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Build 800 - Control the Halls! (No OSX build yet)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Jun 28, 2013.

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  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Hey guys, new patch!

    Things are still a little rough around the edges, so bear with us while we clean stuff up, but the majority of the changes are in place and definitely playable. We'll post another poll soon about where we want to go from here soon so you're back in the loop, we've had two weeks of thinking and want to continue with the positive changes we've been making.

    There's no OSX build at the moment, because the mac build node is down and we are unable to compile for OSX without it, big sorry!

    Big changes:
    A big, capturable building that acts as spawn point, work hub, research building and win condition. Go inside to capture, build workshops nearby, kick the enemy out of all their halls to win. There are usually 2-4 halls on a map, but there can be as many as the map creator chooses.​
    On vanilla maps, halls currently start neutral, but you can use the blue/red spawn pixels for already converted halls - we'll be refining how that works soon as it's still a little buggy.​

    Instead of several buildings with several purposes, the builder only constructs workshops, which a peasant will work in to produce items. This reduces the number of steps required to build something meaningful and lets you focus on tactical base layout rather than what building's built where.​
    The name change may give you some hints at what our next update will be :^)​

    Other builder changes
    Spikes are retractable, unbuildable zones are rendered clearly for you when you're trying to build in them, getting out of build mode is simple, and you can carry a metric arse-ton of mats.​

    Ballista is spawn
    Like the war boat, the ballista is a class change and spawn hub, for on ground sieges. It's also got reworked graphics - it still needs a bit of work but it's on its way.​

    Military supplies are back to normal
    Bombs and arrows, just what the doctor ordered.​

    The HUD has been largely reworked, seeing the return of the (disable-able) minimap, rearrangement of several objects, some flashy +1 kills courtesy of splittingred, floating "helper" tasks, and builder help cues (among other things).​

    WORK IN PROGRESS help and task system
    This will really be more useful in future, but for now it shows proof of concept of an in-game tutorial and objective prompts. Hit F1 to turn it off if you know everything (and F1 again to turn it back on)​

    We think the game is feeling more "like KAG" than it was for the last month or so, hopefully you guys feel the same! Give your thoughts in the poll and in this thread :)


    [fixed] vehicle layers do a wild flip the first frame after turning around
    [modified] ballista is rather huge
    [modified] ballista bolt sprite less ugly
    [added] flag to ballista (same as war boat)
    [added] ballista is spawn and change class
    [modified] archer and arrow sprites - work in progress, will need tweaks :)
    [fixed] migrant cant open door
    [fixed] knight picks up burning satchel (hilarious bug)
    [modified] moved crate up in pickup priority
    [fixed] warboat missing from factory on some occasions and magic scroll in there
    [fixed] arrows not colliding with mines
    [modified] cheaper dinghy
    [modified] first tech takes time
    [modified] a bit faster mounted bow
    [modified] menus close by default click outside window
    [modified] drill can drill everything except team stuff
    [modified] heart fall out probability is 3/4
    [modified] if player has food/bread his heart doesn't fall out
    [added] re-packing catapult into crate
    [fixed] some research paths not searched
    [modified] water doesn't stun team players
    [fixed] annoying sound when someone else tries to build in no build zone
    [fixed] research didn't care if it repeated items that weren't voted on.
    [modified] satchel and fire arrows don't burn stuff near team buildings and doors
    [modified] removed redundant scrolls from trader and rearranged a bit
    [fixed] archer controls cancelling shots when they shouldn't
    [modified] reduced burn time for players (not other objects)
    [modified] tech tree
    [added] clearer path indication in research
    [added] hall capture point / spawn / class change / migrant dorm
    [modified] added minimap / moved chat console
    [added] neutral capturable hall
    [fixed] fishy flipping being buggy/stupid (was annoying me)
    [added] hall has storage and research
    [modified] builder builds workshops not buildings
    [added] new war hud
    [added] water and fire to minimap
    [modiifed] smoother catapult movement
    [fixed] halls not sorted in hud
    [fixed] research techs not working for items
    [modified] chat console to the right
    [modified] cata and ballista stronger
    [fixed] arrows going thru cata and ballista
    [fixed] hall taking damage
    [modified] taking stuff out of inv goes into inv
    [added] fade out on hover chat
    [modified] enemies are visible on HUD unless hidden in darkness
    [modified] enemy players dont appear on HUD
    [modified] look of hover player text
    [fixed] reusing scroll
    [added] working hall capture win condition
    [script] new onBlobChangeTeam onBlobDie rules hook
    [fixed] scripts with errors having error even after recompiling on client
    [added] hall gives spawn mats
    [fixed] capture hall team change sync
    [modified] better vehicle capture
    [modified] ballista doesn't show change class near another spawn
    [dev] neutral stuff doesn't show on minimap
    [dev] M key is a toggle for minimap
    [added] using team storage resources is explained in workbench
    [modified] spawn time and shipment time are multiplied by player counts (less players - faster)
    [added] inventory shows full sign
    [modified] materials can stack
    [dev] adjusted HUD to work with mat stacks
    [modified] arrows destroy ladders
    [modified] support requirement is practically removed
    [modified] ladders are stronger
    [fixed] door not opening bug?
    [modified] mounted bow arrows are fast but desintegrate fast
    [modified] mounted bow arrows knock knight shields
    [modified] moved boulder into workbench
    [added] retracting spike traps (!!!)
    [added] hover message for stuff added to inventory and kills (thanks Splittingred)
    [added] hall workers
    [disabled] migrant collisions
    [disabled] migrant brain
    [added] factory powered by claimed migrants
    [added] hall spawns migrants inside self
    [added] migrants work in factories and are passed between factories when one is destroyed
    [added] minimap appearance setup function for use in onInit
    [added] MinimapIcons.png
    [modified] minimap rendering system
    [added] default icon for runner
    [added] icon for hall
    [fixed] offset issue in hud
    [removed] all lame drowning stuff
    [modified] bison is more aggressive
    [modified] bison and shark regen slower
    [added] not picking any block will remove build mode
    [added] help lines for building
    [added] if can't build on blob or sector it shows
    [modified] builder help lines show only when pressed button
    [added] saws destroy other saws (fixes multiple saws together causing crashes)
    [added] migrants flee from factories and are properly "disowned" by their factories
    [added] peasant says "hellow" on moving to factory - super important
    [added] peasant decays when outside owner building and not static
    [added] new hall capturing based on time + GUI for it
    [fixed] migrants go completely apeshit when scared out of a factory
    [fixed] annoying sound and red area shown when building back walls
    [modified] teamless migrants don't do anything
    [modified] converted migrants calm down
    [fixed] factory startingproduction sound when no tech picked
    [removed] builder cycling blocks with F
    [fixed] starting with backwall as builder
    [removed] stacking gold in trading shop
    [fixed] spikes retracting on teamy
    [dev] some build block req text fixes
    [removed] migrant minimap icon
    [fixed] migrants + saw = bad news, a bit of a hack though
    [fixed] migrant forever stun
    [fixed] migrant respawn too early - requires migrant to be calm for 10s
    [fixed] migrants dont go back to factories after being spooked
    [fixed] "this vel" spam in arrow
    [added] WIP better help texts
    [fixed] bugs in migrants updating at hall fix (order of operations...)
    [added] migrant random facing
    [fixed] potential divide by zero crash in juxta hud
    [added] work to migrants to make them actually die instead of exploding to spontaneous meat
    [fixed] migrant corpses count as "able workers"
    [fixed] needs checking: worker-workshop double-claim issue
    [modified] trampoline starts unpacked
    [added] return of the kill log
    [modified] on spawn you only get ammo if already made in workshop
    [fixed] hall radius check being on some stupid gigantic distance
    [removed] a lot of hall update logic on client
    [added] neutral hall converts instantly
    [fixed] cannot capture hall cause of migrants
    [fixed] spawning in halls
    [added] light to all buildings
    [added] more self damage from bomb arrows
    [added] health bar to vehicles
    [modified] shipments only bring wood
    [fixed] fix for large width blobs on client
    [fixed] ammo not taken from factories on warboat
    [added] better explanation of research
    [fixed] migrants pickable when static/in hall
    [fixed] migrants taking too long to go static or respawn (now 1 second)
    [modified] improvements to tech tree + added temp bakery for healing / mil supplies = bomb + arrow
    [added] migrants are scared of animals
    [added] new nicer help msgs
    [fixed] trampoline is 1px above ground
    [modified] migrant will still show dead anim if frozen
    [added] simple ATTACK/DEFEND tasks on Hall
    [fixed] can't place block on workshop roof
    [fixed] can get by tunnel to raided hall
    [fixed] research notifications
    [fixed] neon player board
    [modified] drill fits in inventory
    [modified] tweaks to tech tree
    [modified] drill does NOT get hot when drilling stone or gold veins (allows collecting mats quickly)
    [added] extended no build zone for the hall floor
    [fixed] neutral hall researching
    [modified] hovering on researched item doesn't highlight it
  2. m0zzila

