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Cheese's KAG Giveaway

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by CheeseMeister, Jul 24, 2013.

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    I have 4 premium codes to give away. Three of the winners will be chosen by a random number generator. The other winner will be whoever writes up the most interesting/well written form.

    Just fill out the form below and you're well on your way to winning a code.

    • Do not try to enter if you already own a premium account.
    • Do not create multiple accounts to enter the give away.
    • Do not spam the thread with unnecessary crap, it would would be nice if the only things posted are the application forms. (I can't really enforce this rule though)
    • If you know someone that wants a premium account do not post here for them, instead redirect them here.
    Good luck!
  2. NotAPirate

    NotAPirate Arsonist

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?: I have three brothers that were playing KAG and they told me I had to play it, so to get them off my back I joined KAG, and found it was a LOT better then I had anticipated , and I started about 3 months ago and have been enjoying every bit :D.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?: Killing noobs more noobier then myself,:p and climbing sky-scrapers as Archer :B):
    • What is your favourite class and why?: Archer all the way, and because Archers rule and I suck at Builder and Knight. :D
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say: I try to be nice and get along well with everybody, 25252525 and I would like to thank you Cheese for holding this giveaway, and well done to whoever wins. :)
    Karpovich, toffie0, MadDog and 6 others like this.
    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    How did I find out? Well, I found out about KAG through a game review show. I think some may already know about this. It's called GGSP. I know, a kids show. I was flicking channels, when I saw the show. And at that moment, they were reviewing KAG. Well, I didn't know about KAG at that point, so I decided to stay and watch. And thank god I did! Because from that day on, I loved KAG! I played for about 3 or 4 months ( This was back in, very late 2011, wayyy before I heard of the forums ) Then, I went on a holiday, and after that, I forgot about it. I didn't really pay attention to it at all. Then, mid 2012, I found it again, in some folder of my laptop. I thought, why not surprise the community, and go and say "Hi!" , unfortunately know one knew who I was. I played for about a week, searching for anyone I knew, no one was on. So I gave up again. Then came the May. In which, I thought it would be fun, to go and make new friends in KAG, so I hopped on, and been on, ever since.

    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    The best feature, isn't actually a feature of the game it self. It's you guys! The community of KAG, is just so friendly, and kind. That's why I keep coming back, it's you guys! I come on here, just to meet my online friends. However, if the question, is specially asking for KAG features, then it is the overall idea behind this game, that is just breath-taking. It is such a simple concept, yet just so well done. I have only ever played on classic KAG. I spent ages looking at videos, of KAG beta. And each time, I think " Wow, I wish I could try it out " This is my second biggest wish in KAG. My first, is just to become Admin. KAG would be 100% complete, it would just be the best thing ever. Why? Because, I would just love to kick the greifers. So many times, I have been online, and a greifer comes online, and ruin's it. And I would be with a group of silent players. It would be satisfying to kick him.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    I would love to say " Knight " However, the simple fact is, I just am 'that' bad at knight. I only go archer or builder in RAVE. Why? Because I am always scared that my Rank will be ruined. I am terrified, that someone might pick on me, for having a bad Kdr. My second favourite would easily be builder. I have a great imagination, and I know that. I love building amazingly awesomely massive towers. It's one of my passions in KAG. And I think I always will. Archer, I have hated, ever since I joined KAG. However, recently, I have been trying it out, and I have 'loved' it! It juts makes my so happy, when I kill someone. I think, I am only one of the few, that, whenever I get a kill, dances on the spot! Or yells "YEAH!" Many people, get used to the constant "+1" or the "+3". I will always, say "YEAH!" because, it is just so rewarding.
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    As a person, I think, well, I know I am very kind, and friendly. Because many people say so. I always, and I mean always say "Hey/Hi" when I come online, to everyone.... Individually. I hate general "hey"s because, you don't get the same feeling. I also know, that I am mature. Also, because people say so. I never, pick on someone. I love to help others, that's why I joined MEDIC. Also, I hate seeing people sad. When i saw Toffie0 sad, I went and proposed a plan, to make a Clan for her. Just to cheer her up. And when Kasra was sad, I did the same. I love to bring on smiles. And so, when people say "tkz" I say "welcome" Another massive reason, as to why Im compelled to get Premium, is simply because so many people have requested I do so. Countless people think I am a premium player, just because of how mature I am. And are usually shocked to find, that I'm a free-to-play user. Another reason, is to accomplish my dreams. I know, for a fact, that I will never, get close to any of the admins, because, they think I am a no-body. I know, I can never become admin, because Kovett, doesn't even know who I am. I feel left out. I feel as if I can never be admin. My votes are never counted, towards anything. It just annoys me, how badly, free-to-play members can be disrespected sometimes.
    In conclusion, thank you. Thank you cheesemeister, for setting up the give away. I can finally express who I am. I wish best of luck to everyone. And one again, thank you cheese, for this opportunity.
    Thank you,
    Ozminer, Mystagon, eric999 and 11 others like this.
  3. DeathAngel

