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Short feedback thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Monsteri, May 3, 2013.

  1. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Well excuse me, but you've written them like someone would write a bug report; so I came to the conclusion you'd know what you'd be writing.
  2. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    CTF or destroy the building/throne/crown/merchant/whatever, it regens health and you cannot build/destroy within 10 blocks of it (to prevent hiding it in a 10 block thick stone box)

    got some more problems i found
    -Drill is OP, block-breaking is balanced but if you have the drill then you can mow through everybody
    -I hate mill saw, i mean i get that it is supposed to be sharp but it just becomes a hazard later on
    -nursury needs to be built at the start, out of 5 games 2 of them ended quickly because no-one built a nursery and we were out of trees
    -just a personal opinion but i don't think that there is enough land combat, 75% of all combat is in the water or on a boat, i think that there should be an island in the middle, and not a teeny-tiny one that some default maps have
    -kinda goes off the last complaint but with only 2 big, easily defended land masses it becomes almost pointless to build a tunnel
    -why do all crates have the grid when you hold them? i understand it for the factories and such but why does a supply crate full of wood need a grid? or a boat?

    but as i said earlier, pros far outway the cons, this game is a blast despite not even being finished yet :)
  3. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Mill saw - build a stone housing for it, health and safety concerns sorted.

    As for tunneling, I think with a greater variety of maps that will come it'll become a viable tactic again, it'll be interesting to see maps where tunneling under the water mass is possible, and digging in the right places to flood it is both time consuming and/highly fatal. It'll take fucking ages but it'd be one of those cool risk and reward balances since you're taking units out of the sea battles.

    I think maps are a bit of problem though generally, they all feel like they need to be bigger with more land, KAB seems to be suffering a little from classic premium water stalemates, even with all the boats. So a bit more land in the mix with a variety of water mass sizes, between ones that are more of an obstacle then a full on logistical problem, ones where a boat would make things more convenient but not necessary, and some of the big fuckers that make up most of them where you HAVE to have that boat to get over. Map variety was the real issue for me when I played yesterday, and made it a little bit of a let down since there was so much cool shit to take on board, it kinda made the game get a bit dull before really having time to weigh up much else.
  4. Check out Digger and Mexer's saw.
  5. minecraft user detect'd


    -picking up objects is still ridiculous. Try picking up something REALLY important in spite of fight, 9/10 cases you will pick up one of the arrow packs directly behind it.
    NinjaCell likes this.
  6. Knighthart

    Knighthart is love Donator

    The respawn "menu" popping up to determine where you spawn is really annoying. It shows up the second you die and when that happens to be in the middle of combat you already clicked something and have no clue where you'll come out.
    Any way to change your spawn location after that menu?
    GloriousToast, Ej and Monsteri like this.
  7. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    - Factories take up too much room. There is no interesting gameplay component to them taking up so much room and it impedes other mechanics such as base building and farming. I suggest having single factories that do multiple things but upgrade. For example you could take a bomb/arrow factory and pump gold into it to upgrade it to also produce incendiary.

    - Backstab is very clumsy. In a 2D game where you can instantly turn around as frequently as you like, where you can easily jump over people, where lag is huge and there is no lag compensation, backstabs really become fairly luck based. And having luck decide between you doing almost no damage to doing sometimes an instakill is basically just obvious poor design. I'm not saying get rid of it, I've been advocating archer melee for years, but the whole backstab thing doesn't really work.

    - Mounted Bow is pretty strong, as mentioned. Despite my inflammatory title I don't think it's as much of a force as the drill, but unlike the drill I think it's a problem in of that it takes some of the archer's niche away and supports camping a lot more than it supports offence. I would like to see it fire less quickly, even to the point of being inferior to an archer, but allow you to move it. Or perhaps it could stage as a sort of emergency stationary defence for holding off zerg rush, but maybe being less damaging.

    - Wheels are clumsy. With bombs being so plentiful and with the terrain gens being so awkward it's nigh impossible to wheel catas across and stretch of land. I really really feel we should drop wheels and simply have them be carryable. Either that or provide an easy way of making land siege machine friendly.

    - Inventories are too small. There are so many cool things to hold now: food, resources, lanterns, kegs, etc. The problem is that inventories are so small you don't even have enough room for what you need. With the knight's one slot he can carry one bomb. He needs more bombs than that, and he'd also like to carry food to heal himself or others, room to carry gold back to base, etc. As part of their core mechanics archers can use normal arrows, fire arrows, and satchels. They also need to carry a lantern for fire arrows. With their two inventory slots they can't use all of their abilities (which admittedly may be an interesting dynamic) but they can't even carry as much as they'd like of one thing! Builders are better but still a little tight as well. I'd recommend archers get either four slots and/or be allowed to carry greater quantities of arrows and satchels. I feel knights should get 2 or 4 slots and be able to carry multiple bombs in one slot. Builders should get at least 8.

