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[781][Guide] Whitefire's Stealthy Tips and Tricks

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Whitefire702, Jun 4, 2013.


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  1. Whitefire702

    Whitefire702 Catapult Fodder

    After playing enough of King Arthur's Gold BETA,
    I've started trying to find ways to lie in ambush even in broad daylight.
    (no offense to the crate people sitting in the middle of nowhere)
    Regarding the update:With the 781 build and all, I'd have to adapt to the changes, I'll leave the outdated marked and the build number it last worked. I'm keeping them so new players can see how it was before.

    NOTE to all: Unless your team has time to waste or you're sure to fool enemies, don't do these.
    Also, I don't encourage camping. GO DO SOMETHING USEFUL!

    This takes somewhat long to make and uses those "flower seeds" that has been sitting there for ages.
    Basically you just place a grain seed and flower seed on the same spot, covering the whole lower body and shows a few pixels of the upper body
    Here's the classes just standing in it doing something you would most likely do:
    Bush Builder.png Bush archer.png Bush knight.png
    [Builder Standing] ......[Archer drawing back]..[Knight with the overhead slash]

    Provides a use for the "flower" seed
    Doesn't reveal you that much when walking through it
    Planters may be forced to plant trees just to get more grain and "flower" seeds

    A slash of a knight and it's all gone
    A waste of grain (even though I rarely see anyone plant it)

    Most preferred to be placed near a base(but somewhat distant from wooden materials) [Gofio]
    Note: You would have to use all seeds from the nursery just to get more seeds

    My Opinion:I think it's good to make this a 5block long field but 2blocks long will hide anyone
    This is mainly for archers as enemy archers will get a hard time returning fire...without actual fire burning it to ashes.
    It may be used near the base for newly spawned knights to stay in if an attack is imminent but it's a one time thing.
    You just need two to three logs, hold one, aim your mouse to the ground and drop it so it lands standing.
    You'll have to place the logs so that there's not much space between them like here:
    Log hiding.png Knight sit log.png
    [Knight standing up then sitting and positioned so that the head is hidden completely]
    Then just position yourself carefully.
    This works well with a builder just standing up but not as much with the other classes.
    With the knight and the archer, you need to be at the center of the three and you need to sit down or else your head will be seen. (as you can see in the example)

    It's easy to do once you get the hang of it
    Can be used on the front when no one is around
    Can catch enemy knights with their guard down (you end up charging your slash earlier)

    It's mostly a one time use as logs are easily destroyed
    Use them too much and enemies will destroy every log in sight

    Recommended to set up near trees but may be placed on a place with no trees.[Gofio]
    My Opinion: Real useful, I caught a few players with it. 1st time was my ally was being chased and I just jumped out, and killed the guy. It was a good laugh and I got called a ninja.
    Definitely recommended whenever no one's around, you could just set it up while you're on the way to the enemy and come back to it later, I don't think people would just destroy logs the first time around.
    With the new build [781], we can now make ALOT of sawmills.
    Now Sawmills lying around the base CAN get dangerous for everyone, including your enemies! Now why don't we use them for more than woodcutting shall we?
    ok, get a sawmill, bring it with you and NEVER put it down until you reach your destination, drop it and hide behind it! Easy as that, now this is obviously a one time trick but hey, you can sometimes see foes get gibbed!
    Now unlike the logs, the knight can stand up behind it but unfortunately, it cant hide a sword raised up high.
    Wood buddies.png
    This is for pitch blackness when nighttime comes
    As a builder, if you have some spare wood, drop a few 2x2 wooden back walls on random places in the field.
    As for everyone, learn to use the back walls to your advantage, when you find yourself in a pitch black night, hide in it if you know enemies will be coming and catch them with their guard down.
    May be placed in your own base, and making it look like a destroyed tower. [Gofio]
    If you're underground, whether tunneling or hiding from enemies after they invaded your spawn, avoid leaving a lantern lit, learn when to douse them (for tunneling, stop caring if you have a drill).
    Scroll out and if you can see enemies, they can see you.
    Also douse them if you have a dark base and you decide to charge a slash before coming out.
    For fire archers, douse the lanterns when you don't need it yet [Zuboki]

    If you've implemented this in your gameplay, share your experience! You can even share your own strategies down below!

    That's it for now!
    (I made this thread because I'm bored)​
    Use your common sense, avoid what's obviously useless and do what seems beneficial.