    DeathAngel Shipwright

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    Somehow, sometime (2 years ago) I was just bored of the games I had and started looking for new one similiar to the I liked ones and there showed KAG which looked great from screenshots and trailers ;D
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    I think there isn't only one most fun/best feature in KAG because from the fun side I like how bodies "explodes" when crashes, destroy them and etc. I like the bugs that are uncommon and adds some unwanted action even the one that can help winning game, but I think the best feature in KAG is ability to make "modded" servers like Fallreane's Zombies/Skyblock, The Bagel Mansion [Sumo] ... that adds tons of new fun and gameplay.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    It's knight easy to play hard to master (like other ones) because I love slashing archers on half or bomb them because they maked on me Headshot :/ I like to see archers die the worst enemy of knights :palso there are bigger posibilities of parkouring or bomb jumping and passing enemy walls without their knowledge ;D
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I don't have very much to say about self when there is person better than me that is making this giveaway, but I'm from Poland (some people know ;d), my hobby is making origami soz I'm very patient and I don't get in rage very quickly ;p and sorry about my english if there are some sentences that I writed wrong or something else.
    I wanna thank you very much CheeseMeister for making giveaway for 4 lucky people. I'm gonna go on Holiday today (at sea), so I'm glad that I'm participant and about who won I will know after Holidays :d
    Atheon, butterscotch and NotAPirate like this.
  4. Lehmure

    Lehmure Shark Slayer
    1. KRPG

    -How and when you did you fint about KAG?
    Hm, i think it was last year ago, at Pixel Joint, when a guy was doing a mockup of a game that looked like KAG and another member just sent him the link, and it was a amazing game. But i only played for a few months, i didn't enjoy the fact of only be CTF and RTDM, after another two months i started playing again at Bergice RP. And people started to do diferent servers, game started to be more fun in my opinion, so every day i play a "little" bit.

    -What in your opinon is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    I think is the fact that you are enable to do hundred of things, like floating buildings, build ships, have slaves. Slaves.
    New servers like Cat and Mouse makes me happy, i can play in server like these for hours, and i only will be raged, too much raged to do a ragequit.

    - What is your favourite class and why?
    Builder. He lands on the people doing some damage, then he hammer fast like hell. And the builder allows you to do cool stuff, like workshops, a nice base and ships. Yeah, i really love the fact of be a builder and do a nice base that even a cata can destroy it, i saw some videos of builders building ships with tha woman/man that looks like a old woman, i was like: "GO, FREAKIN MAN, BUILD A SHIP, THROW IT IN THE WATER, GO, GO! I mean...awe, ships.

    -Describe yourself as a person.
    Agora ferrou legal. So, i am from Brazil, the HUEHUE land, (Yeah, people like to scream HUEHUEHUE all the time when they see a brazilian) i really like of pixelating stuff and drawing. At this moment i am trying to do a concept of KAG using only 30 colors for a challenge at a brazilian community called Pixelaria. So, when i am playing i really try to be peaceful and maniac, both stuff doesn't work. Then i start screaming and lagging. It's kinda fun.

