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[590] Master's Defence Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by master3327, May 12, 2013.


Is this tower good?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  3. Slightly, But has some troubles

    6 vote(s)
  4. Its ok I guess

    2 vote(s)
  1. master3327

    master3327 Shopkeep Stealer

    Hey guys I am gonna show my tower...


    So, 1: A archer hideout with quarters, (Its awesome cause when you get hurt, You automatically heal!, Unless your on a server that requires coins.
    2: A collapse trap that can kill, (Highly suggested you hit 3's trap first cause they can hide and will JUST get wounded, You need to be builder OR knight to use, [If your knight hit the team door])
    3: Hit your team door in front to drop the other, Mainly wounds :p
    4: Archer hole, Bomb preventation and trap all in one.
    5: Back walls that don't cost alot
    6: Idiot bot...
    7: A stickman warrior that cannot pass :D.
    master4523 likes this.
  2. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    yet a knight with two bombs and half a brain can
  3. Gredd

    Gredd Builder Stabber

    Two Bombs, And A Few Knights And Builders. This Tower Isn't That Good. If You Are Going To Make Towers And The Like, Make Them Bomb-Proof, I.E. Lots Of Stone. :)
  4. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    This is a linepiece with decorations.
    You're obviously a troll.
    Don't feed.
    Force and Kovett like this.
  5. master3327

    master3327 Shopkeep Stealer

    Fineeee xD, Add another layer of stone where the back wall is :p (Or in front)
  6. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Um? Who's the troll? Linepeices are the most effective type of tower for their cost, so naturally anyone with brains will post Linepeices thinking it is good and original. I doubt master3327 searched the forums for similar buildings before putting his own up, but he shouldn't be chastised for that because 80% of posts on this forum are made without looking through existing posts. I can understand your frustration though Gofio.
    Now I will critique. This is a Linepeice variation, which is good, however some of your additions hinder the overall effectiveness of the tower more than help. Also master, I highly recommend you put this in your OP:
    Next time too, use the on forum uploading system, works really well.
    • No rear base access is good, however movement is hindered greatly inside your tower, (must be directly at the base of door to get up to next door from inside). I would recommend more bridges for easier access.
    • Repairable from inside.
    • I like the collapse options you have there, I'm guessing they are built on as needed and not just like that all the time?
    • I really like the back wall support you have going in the back, these will more often than not keep your tower from collapsing. However, you should also add a line of back wall directly behind the forward facing wall as well.
    • I generally do not like to use the knee-cappers (4), as they create extremely easy access to the base of your tower via bombs, your placement of the knee-capper doesn't allow the bomb chute to help. If you move the knee capper back and down like so it will work better:
      Kudos to SuperBlackCat. :p His thread. screen-13-05-12-12-01-19.png
    I3lue, CrystalClear, Gofio and 2 others like this.
  7. master3327

    master3327 Shopkeep Stealer


    Did the Snip thing work? xD, Thanks btw, I don't look at other peoples designs, But I do look at beta, I like the saw designs xD. Back on topic, I should change 4 to team doors on the outside and remove the archer spot.
  8. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    I knight with one bomb, and a tower can pass as well, This is a line piece..... Not those really bad super towers people like to build.
  9. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    Yes, but this building is hardly an obstacle:
    See the small gap, right after the bombpit?
    Throw a single bomb in it, and you can get in.
    Then, once you're in, you can quite easily destroy it.

    I know that the backwalls keep the building from collapsing, but what good is that if an explosion could make it impossible to reach the next part of the tower? the amount of ladders or doors for climbing is minimal, one bomb could take out enough of them to stop you from climbing the tower. especially at point three.

    The quarters has a selfdestruct feature, nice.
    Shops need to have these requirements for them not to break:
    At least one solid block to stand on,
    and at least one wall block on the lower and middle row of the shop.
    There are only walls on the top row of the shop,
    and the bridge will deactivate when an enemy touches it.
    I don't know wether this was on purpose on not, but it's not a very good idea.
    It can be usefull though, when the tower is more reliable. (no quarters, archers in the tower, knights rushing in, easy win)

    It's not like this tower is really bad, it's just that it's no good when the enemy has bombs, and has several small weaknesses.
    ewox250 likes this.
  10. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    All towers have to consider bombs as a main factor that would bring down the structure.
    You should change the bomb chute Master and block the archer hole.
    Gofio and Kovett like this.