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Cheese's KAG Giveaway

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by CheeseMeister, Jul 24, 2013.

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  1. Woodledude

    Woodledude Catapult Fodder

    Hello, everyone. Random guy called Woodledude here. It's possible this is my first time posting... Interesting. Anyway:

    So, how and when I found out about this game... I can just barely remember it, but some years back I found it... Heavens, I can't even remember how. Maybe it was a friend...? Website? Eh. No clue, to be perfectly honest. I do remember being very excited, though. I liked the idea of a sandbox game that was built around combat and multiplayer.

    The most fun or best feature in the game? Way back when, I was really excited about the concept of physics to go with the building, that when you tore down the bottom of a tower, the rest would come with it. Now, this was back when Minecraft was still an exciting new thing. Being able to shape the world in a game was still a novel concept to a lot of people, and that included me. To see someone improving on it was very intriguing to me. Now, though, I'm a bit more inclined to say that the game has a *lot* of very interesting features. The fact that archers can climb their arrows, or Knights can create a wall of themselves, and of course, building castles while everyone is trying to bring it down around you? That's pretty cool. But they've brought it a long way since I saw it last... Water, boats, catapults (I didn't get to play with those back when I played, but they were in the game), and all manner of things. Even the payment model is an intriguing concept to me. I do like the answer that one of the other guys here put, that being that the community was the best feature, but I haven't really partaken in the community, and I'm generally a rather quiet fellow on forums, so I couldn't say that myself. Still, I'm sure he wasn't lying. These sorts of games always have very interesting and friendly people attached to them. *Ahem*, well, right, let's move on.

    Favorite class? Can't say, really. They're incredibly diverse, but all equally useful, and all very interesting. I like the idea of being able to climb walls by shooting them, but one can't deny the area denial abilities of a knight, and of course the builder is arguably the most important class in the game, especially when the whole point is to build castles and defend them. And yet, what's a castle with nothing to defend against? Merely a stone husk, blighting the landscape with hardly a purpose in the world. The tie is broken only by my love of exploration, which the archer is best suited for.

    So, about me. I quite honestly wish everyone the best of luck in this giveaway, because I'm far too fortunate as it is. I have a large collection of very interesting games; I've already bought Planetary Annihilation for $90.00, I have Patterns, OVergrowth, FTL, Gunpoint, Antichamber, and many more. My time should be well and fully occupied already, but somehow I still have time to stalk other games, like Don't Starve and Castle Story. Also, I do some random things, inclusive of a failure of a blog, a dead-as-a-doornail "MSPA", a pointless deviantart page, and some other things. Like a Youtube channel. With one video. As you may have guessed, I'm lazy, you may have noticed I'm indecisive, and I tend to beat myself up a lot. That is the extent of anything vaguely interesting about me. Thank you for your time, and tell me what you think.


    -The game is the best feature in the game (the skin is the largest organ in your body, anyone?)
    -Archer, I guess
    -Some random crap about me and my face (Well, not really my face. More like my e-face.)
    Ruleral, Canadian98, Lehmure and 2 others like this.
  2. blackie2000

    blackie2000 Shipwright

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    • Well,I got pretty bored of the games I was playing,and as I have a low specs computer,I can only play games with low requirments.
    • So I on google,on a game finding adventure :) and that's how I found KAG.
    • I think I googled ''games like terraria''
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    • The best feature in KAG is that you can build your own kingdom and fight for it.
    • You are basically thrown in a world where you have to gather materials and build your castle.
    • After you're prepared you can go and attack the other team.
    • And also I like that this game can be pretty easily modded.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    • My favorite class is Knight,because in my opinion the knight has the biggest agility of all the classes.
    • If used corectly,you can move around the world very fast,and can be deadly in combat.
    • I think the knight is the best all-around class.
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    • I consider myself a smart person,I like animals very much,especially dogs,I love them.
    • I always liked to make new freinds,and I hate making enamies,but sometimes when I am bored I can be such a jerk -.-.
    • I wanted to say that,I would be the happiest person in the world if somehow I would win this giveaway.
    • And my english kind of sucks :)
    • P.S:I respect you for supporting the game developers!
    • Thanks!
  3. Gorcsi

    Gorcsi Catapult Fodder

    -How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I play this game since it came out. One day I was bored, so I started looking for games. Then I saw this beauty. I checked the videos, the pictures, description and everything! Even tough it wasn't THAT good like today, I fell in love with it on first sight. When I started downloading the game, I was jumping in excitement. I stood awake for late hours just to play this game.

    -What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Oh my gosh where should I start? When I first read the game's manual I couldn't belive the awesomeness of KAG. But if I have to choose, I would say the physics. I love physic-based pixelated games. It creates a realistic atmosphere for the game.

    What is your favorite class and why?
    This is a tough question. I like archer, but you can't discover the game with it. Knight is also good, since this game is about war mostly. But my favorite is the builder: You create the battlefield, you collapse the enemy tower, and this is when you play KAG.

    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say:
    Most of the time I spend my time on my computer. The peoples in my country aren't really nice, but on the internet I meet wonderful persons. I try to be nice to everyone (who deserves it), when I play KAG, I make some friends, I am even friends with some Guard and Admin. I am also an admin on a server of my friend, and I keep the server clean very nicely, I help the new ones. I'm very happy when some troll, douche understand what he done when I ask them to stop, and then they play nicely. Anyway, as I said I play this game from the very begining, in my opinion this is the best indie game, and I would be REALLY happy if I win this contest. Sadly, I just can't buy it.
    CheeseMeister likes this.
  4. Masiong

    Masiong Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I's say about a few weeks ago, and it's because I saw my younger brother play and he's very fond computer gaming so if he says it's good then why not try it out.
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Its being able to play with other people, and the teamwork done by doing so.
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    Archer, I seem to be horrible when playing as other classes.
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    I am from the Philippines studying as a high school senior, I am friendly, helpful when needed, everyone keeps telling that I'm shy but become hyperactive and random and a short time of the week. And I hate having the required subject called CAdT (Citizenship Advancement Training) that lasts a year.
  5. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    How and when did you find out about KAG?

