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Advance Wars!

Discussion in 'Other games' started by SlyStalker, Jul 16, 2013.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    The Advance Wars series is possibly the only one series that Nintendo has ever made that kicks ass. It is set in the future in a world called 'Wars World'. There are 4 countries (yes, it's a small world): Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet and Green Earth (yes, count on Nintendo to deliver unoriginal names :rollseyes:). Orange Star, who is in a war against Blue Moon, suddenly get attacked by Green Earth and Yellow Comet (it's complicated :D), and then they notice that something strange is going on and they find an organisation called Black Hole. So there's the plot. Basically, it's an awesome turn-based tactics strategy game where you control a couple of units and blow your enemy apart. Does anyone else share my passion for this game?
  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    I tried it once, but I didn't find it all that interesting for me, maybe precisely because of the depth of the game. Also you couldn't do anything directly during the fights themselves, which is why I liked Yggdra Union more (it has similar gameplay, but less micromanagement, like fuel lines and such).
  3. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    I'm going to guess you only played an emulated version and therefore only the played Advances Wars and Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising. I also liked how you didn't talk anything important about the game.

    For those of you who might possibly be interested, Advance Wars is a Turn Based Strategy series that started in Japan and the first game was called Nintendo Wars. In there it basically started with only Red Army vs Blue Army (or may have been green, can't remember). More stuff was added in the Gameboy version, called Gameboy Wars. Advance Wars was released for the GBA and added up a total of 4 teams (which has remained the norm in all concurrent Advance Wars games). Generally to win a battle, you either capture the enemy's capital or you defeat all their units. If you have played Fire Emblem, it'd be some what similar. You and your opponent(s) take turns building units (unless the map you are playing is pre-deployed only and has no factories/airports/ports), moving them around and attacking enemy units. Some units are advantageous against some units and weak against others.
    Ground Units: Infantry is the basic unit which is great for capturing cites/factories/etc but it is weak against all units. However, the fact that it can capture properties makes it one of the most important units. There are then Mechs which move slower, but have a rocket launcher, which makes then cheap units that can fight against tanks and not get destroyed. Recon has high vision (in fog of war), high mobility and is strong against infantry, but weak against cannons. Tanks are the next unit up, moderate mobility and have cannons. There are usually 3-4 tiers of tanks, with each one getting significantly more stronger and damage resistant at the cost of slower movement and much higher cost. Anti-Air is strong against infatry and Air Units, but weak against tanks. Lastly there's Artillery, Rockets and Missiles. Artillery and Rockets can only attack ground units and Naval units (except for submerged submarines) but at a range, but are extremely weak against direct attacks. Missiles are the same cept they can only attack Air Units, however because of that, they tend to 1 shot them. There are also APCs which basically supply your units with gas and can be used to carry infantry/mechs around much faster, but they can't attack.

    Ground units only use gas when moving, however, the following: Naval and Air units, use gas every turn. If they run out of gas, ships won't be able to move and Air units will crash and die.

    Naval Units: Landers are for moving land units around and they can't attack. Cruisers are ships easily kill submarines and Air Units, but do pitiful damage against other ship and have a are fairly hardy. Battleships have high attack power, work exactly the same as Rockets but are also fairly weak against Bombers and submarines. Submarines can easily kill other ships (except for cruisers) and can dive underwater to avoid being seen by the enemy. While hidden, they can't be hit by rockets, cannons or bombs, but they use 2x the gas.

    Air Units: Transport Copter can only carry Infantry/Mechs and can't attack. Battle Copters are the weakest air unit, however they are still fairly powerful against tanks, other ground units, and are okay against naval units and other copters, however both Copters can be attacked by machine guns (carried by Infantry, Mechs and Tanks) and obviously anti air and they can't attack planes. Bombers are basically one of the strongest units in the game. They can easily wipe out Ground Units and do signifcant damage to Naval Units, however they are easily destroyed by Cruisers, Missiles and Fighters (Anti Air will also beat them, but only if anti air attacks first, otherwise too much damage will take place to really counter them). Fighters can only attack air units, however they can destroy them generally in 1 hit and destroy other fighters in 2.
    COs are basically the leaders of your units and give units buffs/debuffs. Some COs are better with ground units, but have weaker navy or air units. Additionally, as you destroy units, you build up CO power. Once it's full, you can use a CO power and all your units will become significantly more powerful for 1 full turn. Generally, you'll find a certain strategy that works best for you and you use a CO that best fills that strategy. You do have the option to not use a CO, but generally 1 CO will fit your play style well.
    Apart from Advances Wars and Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, there were 2 other games released on the DS. Advance Wars: Dual Strike simply adds a bit more to the original Advances Wars and takes in the same place. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (my personal favorite) takes place in a world where a meteorite has hit earth and almost completely annihilated all life. Unlike the other games, Days of Ruin shows a darker side to war and is less "cutesy" about it, additionally it's probably the most balanced of all the games, since CO powers can't turn the tide of a game in an instant. It's a fairly fun series if you like Turn Based Strategy games, although it is unbalanced. Some strategies are significantly better than others, however I find it overall fun.

    Also, I personally don't mind the lack of control between 2 fighting units simply cause the battles are so short and units don't generally level up.
    A couple of my favorite CO themes: Gage from Days of Ruin, Tabitha also from Days of Ruin, Kanbei from Advance Wars, Black Hole Rising and Dual Strike, and lastly Eagle (also from the same 3 games.

    If anyone happens to have Days of Ruin, challenge me.
    Fate likes this.
  4. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    FWIW, alongside Fire Emblem, I consider Advance Wars to be the best Turn-Based Tactical-strategy game there is. :P

    One of the things I specifically love about Advance Wars is it's lack of reliance on luck to calculate outcomes, which (other than the balance-breaking CO powers) basically turns it into a hyper-complex game of chess. :D
  5. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    Kanbei :smug: His Recons can actually put some reasonable damage on enemy tanks and his ult is OP as hell. :D
Mods: BlueLuigi