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Retro World War One Texture Pack

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by popowitz, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. popowitz

    popowitz Catapult Fodder

    This is a simple retro texture pack on the ww1 theme.
    Soldiers textures aren't mine.:(

    +Pack british vs germans without colors : Baseww1.zip+

    Trench warfare

    Artillery platoon


    +Pack colors and british army : ww1_colors.zip+

    +Pack colors and early french army : ww1_colors_frenchies.zip+


    +Installation notes+
    2.Put "base" file into your Kag directory


    Attached Files:

  2. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    I've been waiting for someone to make world textures for the ww1 pack, Turtles been too lazy i suppose :p

    Will give feedback after I try it out.

    Edit: Ok, so the biggest problem I have is that EVERYTHING blends together. It's as if you threw out the rest of the color palette and stuck gray in there. Especially troublesome with team objects, can't tell them apart. The character sprite should've been left the way they were too, now there is even less contrast between teams. It was hard enough before with the dark brown/gray, now it's like gray team vs gray team. Really the only thing wrong with it is the copious amounts of gray, but it could be touched up easily. Also, just an idea but perhaps the spikes should be replaced with barbed wire? Include the ww1 sounds in the zip file too for convenience.
  3. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    HNNNGGGG Im just one turtle! i cant make everything!, i've got a buttload of things such as "updating the WW1 sprites, working on the new Warcraft 2 texture pack, work on redoing Ol' Major's Desert pack, a bunch of random/comedic packs i've yet to finish, weapon changes, terrain changes for a space texture pack i'm thinking of doing for starcraft.

    I should slap you in face, but i'd get a cramp from moving my turtle'y body so fast. >:O

    To popowitz: very creative texture pack bro
  4. popowitz

    popowitz Catapult Fodder

    I will try to put more contrast between teams. Remplace spikes with barbed wire is not a bad idea.
    I could make sepia team vs black & white team.
    I think Turtle is working hard to update his sprites which are very fun.
    Or if you want i could make a colored version of the pack but my priority was to make the old atmosphere of the ww1.
    Thank you to have put a comment.

    Can someone help me to make barbed wires because mine are too bad...

  5. Frank

    Frank Shopkeep Stealer

    So far mod looks pretty gewd. But it still lacks some things:
    1) Plz add red and blue badges to all units. Black&White vs Sepia is one really depressive design decision.
    2) Trap bridges and doors are of the same colour. blargh
    3) Arrow.png needs to be changed. Bullet would be less visible but hey it's a ww1 setting so who cares.
    4) SOUNDS! Omgash... Epic explosions, artillery sounds, death sounds, etc. btw Archer is still charging his bow which just looks like a rifle. That's quite depressive too.
    5) Stone, badrock and gold textures shouldnt be black'n'white imho.
  6. dnmr

    dnmr Ministry of ban Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    have you never seen WWI movies? It's all black and white. They didn't have colours back then
  7. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Coalition of turtle'y powers unite!
    Yeah, i can help ya. Just give me a sec, i'll need to do different versions of the barbed wire.
  8. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    Really the only thing it needs is more contrast, being able to tell the teams and their objects apart should be top priority. Personally I would use Turtle's original character sprites and edit the world items to fit in with it. Stone and gold should be easier to spot as well, this makes it really hard to find gold. Again, just my suggestions :D
  9. popowitz

    popowitz Catapult Fodder

    Thank you Turtle.
    I'm making a version without black'n'white.
    Black'n'white pack is the hard game mod :)
    Nebuchadnezzar and Frank like this.
  10. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    The two teams could be the good guys (in full color) vs the bad guys (gray with red details). Everything else could be kinda gloomy and gray except important thinks like shiny gold. :D

    example (kinda. The good guy isn't in color in the Saboteur, unless he's in a good area.)
  11. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Just played with this pack, its awesome. Although the guys are the same color, their uniforms allowed me to tell friend from foe. Ill be looking forward to more ww1 goodness!
  12. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    No dude, the cameras didnt have colour^^ they had :rollseyes:
  13. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    Thats the joke :rollseyes:
  14. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Here's an idea, try fading out the colors instead of turning them all gray? like faded green, brown, and whatever so we can get more of a contrast, also expect an updated version of the WW1 sprites soon.
  15. popowitz

    popowitz Catapult Fodder

    My first idea was to fade the colors only like recolored movies of ww1. But i haven't utilities to do it. I'm working on Paint.net and photofiltre. An update is coming soon. If you know a program to do it i'm want to know it.
  16. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Download GIMP, its a free image editing program and suits nicely for pixel art of this kind. I have photoshop but gimp works well too. You should be able to tone down the colors by doing a Hue/saturation change, just lower the saturation of the sprites and backgreounds and you should get what you're looking for. :D
  17. popowitz

    popowitz Catapult Fodder

  18. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Good work on the new colored pack, the french looks tasty!
  19. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Going to have to create a new updated version of the WW1 skins since they're soooo outdated. Hopefully i can do them soon.
  20. richtofen115

    richtofen115 Bison Rider Tester

    this is probably a stupid question but whats the directory?:huh?: