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What do you do to keep KAG interesting?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dovydas, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    I like to switch between actually playing and browsing the forums. Whenever the game gets boring, I just go onto the forums and do something, and vice-versa.
  2. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Frankly I don't do anything about it anymore, but I used to do mods, maps, and get deeper into the community. I actually hadn't actively played for the last half a year or so, but I play semi-actively again now that the beta is out.
  3. Make gold penis's :>
  4. jjrat

    jjrat Shipwright

    crocodile castles
  5. potato14

    potato14 Shopkeep Stealer

    what i do i have an epic quest on RPG severs recruiting an army and call my self lord then use the army to attack the weakest link off all races enslave the people (well tell them to join my empire or i kill them endlessly). After that charge in to the most powerlessness race and have a huge battle to take over the world its not as easy ass it sounds you need a loyal empire here is a picture of one of my army i had once.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Oh wow. A dwarf managed to make trolls and goblins alike to kneel....
  7. potato14

    potato14 Shopkeep Stealer

    :D yes supream power after a long matches of duel i managed to convinced them that we all can work on the common goal to take over the world. the way i get power is ask people want to take over the world they say yes then i talk about my empire and working on the goal of world domination. here a less fortunate army i managed to dig up i failed on my plans the army broke in a civil war fighting each otter. screen-13-05-27-17-41-06.png
  8. If the teams are pretty even, tomb yourself with stone underground near the middle of the battle field. No light, just cover yourself with team bridges. See what happens.
    I think its fun because if your team builds a castle around you and then it gets taken over by reds/blues, you get to be a smug bastard and watch them like the little shits they are
  9. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I make KAG related mods and applications, I find it a hobby and it keeps KAG interesteing
  10. potato14

    potato14 Shopkeep Stealer

    another thing is fun is making maps
  11. Happiness

    Happiness Horde Gibber

    Roleplay definitely adds an infinitely explorable amount of fun to this game, depending on who's participating you can have more fun than you'd imagine, from classic story writing to casual conversation, however randomkilling and such takes away a large element of this potential enjoyment, sadly.
  12. potato14

    potato14 Shopkeep Stealer

    its sad that people RK and gref rpg severs it would be so much more fun with acual rpg plot
  13. Foremole

    Foremole Tree Planter

    Bomb jumping, catapulting, or other general paratrooping.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 1, 2013 1:16 AM ---</br>
    No. No it wouldn't. Some of the best fun I've had is playing Orc on KARPS 2.0. We basically build an underground outpost base, tunnel to the surface in a group of knights and builders, troll elves and humans (leave dwarves alone, they usually start a fight anyways) by jumping on their heads and trying to go as far aswe can into their bases, provoke them into firing at us (starting a war, as we call ourselves emissaries), then kill the all their outlying builders and explorers. Usually the war goes for a very short time until borders are defined and we start building. Then archers fire from a distance, and we rush them a couple times. Pretty soon afterwards we either reach a fun point of equal strength, we get creamed and must fight in our own tunnels, or we break into their base. That's usually when they start yelling "WAR MONGERERS" and the game begins to end.

    If we get beaten though, we usually regroup and start exploring the underground usually to the east. The east is where the dwarves always are. We then sneak our way up their base (usually resulting in two or three people yelling "HELP" and trying to block it off), and then die when we can't break into the main chamber. Then, we block off the passageways to their base and try to troll the surface. This is usually when the game begins to become boring. People kill on random (they usually do, but it gets worse), bases are usually finished and boring, and wars are won or lost. Now is when people starting swearing at teams rather than players, start complaining about whining little losers, start arguing over tiny things and anger easily. Now, some jerkwad elf or human or dwarf (or even orc) starts setting up votes to end the game. Eventually the winning team gets tired and gives in. New game starts, fights are ended, and the cycles begins anew.

    Actually, that's my favourite way to keep KAG fun.
  14. Derschlact

    Derschlact FIRE AT WILL! Donator

    I think that laying prone and holding a body in front of yourself as an archer has given me the best moments. When the enemy team never realizes there's a suspicious dead body in their base. Or when they try to pick the body up, they usually just can't and think it's a bugged corpse. GEDDIT?! BUGGED CORPSE! BUG = COVERT LISTENING DEVICE! HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW
    pun intended
    Caution: May not work for flagrunning (there really should be a crawling animation).

    Anyways. Or you can do epic things. Like doing a close escape with a bomb jump or arrow laddering out of an enemy base with a flag (if this happens, obviously the enemy team is braindead because arrow laddering is as slow as all hell (not to insult hell, hehehehehehe don't kill me). Which is hard to pull off, but when you do, you feel awesome for winning the game in such a smooth move.

    Just in general, I like doing unconventional things.

    By the way, the troll on the right has his head detached from his body. Was he executed by the left troll for trying to attack his lord?
  15. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    The community really helps keep the game interesting in itself. Makes the game so much better.
  16. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    I always go to the classic role-play servers when I have nothing else to do just because of all the teams and how creative people get. They fallreane's survive server is also a lot of fun but unfortunately is not always up, just more recently.
  17. SMASH1413

    SMASH1413 Bison Rider

    Vary classes game modes, And everything else, Such as well…enjoying the game, committing to be able to post as well as I can and then it doesn't become repetitive, but :( sadly I know many people who feel that it is getting to repetitive and have decided to almost…well……….stop playing :(:(:(:(
  18. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    Those people obviously never had true respect for the game
  19. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Sorry KAG, I guess I never respected you.
    Kalikst likes this.
  20. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    ;-;.....did you leave and then come back?