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New Default Game Mode Proposal - "War"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geti, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Klems

    Klems Guest

    I'm going to be as clear as possible, as I'm french. I'm sorry if I'm misunderstood :(.

    Here is a simple suggestion : make a different environnement for each gamemode.
    Snowy mountains for gold rush, desert/oasis for CTF, whatever.

    Not only this is a lot more atmospheric, but it's also very useful because different gamemode mean different needs :

    Huge stone castle are boring in CTF ? Desert don't have a lot of stone anyway (but you still have palm tree !).
    Underground tunnel are unfair in CTF ? Good luck building a tunnel out of sand.
    Water is constantly flooding the gold filled caves in gold rush ? Good thing the water is frozen.
    Mountains are also filled with caves and stuff, which are always nice to explore for gold.
    Those are stupid exemples but you get the point.

    For the war gamemode, add some kind of lake/ocean in the middle of the map, with a small island.
    The small island is a perfect place to build an outpost. To go across the lake, you have to build a wooden bridge (knights can't swim). Not only wooden bridge are very easy to destroy, but they are also fairly slow to build.
    Because you can't go to the enemy castle without a bridge, the lake add some kind of rhythm to the game. I guess war round are going to last a while (actually I think they should last a lot longer than other gamemode, maybe around 45 minutes, it's a war after all), so the gamemode definitely need some rhythm. Right now CTF is a constant fight, which tend to get boring after a while.
    You can also replace the lake for a ravine filled with spike, but it's less fancy !

    What do you think ?

    PS : If the zombie gamemode ever get implemented, don't forget to make a creepy night/graveyard environnement ! :P
    PPS : the zombie gamemode could be the default gamemode when nobody is on the server, coop gamemode are always good to fill a server (it's a lot more entertaining to wait for more people to join when there are zombie to kill !).
    Strech likes this.
  2. Valkyrie

    Valkyrie Shark Slayer

    We already have Turtle's boats for water scenario's (Hopefully) so it's not gonna be that easy to suggest an environment that will be dominated by water battles and air battles.
  3. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Wait you guys serious about the crabs or am i just missing something...
  4. Beef

    Beef Guest

    I like this one a lot, although I'm not sure how it'd work out. Dunno has it been said elsewhere, but water should also extinguish the bombs, what with their fuses and all. (I know there are fuses which stay lit under water but common, those wouldn't be common)
  5. bilbs

    bilbs KAG Guard Tester

    First thought while reading this was how much of a b---- it would be to try and find peoples hidden outposts. I imagine someone, from the moment the match starts, either digging or climbing to some ridiculous place and hiding. Without reading through the thread, I already know someone else has brought this up, but here's my solution to it.

    Making it into their base and destroying their main spawn should mean the end of the game (is coming).
    But this doesn't mean it has to be immediate. If you destroy the teams main spawn, their remaining lives (if there are any) should start to slowly tick down. So even if they're hiding, they will lose the match. This would eliminate any possibility of a stale mate (post destroying a teams main base) and would give a team a reason to have one hell of a last stand.

    If the game is close, this can create some interesting come-back scenarios too. Imagine a team (let's say blue) expending every life just to rush the opposing teams (red's) base. By the time blue gets in and takes out the main spawn, they have 15 units remaining. Blue foolishly spent lives taking out the main base, while red retreated to a different base. Red now has 40 lives, and a timer counting down to their demise, but they only have to kill 15 Blue units to end the match. PANIC TIME!
  6. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Shopkeep Stealer

    I like the way you think bilbs.
  7. moded

    moded Shipwright

    Cool :D
  8. Chiguireitor

    Chiguireitor Shopkeep Stealer

    Just played my first WAR... it is a lot of fun!!!

    However, the anticlimatic part of one team being horribly crippled while waiting for their flag to be captured switched to one anticlimatic archer sitting on top of their base spitting arrows to every builder of the opposing team while the other players waited for the opposing team finishing him off. It isn't a lot fun to wait, but is a enhancement from waiting and being killed by spawn campers.

    Would love to have the SNES video mode :-D