    Don't be afraid to say what you think, be afraid of what people might say...nah just kidding.
    Leave a like if you want more as they're waiting. Sorry for the lack of tips right now.
    Made the thread
    Added Trick:The Tall Grass
    Added Trick:The Log
    Uploaded screenshots for The Tall Grass and The Log
    Added warnings
    Fixed a few grammar errors
    Added Tip:Back walls
    Added Tip:Lanterns
    Added change log
    Added Notice
    Added suggestions from Gofio and Zuboki
    Edited some of the warnings
    Added The Saw Trick
    Added some notes regarding the build update [780]
    I've been going to school, you know how it is. anyway, I'll try to ask for a moderator if he can change the name up top
  2. killatron46

    killatron46 Cata Whore Donator
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Nice hiding tricks, fixed your build number for you, its 762 last time I checked (5 seconds ago). ;)
  3. Ketchup

    Ketchup Builder Stabber

    Some ninja tricks, this could work.
    Agnar likes this.
  4. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    I'd add some more if I were you, it's a great guide.
    My tips are:
    The tallgrass is ideal for just in front of your base,
    The logs for a place with trees, but make sure to place them somewhere WITHOUT trees (who'd ever plant a tree when there's logs lying around?)
    Backwallspam can be used inside your base, and making it look like a destroyed tower works very well.
    Crouching behind the door will make you invisible, and the enemy will pass without noticing. (probably)
    Another one that you can use inside a base, is the crate.
    Crates are best when they're put nearby a factory.
    Crouch, and you're less visible.
    Crouch behind a crate, you're invisible.
    Crouch behind a crate inside a factory, you're not even there.
    Then there's saws. They are: 1. Great protection 2. Great coverage. 3. Put them behind something and die laughing =3
    Also very useful, is the trader.
    Instead of killing him, pick up the enemies' trader, and crouch behind his shop.
    It's not high enough to cover your head, but the trader sure is.

    Tallgrass in front of bases,
    logs in the woods,
    crates in the factories,
    saws pretty much everywhere with trees,
    and traders where traders should be; Their shops.
    Agnar likes this.
  5. Whitefire702

    Whitefire702 Catapult Fodder

    I have just a little more of my own, However, those I do not know or haven't tested much will have to come from the other members of the forums, and as they give they're own share of tips and tricks I'll be sure to credit them in the thread(but of course, they'll be tested just in case).
    Thank you for contributing and you'll be seeing your share on the thread with your name on it by the next time I edit this thread (which will hopefully be tomorrow).
    Agnar likes this.
  6. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    I wouldn't consider this Minecrafting, as you're making structures that have an actual, strategic use. Other things to add:
    • The best loadouts for stealth missions are archers with fire arrows and an unlit lantern, and builders with at least 100 stone and wood but no gold, and possibly a minikeg or two. Stealth over, find a good hiding spot, and stay hidden until the enemy ships off.
    • As the flaming archer, chaos is the best bet. Burn as many factories as you can. Look for lines or towers of connected factories on a wooden frame. If the enemy covers their tower in stone but leaves a wood door, sink a few arrows into that.
    • As a builder, you have more options. One of my favorites is to block off exits from their factory house- A few stone blocks can trap the respawners until switch to builder or grab a drill. You can retreat under their base and build a barracks there, but expect it to be overrun somewhat quickly. You can also block off the top of their tower and build a barracks there, giving your team an awesome tactical advantage.
    • If you wait for a respawn wave and see them all run off, you can try to blow up or otherwise destroy the barracks once no one's looking. This works best at night, or when you have stolen a drill.
    • If you come across a Keg workshop, light them up and throw them around various points in the base. This insiduous tactic wins games.
    • If you're more passive, or just have an empty inventory as a builder- you can steal blueprints by using the red arrow on the workshops. You can even do this from a few spaces away, and it's pretty fast. I'd prioritise seige weapons, demo/pyro, and boats, but even drills or military supplies help (especially if it's their last one). Just be sure to escape with them.
    • Unless you're ready to attack and their team's distracted, DON'T move close to the edge of the map. It'll flash "UNDER ATTACK" in the top corner, and smart players will start looking for you.
  7. Crafterfr33

    Crafterfr33 Bison Rider

    Nice guide. By the way, there's a short guide to mines:

    DO hide mine:
    -behind bushes; best technique
    -behind dropped building materials
    -in darkness
    -in water (either when something floating will hide the mine or it's dark enough)
    -just before enemy's hall entrance
    -in holes
    -on enemy trampolines
    -behind enemy bodies

    DO NOT hide mine:
    -near team buildings
    -in open flat

    You can use mines as remote explosive, just set it up where you want it to explode and throw one of the below items at it:
    -fishy (just throw it in mine direction, it will "jump" into it)
    -enemy body
    -bison/shark (this is real madness)
    -tree logs and seeds

    Also, few more tips:
    -DO NOT throw a mine directly at your enemy. They WILL notice it
    -As knight, you can explode enemy mine without getting hurt by stepping on it while shielding
    -As a knight you can slash-destroy mines, which is dangerous
    -As a builder, you can just break enemy mines
    -Always try to predict where your enemy steps
    -You can also place mine behind yourself and lure enemy into it
  8. GoldenYeti123

    GoldenYeti123 Catapult Fodder

    -As archer you can hold a dead body and lie down which makes you look like a dead because your head can not be seen:smug:
  9. Thi
    This doesn't work as much as well on Beta than on Classic. Even grass wouldn't conceal you that much on Beta. Make archers more ninja pls.