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My main account was lost!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ace2, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

    Hi, You might remember me from a few months back with the name of "Ace" I was the first poster of The Zombie Gameplay Mode, in which MM said he would implent if he had spare time.
    Recently I took a massive break from KAG, and when I came back and tried to log into "Ace", It said my password was wrong. I repedatly tried logging in with all the passwords I know and used all my emails I have, but none of them work. I dont know what's going on, It just wont accept my password and if I try to register as "Ace" it says the account name is already taken.
    Please help!
  2. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Is this the first time you've played the game since the new website launched?
    Its possible that you missed this - everyone had to create a new account.
    In which case someone else has created an account called Ace.

    If this is the case someone with access to the original db would have to confirm you are who you say you are and sort it out (not me, I'm afraid).
  3. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

    And Pong and maybe even MM might remember me because I played with them a couple of times in multiplayer servers and they replied several times in my suggestion.
  4. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Basically what would have to happen is someone will have to look at the old db, find out what the email you registered with was, and then confirm that its your email.
    I don't have access to the old db so I can't help.
  6. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Good thing I invented a machine to poke admins!

    *runs over to Citricsquid*
  7. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

  8. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

    If you want to find a old post of mine, Search up the post "Zombie Gameplay Mode" by Ace.
  9. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright

  10. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Well I got a look at the old db and unfortunately you did not register with an email address so there is no way to confirm if you the same person.
    However, the current 'Ace' account hasn't been logged into for 20 days and you had the same email on the old forums so I'm fairly happy to make an exception in this case. I'll contact you in a private convo to sort out the finer details.
  11. Ace2

    Ace2 Shipwright
