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Indie Game Stand Sale!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DevBlogger, Jul 23, 2013.

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  1. Armitage1982

    Armitage1982 Shark Slayer

    So it's coming or what ?

    I recognize that it's a bit harsh for supporters of the early days... You see this everywhere today !
    One of the really bad things with these kind of sales is that we educate people to wait for bundles or "think crowdfunding" but most indies don't have enough contacts or press to work this way. This having side effects on garage developers... But that's how it is.
  2. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Any chance for a epub version? It would look better on my ebookshelf :P
  3. McSpiffy

    McSpiffy Catapult Fodder

    So can the people that had purchased a copy before the IGS sale still get a key for Desura?
    And if not why?
  4. because you didnt buy it on desura?
  5. McSpiffy

    McSpiffy Catapult Fodder

    Your point any other game I buy before its on Desura give me a key if I ask.
    So do go on Ej Indulge me some more if you will.
  6. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Because Premium Accounts are not tied to clients, they are tied to accounts. Therefore, regardless of what form you get the game in, it's a matter of just logging in. If someone came over to your house and did not have premium account, and logged into your computer, they would still only be able to access the free version.

    Also: when you aren't good at English, you probably shouldn't try to use fancier words like indulge. It makes you sound like a prick.
    Noburu likes this.
  7. McSpiffy

    McSpiffy Catapult Fodder

    So people buying premium accounts now form IGS will get a Desura key but the people that got their premium accounts a few days before the IGS sale or more then a year ago shouldn't be able to get a Desura key right?
    So what happens when it gets on steam everyone who wants to have have it on steam will have to buy a Steam key?
    Idk it seems like you would piss alot of people off that way.
  8. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Steam key will be given to people who wish it, it's been stated before. Desura activates the same way the stand alone client does, where you have to use the Desura key you got on KAG2d aka here: http://kag2d.com/en/

    You should probably do more research next time.
  9. McSpiffy

    McSpiffy Catapult Fodder

    Ok look maybe I'm not saying this the right way , all I'm asking to do is to have both my kag and kag beta launcher tied into desura. I understand atm kag is f2p but in order to have the kag beta launcher tied into desura as well it requires a key thats all I want.
    I don't understand why you are willing to give a steam key when its out for steam but not a Desura key. They both are very much alike
    in the way they keep game libraries and that what i would like is to have kag and kag beta in a game library. And no i dont want to manually put them into said libraries because they have a tendency to disappear.
  10. SyberSmoke

    SyberSmoke Catapult Fodder

    Interesting game you have here. I have been a fan of Terraria for a while and do like games of a similar bent. So this game is something of a match for me and the reason I bought it at IGS. Keep up the good work and I hope this is a hit.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Regardless of what people have said above, we'll offer redemption of desura keys along with steam keys in the future. We dont have the site infrastructure set up to generate you one when you ask for it at the moment and as a few people have said above - your gold account is not tied to your steam/desura account anyway.
    You can install the free kag version in desura, log into it and be treated as a paid player - the difference is in your account, not in the game you downloaded.

    We'll give keys in the future, at the moment it's more a matter of getting the game done though than slightly increasing the convenience of you accessing it through some 3rd party service, sorry.
  12. Shoes

    Shoes Catapult Fodder

    This is incorrect Kouji. You're merely projecting your own insecurities upon him.
    You shouldn't dissuade someone from learning or using a more extensive vocabulary.

    Judging from your insignia, you hold a position of authority here. Yet rather than encouraging members to communicate, you choose to berate them.
    Being condescending and obnoxious is completely detrimental to improving a community.
    AcidSeth, norill and PinXviiN like this.
  13. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    C'mon dude, you're bringing armchair quasi-psychology into this? I think his main point that he was coming across with a needlessly rude tone toward someone who answered a simple question with a simple answer. If you're offended by his choice of wording then that's just how the forums go, don't take that shit personally because it's how people conduct themselves round here, it's much more fun then a set of boring cunts speaking politely to each other if you ask me.

