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[bhtp]Tricia (CTF-Server)

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Dushenka, Jul 22, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    Hi there,
    Raron suggested to promote this server thus I'll do that now. :)

    First: All informations on a glance:
    Name: [bhtp] Mainserver
    Slots: 32
    Gamemode: CTF
    Location: France
    - Global-Moderation should be activated (Send me a message if it doesn't work. I might screw it up *g*).
    - Breaktime: 60 seconds
    - Pingkick: 450ms
    - Mapsize: 250 x 150

    [bhtp]-Members, lirum, Medieval, master4523, Galen, Ottuboy, 8x, WanderMark and SpideY

    The Server is part of [bhtp]. We're only a few people interested in gaming and having fun. Sometimes we play KAG, sometimes we don't. The server remains online though.
    I'm open for feedback, especially since we're still pretty new at KAG. Feel free to PM me or post a message down here if anything something doesn't work. Please do not use the ingamechat since I'm mostly unresponsive for ingame-messages.
    New moderators are not needed at the moment, please do not send any PMs with applications, they will be ignored.

    That's it for now.
    Have fun playing KAG on Tricia or any other server :D
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2013
    Agnar, Varion and VanHuek like this.
  2. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    are u from germany?
  3. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    More like switzerland. ^^
  4. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    im from 'bayern'
    </br>--- merged: Jul 28, 2012 12:15 PM ---</br>
    i have a question
    i hostet a server
    but if u want to start the programm theres an error request
    can u say me what i did false?
  5. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    nope sry
  6. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    There was a report about a griefer on your server,
    but seems like there is insufficient proof. Could you please post the server logs of the incident there to show that the logs haven't been tampered? Thanks :)
    thebonesauce likes this.
  7. Madman217

    Madman217 Horde Gibber

    You should rename this server to Griefer Heaven, just saying. :)
    UnnamedPlayer, rocker2 and Ej like this.
  8. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    First of, sorry for not responding at all. I didn't activate the e-mail notification but that's fixed now.
    Sadly, KAG isn't booming in bhtp so we really do not have enough mods for this server.
    From now on, I'll accept applications over PM. German-speaking players can apply on our TS-Server too. (Send a message to Ataman).
    (And now I'll verify e-mail notifications for PMs are also enabled).

    TS: tricia.s2net.ch
    PW: spataky

  9. WanderMark

    WanderMark :) Donator

    Okay! I do wonder if there is any room for more moderators on this server. I feel as if the amount of European servers have grown, and there is no longer a definitive host for you too join. With that said, I've found your server, "BHTP Mainserver," relishing from a rather stable player base, there's usually always a bunch of people playing on it.

    So with that in mind, I would like to offer my services. I've been around for quite a while now, my first post here on the forums was made exactly one year ago, 3rd of January! I've never had any complaints from the servers I've moderated in the past, such as: Mole, Beo, Action, BlauweSmurf, you name it!

    I'm also from Europe, so I play when the server is populated!

    I would just like to make sure that the server environment is kept free from all those things that makes your very best fish-buddy sad. That is why I'm offering a helping hand for the servers I happen to be fond in. I want to keep them all smiling.

    Regardless of the outcome, thanks for your consideration. The post is a bit crude, I blame my cold on it.
  10. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    With the current flow of applications I have to redo the security-settings on tricia. This will probably take a day or two.
    I'll PM you as soon as I'm done with it.
  11. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Nice to see that you are still alive! Dont hesite to contact us if you need some admins.
  12. Dushenka

    Dushenka Shark Slayer

    will do :)
  13. Scibrilneom

    Scibrilneom Catapult Fodder

    hi guys i need to ask a favour the other week my brother thought it would be smart to make an account on my pc and troll servers on kag he used the name dick_richard i believe and seems to have gotten me perma banned on your server through my IP. my actual account is Scibrilneom, please can you unban me, i enjoy playing on this server and now cant anymore.
    </br>--- merged: Feb 24, 2013 1:53 AM ---</br>
    Thank you for unbanning my IP, i can assure you that will NEVER happen again.
  14. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    I'm not involved with the staff of this server in any way, but I thought about clearing this for you:

    Your IP weren't necessarily unbanned.
    You have a dynamic IP address, which means it chances from time to time. So even if your "brother" account is still banned, when your IP changes, IP bans stop affecting you.
  15. culinderr

    culinderr Builder Stabber

    To <Scibriloem>
    Hi its me, the guy you were helping on a server not so long ago. When yuo are online i will go on that server and complete the course. Last time my mum turned the computer off when i was on the server so i left. I would love to complete the course but WILL need your experience. Thanks.
  16. Corleone

    Corleone Shipwright

    Hi. I just got banned by one of your admins called "Poppe Outboy" for.. changing the side in balanced teams (3v4) He even threated me to ban me permanently from the server just because i want to change the team.
    I attach logs to prove this accident. Can anyone explain me where that rule is? Honestly, i found no data about it and therefore that ban is without any reason, besides lack of responsibility of this admin... he was clearly pissed off because i was only one in my 4 people team who fights and thats why i dont eant to play in that team full of noobs, and he knows that, but teams have had the same number of players, so he tries to make me go opposite team by force and threating me with perm bans... what a inresposible admin it is....
    Here is the log:

    //Please use spoilers ~ VanHuek
  17. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    You are a pretty well known troublemaker and i banned you already for griefing. Dont try to bullshit us.
    Varion and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  18. Guys, there is a way to be an admin on this server?
    Kalikst and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  19. Ottuboy

    Ottuboy Horde Gibber


    Dude as I told you in the game, you unbalanced it. Since besides me there were 2 more premium (good) players with me, against 4 members of red. And then you joined over, and I knew that we will run over red and then the server would have 0 players no time. Before unbalacing teams, ask if its ok. You just did and started a dare game with me. I do not respond well to these kind of games, thus you were banned.

    honestly, I feel that Main server is the most popular server in Europe. IMO its because of the strict line all the admins are holding, we do not tolerate griefers, trolls. Our goal is, that everyone who plays KAG in Main server, enjoys it. Corelone, play the game, and dont be that guy, who goes to the other team, because his team sucks.
  20. ds-minor

    ds-minor Catapult Fodder

    Hi, i just played on that Server and then my game crashed and as i came back it told me i was banned from that Server....
    I really dont know what happend so maybe someone could bring some light into that?
    ist now 06.06.13 about 22.00.

Mods: jackitch