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Community App Kaggy - Tiny KAG launcher New 1.1

Launcher for KAG

Mods: Downburst, Mazey
  1. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    This could be the solution(an easyer solution) to fix KAG beause this has force update, which will replace The KAG folder with a new copy.;)
  2. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    What do you mean? This is a solution to what?

    The way force update works in kaggy is that it runs a shell command that forces KAG to update, simple as that.
  3. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    You probably won't even know what I'm talking about, and I don't know how to discribe it to you. I get a real hard time discribing in real life.
  4. Konfitur

    Konfitur Haxor

    I think he wanted to say that many KAG problems can be fixed forcing update via deleting the version.txt file. Using your launcher it's just a click.
    Shenron likes this.
  5. Shenron

    Shenron Tree Planter

    You discribed it very well.:)
  6. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Isnt kaggy meant to be just a intro menu?
  7. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    Yes but you can also change the resoultion to whatever you like and overall very cool and helpful to those that have the glitch(cannot see the news.)
  8. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    It's an alternative launcher for KAG. It aims to provide a more appealing launcher as well as more customizations.

    What version of Windows are you running and send a screenshot of Kaggy in action so I can narrow down the problem
  9. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    It's not kaggy im talking about the original kag it won't let me see the news which is why I run kaggy.:thumbs_up:
    link6155 likes this.
  10. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    You got me worried there :>:(:
    </br>--- merged: Jun 16, 2013 5:43 AM ---</br>
    Hello, small update for Kaggy here:
    I've now added in saving settings on the Windows Width and Height in the text boxes. Now the text boxes will show your last used settings rather than being blank. Also, Updaty going through some design changes:
    The progress bar has been replaced with a builder running across :p This should match better as the progress bar varied from different windows OSes and themes.​

    </br>--- merged: Jun 22, 2013 4:29 AM ---</br>
    Some details about the recent update:

    The new update doesn't really add or change anything in KAG/Updaty. I have the files for updating kaggy from http://link6155.koding.com/kaggy to http://link6155.kd.io/kaggy . Unfortuanately, I have no method to upload new updates for Kaggy, which means it may be not updated for a while.

    On the bright side, here's a sneak peak of my next project for KAG:

    VanHuek, AcidSeth and Digger101 like this.
  11. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    More friends for configgy and kaggy!
    VanHuek likes this.
  12. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    I'm just sad I can't like merged posts individually. :rollseyes:
    But how's the description that comes with the texture pack supposed to work in Moddy?
    I really don't know. :oops:

  13. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    there will be a texturepack folder created by Moddy. And for texture pack to be detected by Kaggy, they must be in a specific layout and have a info.txt for detecting and displaying them in Moddy. Hopefully I can set a "standard" when it comes to texturepacks/mods.
    There really is no configgy, just Kaggy :| Even though I said "Configgy" was built into Kaggy, it's not like it's a completely different application.
    </br>--- merged: Jun 22, 2013 8:51 PM ---</br>
    Another update:

    Unfortunately, my Ubuntu VM blew up now, and now everyone's kaggy will no longer work until it's back up.

    Some good news, i'll be moving my hosting over to viridimilitis.com/. If you want to continue to use Kaggy at this very moment, download kaggy here: http://kaggy.viridimilitis.com/ . You probably will also need to download Updaty again too here: http://kaggy.viridimilitis.com/updaty.exe

    Sorry for the inconvenience, this shouldn't happen again in the future
  14. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    You're hurting its feelings!
    Updaty, Kaggy, Configgy.
    Configgy is just living in with Kaggy.

    Make a program to mod the code with and call it cody!
  15. Gladiator

    Gladiator Haxor

    Aww i tried but it didn't work ;(
  16. VanHuek

    VanHuek KAG Guard Tester


    How come it didn't work?
  17. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    A constructive comment would be helpful :/

    What was the error? Did you put kaggy in your KAG folder before running it? Any screenshots? And some system information would be helpful.
    Digger101 likes this.
  18. Gladiator

    Gladiator Haxor

    There is just some Microsoft .NET Framework and an red X
  19. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

  20. Gladiator

    Gladiator Haxor

    but i already have it
Mods: Downburst, Mazey