    I found out about KAG when I went to my friends house to play I saw him play KAG and it looked interesting, so when I arrived home I downloaded it and had a go at the game, it was addicting (and it still is). :D

    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?

    The most interesting feature in KAG is probably the vast amounts of available servers that we can play on (like CTF, RTDM and Cat and Mouse). it gives really good experience for you so you get better every time you play, like learning from your mistakes and getting up and trying again. :D

    What is your favourite class and why?

    My favourite class is Builder, so I can build things and use my imagination and make lots of interesting structures, I can fortify things very fast and good at supporting.

    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.

    whenever I try to attack using knight I always get killed straight away, usually by getting blown up or slain because of running up to someone when they have 3 archers and 2 knights on their side (sarcasm). or trying to jump on someone and shield bashing them but end up getting a ground shock. (so noob)

    P.S : please don't say that because that I'm noob that I don't have a chance in winning. :QQ:
    </br>--- merged: Jul 29, 2013 9:12 AM ---</br>
    And one of those people that you met was me :D
  6. FrozenFocus

    FrozenFocus Catapult Fodder

    • How and when did you find out about KAG?
    Watching TotalBiscuits WTF-a-thon, this game was number 13 and from what he described of it, I just instantly fell in love with it and with good reason cause it just is a TON of fun. Freakin demo is still great to play!
    • What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    I think there are quite a few things that I like to be honest. The idea of bringing down an entire castle or defensive structure by knocking out its base is simply brilliant fun to both destroy and watch it crumble and to defend and try keep that one block there just moments longer. And then theres the fact that you can make tunnels to virtually anywhere on the map so the possibility of ambushes is fantastic. Also underground bunkers!​
    I bet that modders would also have a ton of fun with this game, who knows what sorts of crazy stuff they come up with?
    • What is your favourite class and why?
    Favourite class.....well this is a tough one because I am rather trained in Knight, as in I know how to fight well....but I do love Archering, as hard as it may be, and do make a decent one.....but now that I think about it, the Builder is my most loved class just because I can do anything with him, I just love making defensive positions or underground bunkers and passages to the enemy base. Its just...compeling
    • Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    To describe myself? hm....well I come from Bucharest, that being in Romania *now expecting hatred* I'm a rarther lonely type, an introvert with not a lot of friends, I am very caring about my friends, I can be rather spontaneous, rather commanding at times but if anyone else has ideas say and we shall listen....lets see....I can come up with ideas on the spot...maybe not the best ideas but hey, its something.​
    And a little something I would like to say - its absolutely HILARIOUS how you can fling your team mates into action with a catapult! I was with a friend on a rather interesting map in the demo and at one point we advanced with a catapult on a high position and started shelling them from above and while I was bringing in the stones, A BUNCH OF KNIGHTS appeared out of nowhere and then the shower of people began. Brilliant.​
    CheeseMeister likes this.
  7. kastal2

    kastal2 Catapult Fodder

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I love India games similar to terraria and minecraft. Therefore I was in search of such game. I found gold of king Arthur by means of google. And it very much was pleasant to me.
    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    Freedom of action. Any person can do that is pleasant to him, to build, break or get. Still very cheerfully to play with friends and it is possible to spend time perfectly in game.
    What is your favourite class and why?
    My favourite class the archer because I don't love is in the battle center. I like to shoot at distance. As I can play for the builder, help team with construction and production of resources.
    Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say.
    Мy name is Andrey and I live in Estonia, but I speak Russian therefore I have bad English and I use the translator. I saw this game and it was pleasant at once to me. If you furnish the clue to me I will be very glad. I wanted to buy long ago this game, but I can't because I have no credit card. Thanks for attention. Thanks in advance. :)
  8. starlux

    starlux Catapult Fodder

    How and when did you find out about KAG?
    I found it by searching for games like Terraria a year ago.

    What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG?
    The destruction, I love the satisfaction of successfully raiding castles and watching them crumble.

    What is your favourite class and why?
    My favorite class is the builder. I love building almost impenetrable fortresses with booby traps and all of those good things. My backup class is the knight.

    Describe yourself as a person and anything else you want to say.
    I'm told that I am nice. I love games, especially when they feature mass destruction. I'm heavily a pc gamer but, I do have a Ps3 and other systems. This is a really really fun game.
    NotAPirate likes this.
  9. PussyDestroyer

    PussyDestroyer Bison Rider

    How and when did you find out about KAG? was playing soldat and for soldat i realy love MM , when i heard about his new game i was just like : "OMG i must get it fast" , but then mine mom stoped mine dreams by say "No" :/ What in your opinion is the most fun/best feature in KAG? Chickens ! kaaa ka ka ka ka ka What is your favourite class and why? I love to be knight. I born as knight and i will be knight. I love to secure builders and crash enemys skulls. Describe yourself as a person + anything else you want to say. Mine name is Bartek and i am from Poland. I want to test beta , editor and all others funny things.
  10. OK guys the giveaway is overrr.

    I ended up picking 2 winners for the most interesting/well written form; the winners are Aeroblitzer and Woodledude.

    The random number generator ended up picking Crash159 and Gasby's numbers. Congratulations to all winners! The codes will be sent via PM shortly.
    cschm49 likes this.
  11. cschm49

    cschm49 Shopkeep Stealer

    Well done all and Congrats to the winners
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