    -Anything else you want to say.
    Jesus Cristo, sorry about my grammar, and it's really nice when someone do a giveaway to people that can't afford the game, or can't have, even if costs one dollar.
    Gurin, NotAPirate and butterscotch like this.
  5. Makc4ik

    Makc4ik Catapult Fodder

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    A few years ago I found it on my favorite website (its Russian), decided to download, then I saw that you need to register on the site, I registered and downloaded from there, so I started playing this wonderful game

    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    I love to pinch enemies in a hole from which no escape and then throw a bomb playing as Knight. And then collect coins from dead

    What is your favourite class and why?
    Of course Knight! I can throw a bomb under him, put a shield and a long way to fly! Right on the enemy base, and then take the flag and fly back! This is so cool!

    Describe yourself as a person
    In life, I'm a gamer and animator, even though it is harmful to the eyes, but ... This is my hobby! With that, I can not help it, for myself I find a lot of information, in the end when I ran for myself, I start to animate.

    Anything else you want to say.
    I live in Belarus, there is no system of payment for the purchase of the game :( ! Very upset about this, but I want to thank CheeseMeister, for creating this giveaway! Good luck to the participants in this giveaway!
    Gurin, NotAPirate and butterscotch like this.
  6. Lovatic

    Lovatic Bison Rider
    1. Grey Wardens - GREY

    How did you find out about KAG:
    -My friend told me about KAG. :D
    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG:
    -I need explodes arrows :p
    What is your favourite class and why:
    -I like building but ARCHER is my favorite class because killing enemies at distances and climbing in tree. :bow:
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say:

    I don't have very much to say about self. I'm polish player. I like play in the guitar and ply in KAG :B): Thank you CheeseMeister for making giveaway for 4 lucky people.
    NotAPirate and butterscotch like this.
  7. Norris

    Norris Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    Just like everyone did by googling "games like minecraft". I found this game about a year ago.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    The most fun feature is those dead bodies splashing into thousand pieces of meat. Blood and money everywhere!
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    Knight! He flies like a batman, strikes like a god and throws bombs like a boss! :B): Actually I love knight only for ability to throw bombs.
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I'm fake Chuck Norris. I'm really friendly, and sometimes I spare the lives of poor cornered enemy builders and let them live. But they still get killed by someone else. Also I love to amaze other players by my name. Chuck's fact: once I threw a bomb and killed 10 people. And only THEN the bomb explode!
  8. TheDoctor993

    TheDoctor993 Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    How did I find KAG??? I couldn`t buy from the internet so I couldn`t play Terraria, so I searched for games like terraria and found this and went playn` and it was awesome :D !(And it`s still awesome 25252525 !!!)
    1. What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?

    The best feature is the demolition physics thingy, because I just climb the wall that the enemies attack and i build a big 5X5 square suported by a workshop block and then I let it fall over the attackers and I go :migrant:!
    • What is your favourite class and why?

    My favourite class is the builder because I love building fortifications. :castle:
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.

    I am the guy that waits behind someone choppin` tress who`s droppin` extra logs until i get filled up :rollseyes: ( I do the same thin with stone too :p !!!). I can`t wait until BETA is released so that I won`t have to stick with the sandbox beta and because I can`t wait to enjoy BETA with others !!! I wish my parents would buy me full but they won`t :QQ: cause they say that I don`t need anything bought trough and/or from internet!!! If I would have premium I would play on BETA test servers, but I don`t so I :QQ:. Wish I could get a code, if I would, that day would be the HAPPYEST day of my life :p !!!

