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Windows Screen Lowers when I tab out of KAB and KAG

Discussion in 'General Help' started by dragon4045, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Like the title says, the screen lowers and I can't see the bottom portion of the screen and the top is replaced by a big bar of skyblue. I run a lenovo all-in-one computer. Vision AMD graphics card.
  2. Chumind

    Chumind Bison Rider

    Drag the blue bar abit upper. I have the same problem when i press tab. Its not your graphics cards problem
  3. I can't, it won't let me go past the start of the bar.
  4. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    i have the same problem and i have a compleatly different pc this happen occasionally whenever i hit tab or any other window pops up or (and this has only happened once) whenever i hit the start menu button on my keyboard. im not sure what causes it but so far the only fix iv found is to exit out of kag and start it back up.