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[590] Effective Tower By Your's Trully

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by -Tj-, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    • added build number
    Hey guys, i've made a tower here that i think is effective in the battlefield and has been tested to work well in high populated servers.

    This is it, i hope you guys enjoy it and please feel free to comment below, thank you.

    • Yellow - Every Catapult lovers dream, we should have one of these in every household. ;)
    • Brown - These are for all those archers, 2 archer spots were you can rain all out hell on the enemy.
    • Red - These are for those pesky little builders who earn there kills by luring pray to their doom. :D
    • Purple - Now this is the main part of the tower, and this is what you build first newbies. :p

    Feel free to critisize, and make any recomendations you feel will benefit. Enjoy!!!
    killatron46 and noonann like this.
  2. Demon_Jester

    Demon_Jester Haxor

    Pretty good building.
    Only things i can say against it is...
    The tree infront of your tower is going to bitch alot of your team archers running away to your tower ;P
    Maybe add a bomb shop.
    Bit resource heavy/takes a while to build which can be hard in populated servers. Not near impossible though.
    The in building collapse can be griefed/archers can block the drop and die. I wont take it away tho :L
    Maybe add a small trap at the foot of your tower to stop knights slashing door (unless builder likes to collapse kill ;P)
    And you should always have a way to the top of your tower for in-case some1 bomb jumps on it or such. One ladder and its done.
    Your far right bed will be destroyed by enemy archers, maybe change it to something like---

    Nice design, the things i would change isint rly a must, just what i personally like to c in a tower.
  3. Noonan

    Noonan Poots Donator

    Nice design,
    but I think you could make the traps easier to maintain, I would get rid of the top trap (or leave it there for an emergency) and just add another team bridge where you have the back-wall above the tree. If you have someone constantly manning this trap, it would be easier to rebuild and make it very difficult for the opposition to scale the tower.
  4. ewox250

    ewox250 Shark Slayer

    Very good building. I will be use this construction on kag servers.
    This tower take a lot of time to build it. X3
  5. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Looks good, the only two things I would really change would be the thickness at the bottom and a way onto roof.

    Generally you don't need to make a tower any thicker than 2-3(repairable) at the base. If you need that thickness your tower is going to come down anyway.
    You usually don't want any place on your tower where your teammates can't get too.

    That is pretty much all I can think of, good tower!
    UnnamedPlayer and Varion like this.
  6. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Its good, but the lower brown bit looks really weak, maybe a possible greifer point. And you should maybe make the left side so the enemy (if they get past) cant get past it. And you should make the right side 5 blocks high of stone, so the enemy cant reach the trapdoors.
    But other than that its good.
  7. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Thanks for your feedback Demon_Jester, i like how you mentioned the bomb shop because i comepletly forgot to add it in there.

    Thanks for the feedback noonann, and yes the traps may need to re-adjusted but i see if this was a tower being used at the front lines a smart builder (Ravenplucker) would certianly use the bridge trap above the tree since it confuses the enemy with the tree blocking the backwall. And yes the top trap was there for emergencies only purposes, nothing too fancy.

    I would love to see this built ewox, and yes it took a bit longer then i thought to build it but get it right and it will see to your teams needs.

    Thanks for your feedback killatron, yes i also agree that the base is a big stone spammed and i will play around with that to make it both supportive and useful. ;)

    The lower brown bit is pretty much all backwall, but my emoticon is in the way of that so im sure it could withstand a few bombs if an enemy gets past. I comeplety forgot about the back actually, i will certianly fix that up to stop those bombjumpers. 5 blocks high? The enemy cant reach the trapdoors because there too high up, even if there hacking at the main entrance or climbing up that way.
    But thank you for your feedback force i will update soon and add these items.

    ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
    Force and noonann like this.
  8. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Looks like nothing special. Cata roofs may not have occurred to newer builders.
  9. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Sorry i meant teamdoors*. The entrance to the right, the main wall that the enemy face. Just so the enemy cant dig those doors and scale up.
  10. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I like your point of veiw even though i disagree but hey free country. If newer builder try to build this then they can go for it but i garentuee someone with skill as one will certainly help them along.
  11. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    • You can collapse the middle with 2 bombs if they manage to get in position.
    • Also I think the drop is too high so they may be able to see it.
    • Im no good at aiming with data but maybe its just a tiny bit high, but thats just what I think.
    • Also maybe hard to build.
    • Spikes are pointless, in general I don't like spikes on walls because a bomb jumper is blocked anyways weather it is a plane or a spike wall.
    Strong point
    • One block gap between the bridge and wall in red area really helps stop bombers.
    • Good workshop placements, however need more
    • Secure bottom, hard to collapse
    • Hard to ladder over
    • Easily expand/abandon-able. First you can build the strong purple basement then you can choose to expand more or not. If you choose to expand, you can expand up to the first workshop.