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[Idea] Battle for Dune texture pack

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Kuja, May 10, 2013.

  1. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    Hey guys. :B):
    I have an idea to create Dune (Frank Herbert) themed texture pack.
    The main concept:
    Red - Harkonnen
    Blue - Atreides

    Converting everything to rock and sand, gold will be spice-colored. Water will be converted to sand, and ships to some sand transport (some kind of ATV for sand). All turrets will still shoot arrows, but will be remade a bit.

    Knights will become some kind close combat troops. For Blue - atreides troops, for Red - or saardukars or harkonen troops.

    Archers will become fremen for atreides, and some snipey harkonnen for red.

    Builders will be some kind of workers (obvious). :)

    Im not quite sure what to do with vegetation and wood. :huh?:

    Any suggestions? ???
    Also, if anyone wants to participate - you're welcome.
    ewox250 likes this.
  2. Toy

    Toy Bison Rider

    Vegetation = Cactus ^^

    I can't participate because I'm not a good artist
    Froghead48 likes this.
  3. ewox250

    ewox250 Shark Slayer

    Good idea :thumbs_up:
    Ciasteczko and DobryMurzyn like this.
  4. Kuja

    Kuja Shark Slayer

    Oh, i played a bit, and found out, that i can switch grass with sand piles, like those are being blown over the rock.
    and, well, trees can be dryed ones, i guess.