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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Mornaval

    Mornaval Shopkeep Stealer

    speed hacking
    video proof

    (ignore the audio, was watching something on the other monitor while recording)
    edit: his name consists of 13 letter p's, you can count for reference sake at 720p on youtube.

    Edit by Shad: Banned
  2. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Player Name: Skeggy

    Action: Brought down whole team skybridge/ fort.

    Screenshot of his comments afterwards:

    Edit by Shad: Banned

    Attached Files:

    Mathewson likes this.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    ahahaha that guy was on the DRL thread.

  4. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    1. Killdozerprime
    2. Built a catapult behind our base, destroyed it.
    3. The 128 one I think
    4. Just there
    5. See screens. It was really obvious he did it, as he kept firing after it was down, so pretty much everyone saw him do it. I'm sure they can throw their weight in as well if needs be.

    Edit by Shad: Banned

    Attached Files:

  5. Wolven

    Wolven Shipwright

  6. smalltrouble

    smalltrouble Shipwright

  7. eastonch

    eastonch Shipwright

    [39692] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 6)
    [39697] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 7)
    [39717] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 7)
    [39721] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 8)
    [39726] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 9)
    [39731] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 10)
    [39735] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 11)
    [39748] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 12)
    [39753] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 13)
    [39758] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 14)
    [39772] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 15)
    [39777] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 16)
    [39781] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 17)
    [39786] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 18)
    [39790] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 19)
    [39795] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 20)
    [39819] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 21)
    [39824] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 22)
    [39829] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 23)
    [39851] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 23)
    [39856] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 24)
    [39861] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 25)
    [39875] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 26)
    [39879] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 27)
    [39884] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 28)
    [39902] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 28)
    [39907] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 29)
    [39912] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 30)
    [39927] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 31)
    [39930] Building too fast? Hack 3 (player Friiw; warnings 32)
    [39935] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 33)
    [39954] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 33)
    [39959] Building too fast? Hack 5 (player Friiw; warnings 34)
    [39963] Building too fast? Hack 4 (player Friiw; warnings 35)
    Enough proof that Friiw is hacking / speedhacking.
    Saw it in a game too. Then he visited 128Slot :]

    Edit by Shad: Banned
  8. komarEX

    komarEX Bison Rider

    1. killthemall
    2. speedhack (move and attack)
    3. fCraft.net Official
    4. About 5 min ago
    5. screens and screen log
    [12521] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-15.png
    [12876] <komarEX> blue cheater!
    [13108] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-33.png
    [13149] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-34.png
    [13195] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-36.png
    [13385] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-42.png
    [13405] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-44.png
    [13420] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-44.png
    [13440] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-46.png
    [13461] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-47.png
    [13481] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-48.png
    [13534] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-50.png
    [13556] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-51.png
    [13574] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-52.png
    [13594] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-53.png
    [13613] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-54.png
    [13636] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-56.png
    [13670] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-57.png
    [13688] guitarxhero left the game
    [13707] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-39-59.png
    [13729] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-00.png
    [13755] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-01.png
    [13779] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-02.png
    [13845] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-05.png
    [13866] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-06.png
    [13888] Screenshot saved to ../Screenshots/screen-11-10-01-18-40-07.png
  9. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    What does he have against the mall:eek:?
  10. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    that only log of screenshoots :F Give photos at one site(best if all)
  11. Trojan

    Trojan Shipwright

  12. Panrahk17

    Panrahk17 Shipwright

    2.He destroy our castle(he was be in our team)
    3.fCraft.net. Official
    4. 2nd.10.2011 at 11:25 o clock
  13. Piemaster

    Piemaster Shipwright

    Name: Cocotte
    Offense: Speedhacking, attack and movement speed are insanely fast.

    Others can vouch for this. He was on the 128 slot this morning.

    EDIT: Robinzen, also speed hacking.

    And eric_rommel. Played on blue team, then joined red and sabotaged structures.

    NEW ONE:

    Name: BijazSdka
    Used catapults on our defenses unmercifully.
  14. Tiago

    Tiago Shipwright

    Star Server (euro)
    just now

    Attached Files:

  15. Vez

    Vez Shipwright

    Star Server (euro)

    Attached Files:

  16. Bene

    Bene Free cookies for everyone! ☭ Donator Tester

    right now
    on the 128 Slot server

    i can't proove it because i don't record every game

    and in the same game "hkg" (also a number behind the name) destroyed own teams structures, bridges, stairs so nobody could get out. maybe someone has seen him, too.
  17. Wwuunnkil

    Wwuunnkil Shipwright

    Help i tried to play the server ive been playing since i found this game an it said i was banned.... i didnt do anything and ive been having ons of fun on the server heres the server name.... Duhkag
  18. Ranged66

    Ranged66 Bison Rider

    of topic alert:hey shad is that red in your edits neccesary?
  19. Wwuunnkil

    Wwuunnkil Shipwright

    Name Eric_Rammel
    Erix_Rammel joined our the blue team halfway through the match and claimed im helping the red team and you guys cant do anything about it tehn started throeing bombs griefing blocking our paths and lughing all the way....
    sry i dont know what server it was all i know was that he was griefing!
    at about 10:15 AM thursday central time
    no sreenshots ant find them after i take them.....
  20. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    Seriously? You don't know the prnt scrn button!? Gosh how many people don't know the screenshot button on a keyboard o.o
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