    m0zzila Tree Planter

    I told you to take your time! god dam it :D
  3. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    This is massive, this work has paid off all the wait! :D
  4. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    I'll have to wait then :rollseyes:
  5. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    Cool that you make it more KAGgish back... but... You know what a new build means for a modder! :P
  6. god i'am so happy u brought back the +1 thingy ;)
  7. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    Drill overhaul is really nice now, retractable spikes are best idea since classic and many great changes too, just the performance issues to iron out further down the road.
  8. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    Kill feed, red + for kills, minimap, better chat position (try it for 15 min, it's realy a better place) and the halls just made my day, thanks dev's :heart::)
  9. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Dammit, you caught us :(
  10. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    And still no mods JIT. D:
    VanHuek likes this.
  11. Keric

    Keric Base Burner

    This truly is a great build. The only thing I'm looking forward to is when you guys (The devs) finally decide to make buildings require the full five blocks underneath to actually construct, because easily knocked down structures and...very idiotic looking one-block constructs up to the heavens (or at least as close as they can get) are truly annoying. On both team's parts.:(
  12. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Made my day too and i havent spawned yet
  13. blox863

    blox863 Bison Rider

    Thank's mod's and creators lol :3
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    [modified] drill fits in inventory
    [modified] drill does NOT get hot when drilling stone or gold veins (allows collecting mats quickly)

    NinjaCell and Digger101 like this.
  15. SeanAS

    SeanAS Meth Addict Donator
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    Thanks! Awesome update. :heart:
  16. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Pushed fast patch :)
    Build 801
    [fixed] crash in hallcommon script
    [fixed] research tree not synced and paused on join
    [fixed] research rooms messed up
    [fixed] exception in Researching.as
    [fixed] +1 showing on suicide
    [fixed] kill log colors
    [added] if teams are uneven it takes longer to capture hall
    [modified] saw has lower pickup priority
    [fixed] boat crate not unpacking above water
    [modified] much easier to get on boat and out of boat
    [script] added movable sectors
    delankski, Gurin, JacKD and 2 others like this.
  17. delankski

    delankski Horde Gibber

    :O Still need to wait :(
  18. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    801 keeps crashing the server(s).
  19. yeah servers keep crashing..
  20. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    [19:31] <@MM________> fixing.,,.,.
    All we can do now is be patient ;_;
    delankski likes this.
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