    *sorry for bad grammar*
    butterscotch and Gurin like this.
  9. MonkeyMan12

    MonkeyMan12 Catapult Fodder

    • How when did you find out about KAG?
    1-2 years ago I was watching a show called Good Game and it showed KAG and I am heaps into retro games so the style just caught my eye. And plus it was an (almost) RPG and i had never found any good ones so I got me and my friends into the game.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Two words, BUILDING. PHYSICS.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    Good ol' warrior willing to take a beating anytime. He has a awesome shield and I love sword fights (friggin archers AUHUHGGHG)
    • Describe yourself as a person
    I am a forgiveable douchebag that can get people really angry accidentally (I know pretty bad huh)
    butterscotch likes this.
  10. KillingB

    KillingB Catapult Fodder

    • How when did you find out about KAG?
    I found about KAG almost 2 years ago. It happened on a rainy day... I'm serious!!! :D
    I was looking for stuff to do and then i saw KAG on youtube.

    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
      In my opinion this makes a great game is that you have to work in teams. If 1 teammate does something dumb(by accident) it might affect the whole team! Or someone could do something smart and win the game! - multiplayer.
      Or another thing i really like is that you can collapse buildings. :)

    • What is your favourite class and why?
      My favourite class is builder. I love building!(not only in video games but also in real life). And if any knight out there challanges me to a fight.... i'm not afraid to use my hammer!

    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
      I am very creative (atleast i think i am), i know the meaning of word HUMOR and i love animals! Espeacally birds!. I love music - making it that is! i play piano and guitar(just wanted to share that).
    butterscotch likes this.
  11. len15

    len15 Base Burner

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?

      i found KAG 1 year ago (i think :\ )on one of my favorite sites.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
      one word - bombs! :D
    • What is your favourite class and why?
      :hammer: builder - im lagging most of the time (so i can't fight).
    • Describe yourself as a person
      arrg, i hate this part...i have really nothing to say about myself. i think i'm nice but not very helpful.
    • anything else you want to say.
      thank you so much, google translate!
    butterscotch likes this.
  12. Luckydeath

    Luckydeath Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    That's a original story , Minecraft bored me for a time so i decided to find other games , i found Ace Of Spades that was a great game , but my crappy-paper-useless connection don't let me play it correctly , one day try to find how " AOS " was made i found the name of " KAG " , and by total luck one of my friend play it , he told me it was a great game , at first i didn't wanted to try it out but when i jump in i couldn't go out until .... My pc stop working xD
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
      I miss ..... Shield Bash for a long time i was a realy realy good knight i was playing with a french team and before it was removed a was a pro and i learned how to use it correctly , and when i get back on KAG and it was removed and i was so bad :(
      Bomb jump was bugged the last time i played KAG and i couldn't do it or it was random but it's one of the most fun feature in my opinion . I like the fact that this game still alive and have new features i tought it would be it since a long time but it still go on and that's a cool thing , don't let this game die , it's a good one with a cool community :D
    • What is your favourite class and why?
      Mostly Knights , i'm bad at building even if i play it a lot builder , and i try to be archer but i cant spam correctly and my connection dont let me the time to escape .
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say

    I'm a person that like to talk and i play KAG since a long time even if i miss this game since a while ago if i get choosed i'm not sure that would be the best choice but that would give me a reason to play back KAG and maybe enjoy it again :)

    Good luck to everyone else , and thank you a lot for being generous . Now make a smile for the picture Cheese ! £

    ( Yeah i know that was a bad joke >.> )
    butterscotch likes this.
  13. DarkSlayer222

    DarkSlayer222 Builder Stabber

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I found KAG around the beggining of 2012. I watched a video about it and it made me want to play it.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Capture the flag is super, but my favourite feature is modded servers. I like to play on Sumo and Classic Roleplay by bergice. Fallreane's skyblock is also interesting.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    My favourite class is knight, because he is OP ;). He can use his shield to block archer's arrows, builder's hammer and other knight's hits, and it helps to reduce fall damage. He deals nice damage. But my favourite part of playing with knight is throwing bombs, and watch enemies explode :D.
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I am from Poland, I live in Zielona Góra. I love playing KAG in my free time. Also i hate that griefers all on almost all servers ;).
    butterscotch likes this.
  14. Gasby

