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Video The KAG Video Factory!

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by WanderMark, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator


    For chrome users: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD0VQk1w3X4

    Spring is finally upon us, and summer is just around the corner. And with that I've decided to once again get back into a hobby that has followed me throughout the years.

    A fresh start. I've been looking to start making videos of King Arthur's Gold for a long time, and now I finally have the time to do so. ​
    For the time being, at least the 5-8 coming weeks, I will upload one video related to KAG everyday- starting tomorrow, the 23rd of April. ​
    What you can expect to see:
    • Zombie Annihilation (basically Zombie Genocide)
    • Capture The Flag
    • Parkour
    • Montages
    • Team Deathmatch
    • Community Discussion (talk about recent topics related to the game and the community)
    • Mod/texture/art spotlight (taking a look at community-crafted content within the game)
    And more!​
    I need your help!
    I need you to come up with challenges for Zombie Annihilation. Restrictions, objectives, changes in the script, give it to me!​
    Furthermore, do you have a map, a mod, a texture or maybe some art related to KAG that you want me to spotlight in a video? Please contact me! Do you want to discuss a topic about KAG with me, face to face? Then please let me know!​

    I really want to cover KAG to my fullest potential, so I implore you, please help me with this undertaking. Any help/feedback that I can get is very much appreciated, I welcome it with open arms. ​
    There are a ton of videos on the horizon, I will put down my best effort to make it an enjoyable experience.​
    Thank you. Truthfully.​
    MadDog, AcidSeth, Beepo and 23 others like this.
  2. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    This has my complete and total approval. Videos from you are a fabulous thing.

    Have a good one.
  3. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Damn, you really managed to get me hyped. That was awesome, Mark! Really looking forward to it. Boy...when you started the "why-bother" part I couldn't hold myself anymore. 25252525

    You're doing a really great job on creating tension! I mean...you could just use the first 90 secs and it would have been a awesome teaser for KAG. It doesn't show too much and people might not understand everything but they're gonna have this feel: "Hey, what's that game? This dude sure has fun! I need to try that out! I want to play that too!"
    (Ever considered creating a [or the] trailer for when KAG 1.0 goes public?)

    As a suggestion: Try Strathos' Dungeons and Zombies. It's really fun. Especially with some comrades deep down in the dark. Also one video using the Tiny Pixl texture pack would be fun too.

    I liked your choice of music and font but you've asked for it; some critique:
    At around 03:00 you started creating an emotional arc of suspense. All the atmospheric camera movement and lightening and stuff. You got me pumped. But now I was expecting the big boom at around 04:50 when you zoomed into the monitor and started showing the gameplay scenes. I especially mean the music. I know you've transitioned to a faster beat at around 04:45 but the segue was too much noticable, at least for me. (Same at 06:17 btw.) Also I felt that the music now was a bit too quiet and not matching my excitement-level. At least not yet. The guitar solo later on was awesome and really fit to create this "epicness"-feeling.
    Wow...that really sounds like complaining on a high level. :oops:
  4. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Amazing, I used to watch your videos before. Really hyped to see you new videos!
  5. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I went to sleep so that I would be fully rested for today, when I woke up I was more than pleased! This is truly great, just awesome!

    Thanks for the criticism illu, I too felt that the music was handled a tad bit poorly at these parts. I was super hyped at this stage though and kinda rushed it unknowingly!

    Big thanks for the kind words from everyone as well. Already had some suggestions about textures, both here and through personal messages- this will work!

    Already started working on one video, will upload it once I am done with my second and get them out in a batch.

    Again, so happy about this! Thanks so very much.
  6. This is great! I loved watching your old videos, hopefully these will be as good or better!
  7. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    I propose you try ,,EPIC MOD RUN FOR YOUR LIFE'' made by Ceastel10. It`s funny mode and i can help you with recording.I know very well owner of server and i`m admin on it. You can also try some parqour server.It should be challange for you ;). If you`re interested just PM me. Im often on IRC and forum. Good luck at work, you`re good at what you do and we`re all happy to see you back in job.
    DobryMurzyn likes this.
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Hype gotten, commander!
    Hella and Shadza like this.
  9. I'd love to see a video from Lord Shakrave's modded zombies. As when it will be released it will be the_best_zombies in entire KAG along with Strathos' Dungeons & Zombies.
  10. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    One word: Epicawesomenessess
  11. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    *removes invisible glasses*

    WanderMark is back.

    Guitarman likes this.
  12. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    I am seriously amazed how well received this has been. I was expecting one, or maybe two suggestions about what to cover at its height. But in less than 24 hours- people have proposed about 8-9 things. Both here and through personal messages. I'm loving it!

    Hopefully the pot will keep on brewing!

    Incidentally, there will be two videos coming up today- one is already completed! All in all, both videos should be uploaded in a batch within 4-5 hours.

  13. Juaro

    Juaro Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Super hyped, Mark! I think i would still watch your videos if there were no actual video, just for the sake of your soothing voice. :>

    As for suggesting, maybe you have gotten this already over a pm or something, but "Kag Gather" is a relatively big part of KAG gaming right now. (two teams gather on IRC and plan a match, gives a more "competitive" sense of the game :>).

    Once again, really happy to say you back in the video business again, huge support here! Go birdie, fly! :)
    WanderMark likes this.
  14. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Not giving away anything, but there might be something related to KAG Gather coming up in 2-3 days. Just maybe.

    Thanks a bunch for the huge support. I feel a bit like a broken record, but the gratitude is 100% sincere. I'm so incredibly glad of the reception this has received. It is very much a way for me to contribute to the community and become more active as well.

    Thank you so much.:heart:

    Edit: Slight delay 60-90min. This is due to a fierce badminton match that I was "forced" into playing. Going to record the last video now.
    Shadza, Lieber, Guitarman and 2 others like this.
  15. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Don't worry, Mark. You're not a broken record, you're a mix-tape full of handsomely written emotional poems, hurtling down our emotional arteries towards our hearts, there to collide in a ball of embarrassingly erotic fire, painfully killing and/or maiming all involved.

    The last bit needs work, but the meaning should be clear.
    Kalikst likes this.
  16. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Psst, guys, don't tell anyone, but I think Hella's in love.

    Subscribed to the new channel and am eagerly awaiting the video(s).
  17. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Right! First video is up, second will take just a bit longer due to a mistake on my part.

    Zombie Annihilation part one!

    Chrome users: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRKsXp0JWTc&feature=youtu.be

    Quite short, will make up for it tomorrow! Again, I need you to come up with challenges for Zombie Annihilation!
    Beepo, CrystalClear, Varion and 3 others like this.
  18. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    redefined superepicaesomesauce because we don't ever forget the sauce.
    also try the sumo server cause that is fun
    Force likes this.
  19. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Saw it pop up in my sub box.

    + Batman
    + Awesome Ending
    - Too Short
  20. Freddex

    Freddex Haxor

    I'm glad you're back and feeling well. This community can never have enough good mood. You exhale and radiate it, so I hope the outside resembles the inside in your case. Stay creamy and keep on making those videos, I bow before your fine skills in crafting videos and watch in admiration. Also, fecking zombies and batman, hell yes.
    WanderMark likes this.