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[762][Guide] How to be the best terrorist you can be

Discussion in 'Knight' started by JTG, May 30, 2013.

  1. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    In this thread I just detail things with no images (As of this moment) how to be the best jihad knight you can be.

    As you know with water and the knight there is not a whole lot you can do in terms of breaching constructs without a keg or drill, this guide will just cover the general approach for being the jihad knight.

    1. Avoid the large kegs, only choose minikegs.

    Theres one giant key reason for this, minikegs fit into your single backpack slot, and you carry the bomb. While carrying the bomb you can still fight normally, and the single biggest thing? You can bombjump with it in your backpack.
    I cannot count how many times ive bombjumped out of water then detonated myself in their tower setting them back amazingly a lot alone. They have somewhat the same radius too, not to mention the fact theres a few keg bugs that occur making the minikeg a better option in terms of being lazy.

    This shows its true reason when you bombjump over or into a tower and make it back into their factories, those delicious tears!

    2. If you cannot reach their tower without drowning, consider making a bombjump tower with wood.

    Just stack ladders very high, make woodbackwall on the side the enemy is on (Because ladders do not count as support so the backwall needs to support it and its going to be facing the enemy)
    Then at the top make as many layers of woodblocks as possible, as a bombjump usually destroys a tile, so you need lots to keep bombjumping and detonating on their tower.

    Alternatively, you can replace bombjumping with a catapult, but this requires someone to shoot you, you go a lot further than bombjumping these days, sad huh, The big keg gains some viability if we are doing it this way too.

    3. Don't give up hope!
    As long as you are destroying tiles, you are going to deal a deathblow to their defense in that area in the very longrun, and by longrun it can be anywhere from the next minute to next saturday.

    4. You should use your bomb to bomb wood doors, if they still haven't stoned it then detonate the keg after you get in!

    I say this because its simply the most damaging approach in this particular situation. Not much to be said.

    5. Lit minikegs can be put in your backpack.

    This is very important, you can glide against walls and have the minikeg blow up damaging the structure while in your backpack and live most of the time, YOU can also fight while the fuse is burning then blow up on the wall, insuring you actually deal the damage you desire, despite those pesky defending knights attempting to stop you.

    6. Realize bombs tick faster than minikegs.
    Sometimes the defending team is full of tough knights to bypass and detonate the defense through, No sweat comrade.

    Bombs explode faster than lit kegs, If you do the math you can light a minikeg in your backpack, and then swap it with the bomb again. bombjump from the distance in the water so you land against their tower with the lit minikeg and glide against it scoring your detonation, and once again those delicious tears if you are continually landing hits.

    7.Sometimes you have to shield, sucks don't it?
    People sure love their mounted bowguns, but the downfall is they cannot drop shields, you may have to shield in the water or bombjump to get past these things, they drastically reduce your movement options, but take solace in the fact most people do not like reloading them so you are still causing some frustration with your very existence.

    8. You will have a bad k:d ratio, and you may have to be greedy.
    If your team isn't jihading with the kegs who do they think they are?
    Well I know they are pretty stupid thats for sure, sometimes its better to put your demo shop in a hard to reach place, or hidden so the children cannot find their way into your explosives stash and end up doing horrific damage to your own team, this also insures every single respawn you will have a fresh minikeg to attempt suicide with.

    9. Sometimes you die and lose a unlit minikeg, sometimes you know you will die and light it.
    It happens to everyone so don't fret, hitting destroy item on your demolitions factory causes kegs far away to INSTANTLY DETONATE, this means that if the enemy decides to start swimming with it or puts it in their base it will blow up, This happens WAY more than you think, and even more so when we get far stupider players playing this game en masse who think "WOWEE KEG YO"
    On the opposite spectrum, sometimes you know you won't make it and you see they might reach your base before you respawn to remote detonate it, if you know its a bad situation light your bomb, and your keg so the goods don't fall into enemy hands.

    10. Fun fact, space ignites minikegs in your backpack too automatically, and pulls them out.
    Stating this here since some people are unaware this option exists for keg detonation, make make your transitions and such far smoother.

    11. Enemy Players may become angry or upset If you are succeeding far too much
    This just means your terrorist acts are finally instilling terror, or at least some emotion in the opposing team. Take joy in your additional success.

    12. Sometimes its very hard to reach the enemy defenses from your side of the water.
    Thanks to the drowning system now in jihading is harder than ever, but you can still make it, remember to slash swim which is to slash as you surface so you breathe a bit of air repeat. You can also move against underwater tiles that are slightly higher than the rest for a air boost, but if its still too much, play builder a bit and place small backwall towers with a single trapblock for you to stand on to gather some breathe. Its not much, you will only need 1 or 2 places to breathe en route to detonating yourself gloriously on the enemy tower.

    13. Explosive force all adds up in launching your ass.
    Kegs, minikegs, bombs, the more of them that go off at once the further you fly. This is hard to take advantage of but it makes truly unsurmountable mountains nothing to the heights you will reach.

    In essence these tips shall give you the young budding terrorist the tools he needs to jihad the enemy, and its generally the most devastating and flashy way to deal some large structural damage to the enemy, in essence you can use this in conjunction with breaching the enemy defense alone then slay them alone too. But this thread is just for demolitions, not knight to knight combat.
    Deuce88, Monsteri, Lord_bugg and 19 others like this.
  2. whatever1works

    whatever1works Drill Rusher

    Thanks for the tips... I swear that profile picture looks familiar :huh?:
  3. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Since destroying the keg remotely using the factory is possible, it could be plausible to catapult unlit kegs into the enemy base, then co-ordinate with a team mate to detonate them before they are used.

    Alternatively, from an underwater outpost, kegs can be floated up as mines, and detonated by the dude in the outpost as an early ship deterrent. Not strictly a jihad knight along the same lines, but I've never really thought about the possibility of these features.
    Digger101, killatron46 and NinjaCell like this.
  4. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    I think kegs still explode on impact, regarding catapulting them, and one big issue about detonation is someone can grief your entire base bigtime by hitting it, if they all just rolled around off the factory into various places on accident.
  5. Agnar

    Agnar Catapult Fodder

    Hmm interesting
  6. Froghead48

    Froghead48 Haxor

    My reaction can best be put in picture form....
    Honestly didnt know that, and im definitely gonna be doing that from now on.
  7. bologna_man00

    bologna_man00 Shipwright

    Can you still detonate kegs if they are inside the enemy's storehouse?
  8. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Yes Lit kegs can be put into anything that can hold a keg and it will blow up there
  9. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    I'm persuming that you are going to make this similiar guide for archers too.'
    You have done it so far for knight and builder...
    Apronymous likes this.
  10. bologna_man00

    bologna_man00 Shipwright

    What I meant to ask was if an unlit keg were mistakenly put into an enemy storehouse by an enemy player, could it still be detonated with the "destroy item" button back the the factory?
  11. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Not sure.

    Not much to say about that one, move away from knights, shoot arrows, repeat until you run out.
  12. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    True that JTG,also I think Ninja12 made one.. something along ninja guide
  13. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Attempting to use knife right now is usually a death sentence unless you angle the drop and they fail to react, there will be a archer guide in the future when the class is a little more fleshed out.
    Digger101 likes this.
  14. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    The thought of blowing myself up with a keg hastily concealed under my tunic is what attracts me here. :p
    Froghead48 likes this.
  15. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Battlefield 3 Jihad Jeeps FTW.
  16. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    hehehe... I always do the second one.
    Once, the enemy was just sitting in a boat, and one of them takes one of my kegs out of the water.
    He has made a gofio very happy.