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[WiP]Crab's Bricks and Bots

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Crabmaster, May 2, 2013.

  1. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Hello all, today I bring you my VERY WiP texturepack I have been working on, Bricks and Bots!

    This texturepack, when completed, will mainly revolved around the theme of brick style structures, machines/robots, and general retextures of blocks to make them more fitting to the style, or just textured to random things I think look cool. All graphics will hopefully be retextured, but currently I only have most of the main world tiles finished!

    A castle made of stone!
    Grass and trees!
    A nice view of a good many blocks such as natural stone, gold being replaced by gems, and bedrock!
    (More screenshots soon!)

    To-do list:
    Finish main tilesets
    Retexture shops
    Retexture more zombies into robots
    Everything else

    Anyway, here is the current version for now! Hope to see you all soon with some updates!
    Bricks and Bots.zip

    Attached Files:

    Guitarman, Gurin, Varion and 12 others like this.
  2. Jedzored

    Jedzored Haxor

    Nice! I watch your lets plays, but i didn't know you textured too.
    Crabmaster likes this.
  3. FlammableSoulz

    FlammableSoulz Drill Rusher

    The textures look nice:thumbs_up:
  4. Derschlact

    Derschlact FIRE AT WILL! Donator

    I'd like to ask what you what the design for the knights, builders and archers will be. Pliz. Doing something secret and I don't want to [DATA EXPUNGED] anybody by [DATA EXPUNGED].

    Anyways, the things at the top of the castle are spikes, right? If so, since you're designing machines of some sort, don't you think it'd be weird if a robot suddenly got stabbed and damaged by a lego spike? (not to be offensive, I know it's a work in progress, but the spikes look the equivalent of a lego brick hill.

    Postscript: Also wanted to ask if this is still being continued.
  5. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    AAAAND I RETURN! Yes, this is going to be continued as I have decided to start working on it again today! And yes those are spikes, I've been debating what to do about those spikes and will change them in the future!

    As for the Knights, Builders, and Archers I was debating how to handle those, I might make them robots, but at the same time the zombies are already robots? Either way I know the Knight will probably wear some kinda jacket or something to look awesome and punch things with superfists! And the Archer will either have a gun or a cannon he carries around...

    Anyway, hopefully I can do some work on this over the next few days, and then hopefully start on the Beta version of the Texture!
  6. Jedzored

    Jedzored Haxor

    Maybe Red can be Robots as well, since you can do separate models for each side, and blue is the team fighting zombies.