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The official MeteorVPS 128Slot Server!

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by eastonch, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    Dear user.

    Eastonch is going to be recording the biggest ever match on KAG known! - We're going to recruit as many people to join the server & get a large video compiled & thrown out to the masses of youtube and some random indie game sites! Please. keep joining, invite everybody you know! We'll alert all players upon recording and start a fresh map upon it too!

    We have seen your posts wanting a large battleground of users and fights to happen, all the time, and a nice mashup of suicide bombers and castles at the sky limit, MeteorVPS are here for you.

    MeteorVPS is a company based on VPS's and Minecraft Hosting, recently, we saw a lovely guide by and we made our own, large server on just a base Debian Distro, it runs fine, but can crash.
    We will be providing hosting for KAG on all of our VPS plans, cheaply!

    Well, we wanted to do something memorable, and this will be memorable, the largest KAG server, with minimal lag.
    We also want to make this game take off, making it larger, more populated and a much bigger community. Also, we will be promoting a 20slot Gold Only server shortly. Which will have extra benefits for joining it.

    We host / own / rent many powerful dedicated servers, some being up to 128GB of RAM big, in raid10 arrays of SAS drives, it's no small server.

    Can I join?
    Yup, everybody can. It's a open server for all, a gold server will follow suit later. but not just yet.

    It's true, you can't run a server without staff, that's why we have the following staff ingame.
    • Owner: Eastonch
    • Co-Owner: GlowFisch
    Are you hiring?
    Yes, for this server, we need some more moderators, just to stick around, kick high pingers, Griefing etc.

    If you're interested in becoming part of the server staff, send me a PM detailing you, your experiance in management & leadership, and also explain why you'd be suited for this role. We're looking for a mature person who can be a part of the community.

    I hope you enjoy our server, and remember, we're perfect!
    Mornaval likes this.
  2. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

    joining at mach speed
  3. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    it starts the mega lagg ay 50 ppl.
    you will need hexa core + to run 128 ppl.my mc server had a kag server to but it stopped now.had a possibility of 258 slots XD
  4. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    You're incorrect.

    The server is hosted on 12 Physical Cores of which they are HT'd and also, they're unused.

    Also, KAG is a single thread, so a dual core clocked to something like 4.5GHZ would be better than 6 cores clocked to 2.4Ghz.

    It will get laggy, it's the way KAG is built, no server will be able to hold more than 60 without lag. (for now)

    I do hope that MM manges to make it either MultiThreaded or he actually makes his server more efficent.

    We'll be his testing dummy if he wants :}!
  5. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    Most lags come from behind, the fact that many people are fighting in one place. It is necessary need to support large maps(from devs), need vehicles, then the problem 60 + slots and lag will be gone in an instant.
  6. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    The server files / program needs to be wrote more efficiently or use a more easy algorithm for the game, or just make it multi-threaded, which it never will be because there's very few programs which will use more than 1 or 2 CPU's. And making code from 1thread -> 2threads is pretty difficult from what I hear.
  7. Divreus

    Divreus Shipwright

    Eastonch, why you gotta drop stone on the red team. :(
  8. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    Many comment on mine and Glowfisch's random rages of admin attacks...

    Personally, I love it, stone the middle and wait for some idiot to drop the ladder and let his whole team die while the other team storm ahead :] Good vantage point, but who's the idiot? :}, I didnt drop it. You guys did!

    Also, thanks to all of the current & future players! We see a bright future ahead of us!
  9. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Glowfisch was using map editor to make walls for his team and encase enemies and enemy outposts in bedrock. No one seemed to mind and told me not to kick him (Turtles, Beef), so I figured this would be the time to follow the spirit of the law rather than the letter.

    But I'll just say that not everyone will like that sort of thing, might hurt your chances of getting a full server.
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    We can try to multithread KAG at some point (giving the physics its own core to play with could be a good idea) but from what I understand the netcode is stupidly light (http://kagforum.com/index.php?threads/server-questions.479/). What are the symptoms of a higher player count? Is it high CPU load or memory consumption or what?

    The only thing that I can think would really scale with players would be the time spent compressing and decompressing packets if we're still doing that.
  11. Miaow

    Miaow The Fanciest Pants always wins Donator Tester

    Also, I did get banned for saying dehr was griefing, not nice.
  12. glowfisch

    glowfisch Shipwright

    but the red ones where losing so badly ;) could not help it to help them a little bit :p
    hehe but most of the games are dont the normal way :) but some time some random meteor strike here and there is pritty funny hehe[/quote]
  13. glowfisch

    glowfisch Shipwright

    sorry but don't grief in our server :)
  14. glowfisch

    glowfisch Shipwright

    11-09-28 19:03:23

    well we hit 60+ :)

    - oh yeah if you have a nice kag map feel free to share it with us we might use it :) -

  15. Lord_Drakaien

    Lord_Drakaien Shipwright

    Ok thats not cool. I got BANNED on this server because my connection screw up... And Iam asking why?
    If there is a griefer he is NEVER banned. A cheater. Hardly banned.
    PS. Only on this server.
  16. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    Server gets very laggy and uses up between 88-100% of a given core.

    The memory usage is pretty low, it just can't keep up with the amount of CPU it's trying to pump out, bearing in mind these are Q2 2011 Processors in here, they're top of the range Server processors, so it's clearly something looking into.

    Ill get him to unban you.

    You may of been kicked by the server for multiple logins, should be clear now.

    In addition to the above, I think the server is getting pretty big each day, each day consistantly at the top of the browser for ping & players - Got a good thing going.

    Plan - opening a US node shortly.
  17. Azhukar

    Azhukar Shipwright

    I just got banned and I have no idea why or by who. Was playing archer and shooting arrows at that moment. Did not say anything in chat either.
  18. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Huh, sounds like the decompression might be taking its toll. I'll tell Michal.
    Valkyrie likes this.
  19. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Erm, yeah, I just got banned in a similar manner. The lag was pretty bad at the time (I was playing on this server because it had a decent number of people) and so I couldn't really see if there was any actual reason...
  20. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    I've actually not banned anybody, - I don't do that. I'll remove the bans later, could be a glitch? another admin? Can't see it, can't see it being glowfisch to be honest.

    Not to sure, looks to be stable at the moment, will report back later. :]