    On the subject of English language, what's the point of having a few long words in your vocabulary if you don't have a grasp of the spelling of basic words or sentence structure? Most people learning a language can't even spell the long winded words they often don't really understand the meaning of. That all sounds a little harsh, and I truly applaud anyone that has any understanding of a non-native language, however I really feel that people make themselves sound incredibly stupid by using a convoluted manner of talking when they can't really pull it off yet.

    On topic I'm pyched about the sale, it's been a long time before the game has had a little publicity, and Geti/MM could probably do with a bit of cash since they've only had a slow trickle of sales coming in during the well extended development of the game. Shit goes on sale all the time and I find it funny when people are so happy to throw money about to help out hard working indie devs, then suddenly get sore bottom holes as soon as someone happens to get said game for cheaper. I personally don't care and will happily buy the game to give a bit of money to the devs, charity, and a key to some poor kid that hasn't got a credit card or can't afford it or whatever, that and get a cool artbook. The game was cheap as fuck in the first place and I've got a good couple of hundred hours out of it already anyway.
    Lieber and Kouji like this.
  14. Iamaclay

    Iamaclay Shark Slayer

    So many words. You'll get your keys and art book.
    In the mean-time, KAG is selling dirt-cheap. Buy it. Play it. Easy.

    Text-wall dude, good argument, but say more with less. That's the art of English.
  15. Pod

    Pod Horde Gibber

    So I haven't played KAG in ages. I notice the IGS sale has videos and pictures of the new boats and balloons and things. I haven't really been keeping up with KAG, and I thought all the things on the dev blog about it were internal testing. Is that stuff available for me to play with RIGHT NOW with my premium account? Or do I have to buy the game again via IGS to get those? Or will they be released in future and those pictures are just to entice people?

  16. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

  17. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    It has been a "silent beta" for the past few months, now that the beta is being made more publically available I expect geti/mm to update their site at some point, that's up to them though
  18. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    So people don't keep asking:
    The client you get at the sale is the Beta Client which is found here as well: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/welcome-to-the-silent-beta.13309/
    If your account is gold, you can use it.

    If you are having issues with desura activating your account, go here: http://kag2d.com/en/ and press login at the top. Then press Panel [YourUsernameHere]
    This menu should come up:
    Press Redeem Premium Code.
    After you do that, your account will become gold and you will be able to login into the Beta Client in the first link I mentioned, or you can use the classic client found here: https://kag2d.com/en/download
    You can then just login and play with other people.

    IF YOU DO NOT SEE ANY SERVERS: Find where you KAG folder installed to, and go to the Apps folder. Delete Version.txt (or just Version if you have extensions hidden) and restart your client. Your game will then update to the correct version.

    edit: addtionally,

    Yeah yeah sure, I'm totally insecure about myself. You clearly know me better than I do. BTW, you are incorrect, not me. As AnRK said, people should learn the basics of English rather then attempting to learn better vocabulary first. I'm not against people learning to use English properly, but the first step to learning a language is not learning higher level vocabulary, it's understanding basic words and how to use them correctly, along with correct sentence structure. I'd rather someone say "This game is fun" than "This game gratifying". If you are only learning higher leveled vocabulary first, you are wasting your time because no matter how good your vocabulary is, you still won't be able to communicate properly without knowing how to make complete sentences.
  19. Shoes

    Shoes Catapult Fodder

    It's okay it's a common problem, especially on the internet. Sometimes our egos prevent us from seeing who or what we're becoming.

    Joking aside, be as callous as you feel you need to be.. but please remember that there's a human being with feelings on the other end of the screen ;p

    Anyways, thanks for the links/guide! (Also, you might want to blur out your email address from the screenshots?) //edit from Kouji: I don't particularlly care if you email that account. It's mainly for spam and things I don't trust. Additionally, if you have problems with me, feel free to take it to PM or my profile.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  20. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower


    I tried to redeem the code I received for Desura. It says the code does not exist. Is the gold code different from the desura activation key? I payed the one dollar and I have the beta. (Although, I did try to join a game and it immediately booted me.) Sorry if I missed something.

    EDIT: Ugh. I'm assuming "GAME KEY" in the Indie Game Stand site is different from the Desura key? I'll try that.

    Yay! :D
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