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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Some of those rules are a bit OTT.
    Getting near equal ping is often not possible seeing as how most clans have members from multiple countries.
    Additionally, ping doesn't really favour anyone - if your ping is high you will teleport around on your client but you will also teleport around on other peoples' clients too.

    Having impartial mods would also make organising matches hell - you have to convince 2 people unaffiliated to either clan to partake in a purely observatory capacity. Seeing as how tricky it has proven so far to get two clans together without any caveats, I can't see this happening.

    Cross-posting czubai's ideas for rules from the YB convo:
    1. Server and it's rules are agreeded on before the match. If there are any problems with it, the next fastest available one is chosen.
    2. Ping, game bugs, glitches affect everyone, so they do not entitle one to appeal to the match's result.
    3. Deserters are the team's own issue, the game continues as it is when someone quits. No excuses like 'mom walked in', 'power died' etc. The team is free to get a new player to join.
    4. Teams should refrain from using the 'all' chat in game unless there is an important issue to discuss.
    5. If a team fails to understand and follow the above rules, it results a forfeit and a win to the opposite team.
    6. As the games tend to get extremely long, draw conditions should be agreeded on before the match. <some default ones should go here, I can't think of anything really good, discuss it!>
  2. MrKaputtnik

    MrKaputtnik Shopkeep Stealer

    We should've tested the available servers before the match. It was a week between the announcing and the match, we just didn't organize it.
  3. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Who knows, just throwing some ideas out.
  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I asked Loki if Dwatring's server was ok about a week ago, and he was perfectly fine with it. I didn't know you had so many European players- that definitely should be checked ahead of time. I don't think it's really possible to get even ping across sides, but it's definitely something that should be paid attention to.

    Can we move all this discussion to a new thread or something?
  5. Wargod-Loki

    Wargod-Loki Haxor

    Just had a great game an houre ago, ended in a decent knight tower! :)

  6. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I just learned how awesome KAG can be with good server and with good players. I hope frMinecraft or something that it was, will stay up to the honorful future.
  7. Bene

    Bene Free cookies for everyone! ☭ Donator Tester

    I've just seen again how important it can be to be lucky and have good timing. I played red team and only some time after the start I could see that we were inferiour. That really sucked because I thought it didn't have to be like this if we had more support from builders and a better teamplay. I was wondering why our builders didn't do anything to repair our castle or to help us do a counter attack (the map had a mountain in the middle). Then I realized that they had made a tunnel to the enemy base. As our base was nearly destroyed I thought that defending here won't change much anyway and went through it. I just came out at the blue base and the spawned enemys gibbed from a bomb. I took the flag, headed back, when in this moment I heard our last tower go down. As I came up again there was no base, no enemys and no red flag. I think blue felt like they had won the game and everybody headed back. Some people had already disconnected from the red team because it seemed hopless. So we burried the blue flag under the earth and it took long enough for blue to realize that they didn't win that the builders could make some minimal defence structures. When it looked like we were able to defend the flag for some time I headed back to the tunnel. There were not much enemys down there. So after some tries I could get through to the blue base and wondered why there is no red flag. I thought they had hidden it somewhere it was hard to find. But some seconds after that the red team won so someone from my team members must have been there first.
    Of course we stole the blue victory and maybe we didn't deserve it. But it worked and felt much better than the games where everyone in the inferiour team gives up at a point and disconnects so that the other team has not only the bonus of better players but also outnumbers the game. Don't do this, you have often the chance to sneak back in ;)
  8. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    :3 indeed bene, reminds me of a game where red team started out inferior but we got better just in time. We had dug a massive tunnel under the map all the way to blue base. With pizza, we planned a strategy together that involved him defending the already struggling red base, and me going off with others to sneak into blue base via the tunnel. Even if the enemy is at your doorstep, defending for a bit might prove helpful. Pizza was able to hold off the blues just long enough for us to capture and return with their flag. Our base was in a state of disrepair, and we caught the enemy flag carrier on our way back and killed him. Having returned our own flag back to the base we took blues flag and won the game! Never underestimate tunneling and a well placed outpost. Sometimes the entire team don't notice them until its too late, which is our case.
  9. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    There's like 10 people making a group hug:

  10. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Lol @ that lonely knight in the hole wanting in on the love.
    Froghead48, Chinizz, Acavado and 2 others like this.
  11. Chosen

    Chosen Shopkeep Stealer

    It seems like he could just jump out, though... I see a gap in the wall that can be used to jump up to the ladders.
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Shipwright

    Just had a poetic match a few minutes ago. I show up. The reds have a huge tower and they kept pelting us with stone. I switch to builder, pick up the spoils of the dead. Build a cata closer to their tower and take the whole thing down before raining rocky hell on their castle beyond. though the most awesome moment was at the last moment when I got the flag. there was no way back up the wall the builders had put up and there were enemy knights right on my tail. So I pass the flag to the archer sniping at the top and turn to face the knights. I kill a few before finally dying. That round while short was awesome.
  13. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    We lost every round
    Kyzak, Eggnogg, Fellere825 and 2 others like this.
  14. Bene

    Bene Free cookies for everyone! ☭ Donator Tester

    We had a little bit too much time before the game on the test server started so we built this:

    On the left there are the luxury appartements for the soldiers with view on the garden
    Monsteri likes this.
  15. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Today there was a one-sided match, so I decided to grief.

    People were complaining because I kept on toppling a skybridge they were working on when the entire team was literally right in front of the enemy's base. A single catapult and an endless wave of knights would have won them the game.
  16. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

  17. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    Sometimes I get bored when the game goes back and forth for about an hour. It's a problem.

    Sometimes I get annoyed when I see people trying to build a skybridge where a catapult would suffice. It's a problem.
  18. Eggnogg

    Eggnogg Ye Olde Wench Donator Tester

    Understandable. For me the game gets extremely frustrating, and sky-bridges are real instigators. But alas, no matter how silly a creation, it is someone else's creation and they certainly don't appreciate someone destroying it. Not to mention, griefing -- as harmless as it may be -- is a deterrent for new players.

    Last game I had was in the Aus RDX Realm server; first game I've had in an Australian server with more than 4 people :D .
    We had a tense stalemate that lasted around 15 minutes, in which both teams had the opposing team's flag. Battles to kill one another's flag bearer ensued.

    And a ludicrous sky-bridge from another match:
    Neat likes this.
  19. saniblues

    saniblues KAG Guard Tester

    If it's any consolation, I only do it when it's a futile effort for one team or the other. The red team made a comeback, though, probably not through my actions that involved destroying a skybridge nobody was using.

    That match was kind of like that one level in Iji, for those who've played it, where the Komato are trying to blast their way into the last Tasen stronghold but there's such an absurd level of firepower on the inside that they can't get in.
  20. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Oh, how I love Build 190. Gliding is by far my favorite mechanic as of yet, especially when coupled with bombs. It is probably why I have been so adept at killing dudes lately. (All of this was as a Knight; not much in the way of bragging rights, since they're killing machines at present, but oh well!)


    We ended up winning this match after the obligatory end-of-round stalemate. I really don't like how often it devolves into archers sniping at eachother, but I guess that's what happens when dudes decide to be aggressive without the ~*skills*~ to back it up. 8 )