    edit: yeah i let my verbosity loose but i bolded the important bits so the rest can be skipped
  8. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    Mr. contrary despite your wonderful descriptions are great, you are missing the point of the thread....
    a few mor
    • all water blocks are infinitive let a small gap in and the whole tunnel is flooded
    • lanterns are so very useless in a flooded tunnel
    • you can give yourself small pockets of air using doors placed around head levels
    • scroll of gibs is op. ending games no problem, however is limited in general to 0-3 per map
    • super secret method to find scroll: press e and look for destroy all symbol, please remove immediately/remove range
    • instead of the respawn time then another respawn time if another happens to spawn at the same time just have respawn time and then a "waiting to respawn" at default
    • destroying blocks do not give back mats nor do destroying mounted bows
    • getting onto boats is hard
  9. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Lack of wood: Once the first few trees are down it's all about relying on supply drops. The nursery always says that the pine tree seed limit is reached, despite their only being one tree planted, though it may be because some idiot takes all the seeds and gets eaten by a shark, leaving the seeds at the ocean bed.

    Drills and water: Whenever there is a water side castle it can be completely demolished by a drill because it doesn't need to cool down. a hole drilled at water level can let the holder drill right through.
  10. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    • selectinga block in builder menu means clicking in menu, and the kagA version of hover your mouse over the bar does not work here
    • when you run out of resources required for a block, you deselect from that block and are not selecting anything
    • trampolines have a height limit. even if you jumped from really high you will still only jump so high (no proper conservation of force?)
  11. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Stuns from arrows, these stuns are horrible at the moment, you don't get stunned like you would by a slash. all it does is lower your shield and keep you from raising it for around 1-2 seconds. Which is horrible! The stun from arrows needs to be redesigned, make it like the stun for jabbing a knights shield. Anything other then the current one will do.
  12. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Instead of bashing "Mr Contrary"'s awesomeness, why not paraphrase?
    Bare bones version of Contrary's wall text:
    • Factories take up too much room: No interesting reason why factories and other shops take up so much room. Advocating multiple use factories or reduce the size.
    • Back stab is very clumsy. Feels too random due to lag and such; It is a poor design choice for 2D game play where you can turn around instantly.
    • Mounted Bow is pretty strong. Not as powerful as the Drill, Its OP as a defensive weapon and should shoot less often, also needs better offensive option (moveable)? Firing speed could be reduced.
    • Wheels are clumsy. Terrain gets too awkward for wheeled vehicles over time, need a repack option so we can carry them around or revert to KAG cata setup.
    • Inventories are too small. Too many things too hold with too few inventory slots. Archers can't utilize all of their abilities at once, Knights can't carry more than 2 bombs, would love to see more inventory slots.
  13. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Revive the war base!
    killatron46 likes this.
  14. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Yeah, I liked the whole Warbase thing, it gave a clear goal to WAR game mode. :) However, I would also be sad if we lost our current setup with factories and barracks ect. Combine them perhaps?
  15. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Im busy with remaking the war base, I basicly need to add some more items and let them spawn each map :)
    There will be no workbench with factories (stuff will be sold for gold @ trader, wood and stone @ siege shop in war base), storage (built-in in war base), nursery (built-in in war base) and barracks (you can change in war base, I don't like the concept of spawning everywhere, I'd rather remake the outpost)
  16. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    On this subject I'd like to see

    • Different factories with specific use for all of them (boatyard, siege machines, war supplies etc)
    • Factories are upgraded as currently, but obviously upgrades only working in their specific factories.
    • Limit of 1 factory of each kind, really no need for more as you can just use tunnels and crates to move stuff about, less clutter/lag
    Further to that
    • No auto spawn of items, causes more items to be on the field causing clutter/unnecessary lag(?) Items simply available when they're ready - wouldn't be surprised if there were a reason that it doesn't work like this currently though
    • Item availability and limits looked into as a result of :up: , would be nice to have items like bombs, arrows, lanterns available in higher numbers.
    • With regards to item limits; items need to be able to disappear in certain situations, perhaps they already do but maybe quicker time for some items? - e.g. seeds, not been on 1 game so far where you can find them and they're always at limit, maybe make things in water disappear faster if possible?
    Other stuff
    • Items can be bought without factories for high gold prices, I initially thought was gonna happen with the tech/trader arrangement - obviously would need limiting due to lag
    • Like killa said, maybe have an upgrade-able barracks with a few smaller items available as a result; bombs, arrows, laterns and stuff like that.
    • More ways of lighting your base, lanterns don't really do enough, and it would be good to have an alternative to having loads of them lying about causing lag, especially since you need them for the frontline and mining.
    Kiofspa and killatron46 like this.
  17. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    All that new content is really amazing.

    Now, there are a lot of unbalanced things. Imo, we need a proper list of adjustements and it will be perfect.

    I cant wait for the ctf mode. It will be 100x better than war mode. Imagine a castle with all these siege weapons.