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Pokemon mod server

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by godkirby, May 31, 2013.

  1. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    how about we make a Pokemon server, like when the archers shoot the arrow it turns into a Pokemon! anyone like?
    We can get a team together and share notes i am a pretty good modder myself though.


    butterscotch likes this.
  2. Toy

    Toy Bison Rider

    *facepalm* :thumbs_down:
  3. Agnar

    Agnar Catapult Fodder

    Are you kidding me ?
    Shadza likes this.
  4. Slojanko

    Slojanko Shopkeep Stealer

  5. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    Hmmm maybe....NO just kidding.
  6. nickingliss

    nickingliss Builder Stabber

    Yes that would be awesome *subtle sarcasm*
  7. Man715

    Man715 Bison Rider

    There can't be such mods yet before the beta comes out in public (loudly). And if someone manages to do it, the pokemons could only be zombies, and nothing else. And I don't think that's even possible because you would need to control them somehow (?).

    You've been watching too many episodes of pokemon...
  8. Rubixxcube

    Rubixxcube Bison Rider

    Quite honestly, just about everything is currently possible. There are a few limitations imposed by the game, but overall, you're free to do as you please. That being said, if this is what you please, please don't do it.
  9. I fully support the idea of making a Pokemon server.

    dibs on Crobat
    butterscotch and Shadza like this.
  10. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    You guys can go huff some spunk. It doesn't sound like a good idea because none of you are buidling on the idea or piling on 0r giving actual reason for it being a bad idea. It'd be a pretty cool gamemode if you went over the limit of just throwing sprites over players. Instead of being turned into Pokemon by Archers you randomly select one from a spinning pokeball upon joining the server, you're stuck as that pokemon until the match is over. Add in
    • Type effectiveness
    • 4 moves per pokemon
    • Tier matches
    • Passive abilities
    And you'd have yourself a pretty fun gamemode.
    Imagine an OU tier match with Politoeds drizzle having a range of 6 blocks around it and having Gyrados hydro pump everything. While red has a Skarmory tailwinding the red team with a Latios sweeping the front.
    Or a NFE (not fully evolved) match where everyone is Weedles and Caterpies hardening & string shotting each other all day.
    Contrary and VanHuek like this.
  11. I like the idea of having a Pokemon MOD server, but I'm not running it:p.
  12. godkirby

    godkirby Bison Rider

    not legit 4 moves and stuff but like shops were you can make basic pokemon ( zombies) and they will go to the other team (like minions!)
    butterscotch likes this.
  13. Foremole

    Foremole Tree Planter

    This would be a great idea! BUT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
  14. I'm sure it is possible but it would take effort.

    You could have poisonous Koffings juice to stick on the end of arrows(just kidding).