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Help Regarding Sprite Boundaries

Discussion in 'Texture Packs' started by Ajax, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    I hope this is the correct section to post a question, and not just a place to share finished textures (sorry if it is). Anyways, I was wondering if I could get some help in regards to increasing the boundaries around sprites so that I can add more pixels to them.

    Currently I am working on a Civil War texture pack, and I am starting by turning the archer class's bow into a muzzle-loader. The problem I am running into is that the bayonet on the rifle is too long and is clipping into the other sprites within the "ArcherMale" file.To put it another way, a long bayonet on the top-left sprite in the picture below would clip into the sprite next to it (and basically show up as a floating pixel behind the character in game). Is there any way to space out the sprites more so that I could add a longer bayonet, or am I fucked? Thanks for the help guys.


    (this soldier definitely needs a bayonet)


    Also, on a side-note, how would one go about changing the red team's color to grey (for the Confederacy)? Changing the red team's colors on the "TeamPalette" file changed everyone's colors to Blue Team's (regardless of what team they were on).
  2. GodOfTheChaos

    GodOfTheChaos Builder Stabber

    No... u cant make it longer.
  3. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    GodOfTheChaos likes this.
  4. timmiolen

    timmiolen Bison Rider
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    looking foward to the civil war texture pack! :)
  5. Derschlact

    Derschlact FIRE AT WILL! Donator

    Yes... you can make it longer.
    However, if you do, the sprite will be messed up in multiplayer(unless the server has the same class settings as you, which is highly unlikely) and be decapitated. Unless I suck and did something wrong.