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The Holy Maps

Discussion in 'Maps' started by HolyUndine, May 13, 2013.

  1. HolyUndine

    HolyUndine Catapult Fodder

    This is a post to put up maps created by me, just getting into mapping and want as much feedback as everyone can give. I do not mind if you use these maps on your server but it would be nice if you messaged me your server name so i can play my map with others. If you have any ideas that may make the maps better, please comment below :)

  2. Hawxx

    Hawxx Bison Rider

    Nice to see you making maps too, lots of people are actually making maps recently your map looks awesome, can't wait to play on it. :eek:
    HolyUndine likes this.
  3. HolyUndine

    HolyUndine Catapult Fodder

    I don't think anyone yet has incorporated a shark death trap. :p
    Hawxx likes this.
  4. lavalord

    lavalord Haxor Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    1. Overall this is craftily constructed. I love how the shark infested pools add to the intensity of a match. If anything I would work some traders into the map since from a recent update you can now purchase items in TDM mode.

    2. This map looks to me as if it would cause a lot of stalemates. The mountains overlooking the ocean would be difficult to scale, and once an average defense is in place, almost impossible. You need to incorporate some room for offensive strategies in this map. This could be in the form of tunnels through the hills or decrease their height entirely. Personally, I would do a combination of the both with emphasis on the latter. The gold also seems excessive. Maybe reduce it by a third.

    3. I tried to open this map myself, to take a look, however it seems that the colours may have be wrong. Can anyone confirm this or is it just me.

    4. Another nice TDM map. I would just alter the gradients of the slopes for a more step approach, just so combat can be a bit more even.

    5. I've said before that asymmetrical maps are very hard but for TDM this can be taken less seriously. As before I would just work on the slopes for this one, the same as number 4.

    I can't wait for more.
  5. Agnar

    Agnar Catapult Fodder

    Sweet maps dude :)
  6. HolyUndine

    HolyUndine Catapult Fodder

    I have updated the maps to spawn traders, sorry for the delay but i finally got it. There will be no trader on the stone map because i can find any decent places to place them and they dont really match the map. Plus i tried to keep the traders in the TDM maps to be not too close to the spawn so that people cant just spawn and while they have 4 seconds of invincibility, they buy 3 steaks and heal when they take damage. If you notice any bugs or non registered blocks (photoshop sometimes merges colors randomly) is places there should be i would like it if you comment below :D

    Thanks for the reminder.

    BTW, The missing blocks wasn't you, i believe it was the version of the map. After studying the maps myself i fixed the glitched blocks and reuploaded. There are no broken textures in the current version of my maps.
    lavalord likes this.