    Gasby Catapult Fodder

    How did you find out about KAG:
    -My friend told me about KAG, and he found out from another friend :)
    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG:
    -My favorite feature of KAG is the long Team Death-match, so i can build huge towers:builder::castle:
    What is your favorite class and why:
    -I like the Builder because then i can let my imagination float free and being able to make awesome towers.:castle_wall:
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say:
    -I am US player, I've been playing for a couple months now. I like to program in C++ and hike. Building computers is also fun. Technology is just my forte. I also like Gaming ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway CheeseMeister :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  15. deivis_LTU

    deivis_LTU Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    • i was searching a game who is similar to terraria or minecraft, and i found KAG :thumbs_up:
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    • every thing is very great in KAG but i love Fallreane's skyblock server is the best at this time :D
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    • knight i think because he is at the action center ;)
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    • Simple person from Europe, Lithuania. i was playing KAG like 1 year and now iam casual player on KAG :migrant: :knight::skeleton:
    butterscotch likes this.
  16. andrija525

    andrija525 Catapult Fodder

    1. how and when did you find out about KAG?
    I found KAG about a year ago when i was searching for some good indie games with fighting/building style.
    2. What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    The emoticons i do them all the time :D...sometimes i am annoying people with that BUT WHO CARES :D.
    3. What is your favourite class and why?
    Knight,because of the high mobility and the shield i also like throwing bombs at archers.
    4. Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I don't have much to say i am a croatian player and i like to play KAG very often.I like this game very much i play bad graphics games because i like them :P.
    butterscotch likes this.
  17. Crash159

    Crash159 Base Burner

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    About 2 years ago, I was searching for indie games on google

    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    The teamwork, is really fun to work toghether with people and make new friends

    What is your favourite class and why?
    I like all the classes, but, the builder is just amazing, you can work to help your team, build catapults,workshops, mining :builder:

    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I am a very happy person, and all my friends says I'm really funny :D. The reason I am on this giveaway is: I live in Brazil and here games are really expensive, I don't have my own money so I can't buy the game :(, I know how hard is to make a game, so I wanted to support the development.
    lekkox, Lehmure and butterscotch like this.
  18. asim_slays

    asim_slays Catapult Fodder

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I found out about kag after i finished playing the living crap out of terraria, and after ace of spades got jagexed and turned into a peice of poo.It was my favourite indie game ace of spades, and then i found this.:) (i was a big noob back then)
    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Teamwork, just i love charging in as a knight and behind me is 5 other knights and in front is about 7 enemies. It was a brutal match but, the archers deadly shots helped and a few of them fell through the builders cunningly placed traps. This is the best thing ever i think.
    What is your favourite class and why?
    ARCHER. MY GOD. They are so powerful in the right hands and i love hiding in the trees with my teammates and ambushing a few enemies when they get dangerously close and just being the whole overseer of the team, weakening enemies to help the knights out or delivering the final blow.:archer:
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I am from London and Im quite random and funny(or at least i think so) but one of the main reasons i play this is because its one of the only good multiplayer games i can play, my computer is extremely weak but it can run this awesomeness at a good speed.
  19. cirpons

    cirpons Shark Slayer

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I found out by browsing indieDB around a year ago, and after trying it out I instantly knew this was what id always wanted.​
    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    I think that the ability to modify the game so easily, it make infinite game possibilities, and all thanks to custom scripting files that everyone can modify, and the new KAG update will make things even more customisable, and I wouldnt want to miss out on that!​

    What is your favourite class and why?
    Builder, due to the many play stiles that emerge, for example you can fortify your base, or you can siege the other teams castle, you can play it offensive and rapidly advance with little to no fortification, or you can take it slow and make it as easy as possible for your teammates to advance.​
    Oh and smashing a knights skull in is always fun!​
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I would say that im a creative person, currently an art student, im also very friendly and helpful, and even tho I usually deny it, my friends would call me smart.​

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