It is pretty fun :P Is it because feet is already in it?
  9. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    (I'm gonna wait because it will just be hard to all you can still apply though.)
  10. blukey

    blukey Finest Moustache in the Kingdom Donator

    :O I'm in the shroud descends it's awesome :D
  11. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    (re starting, so long as feet is ok we will just go on without the other people.
  12. feet

    feet Bison Rider

    (We might need more people..)
  13. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    ( ok we'll wait.)
  14. SouthofHeaven

    SouthofHeaven Shark Slayer

    Why limit your character? Why ONLY make him a hero, or tell him where he can ONLY come from?
  15. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    ((I'm not sure I understand))
  16. SouthofHeaven

    SouthofHeaven Shark Slayer

    "You can choose between the port of melkala, the great fort of marq'd or the colonies seized by the rebels"
  17. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    ((oh right good idea))
    </br>--- merged: Apr 4, 2013 5:09 AM ---</br>
    ok I fixed please join
  18. SouthofHeaven

    SouthofHeaven Shark Slayer

    Weapon of choice: Tomes
    Backstory: My mother died when I was at age 6, so I spent the rest of my time usually in with my father in his lab. I became quite good at making healing salves, potions, and all kinds of things out of gross and unappealing objects. About ten years later, when I was a fully fledged alchemist, I met a wandering sage in the fields. I spoke to him and he said he taught magic and he was willing to teach me if I would let him. I accepted and then I learned magic. I loved learning it because..well... maybe it was because I actually had magic in me, magic blood. Nearly 20 years later I became a sage like my teacher. Then he left. It was sad to see the man I had known for 20 years leave and probably never see me again. I left on a ship because I was hearing of evil in another land. (The land where the rp takes place in) I had to fend off a few pirate ships but when I
    </br>--- merged: Apr 4, 2013 3:59 PM ---</br>
  19. lukepop

    lukepop Arsonist

    (got a land in particular?)
  20. SouthofHeaven

    SouthofHeaven Shark Slayer

    What do you mean? If you mean the land I'm from, a small village, if you mean the land I sailed to, a small port being raided by pirates.