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Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Seanshoots, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Seanshoots

    Seanshoots Builder Stabber


    Today was my first attempt at creating something for the KAG Beta and I decided to make Piranhas. They look like small fish and they attack you, damaging for half of a heart. You can kill them in one hit.


    The spawning system they use is pretty much directly copied from fish, so where you find fish you will probably find Piranhas, too. In fact, the entire base of the Piranha (most of it) is from the fish. I had trouble getting the Piranha to only follow players and not other fish, so I had to modify the AGGRO_BIT in AnimalBrain.as to follow "player" instead of "flesh". I made them because I thought that the waters were too safe once the sharks were gone, and because I'm not good at creating sprites so my choices were limited.

    Download link: (also attached)

    How to install:
    • Extract the download Piranha.zip to <KAG folder>/Mods/. It should now look like <KAG folder>/Mods/Piranha/Entities, not <KAG folder>/Mods/Piranha/Piranha
    • Edit the file "mods.cfg" in your KAG install folder. On a new line, add "Piranha" without quotes, and then save the file.
    • Go into the folder of the gamemode that you want to add Piranhas to. We will use WAR (Take The Halls) for an example. Edit <KAG folder>/Base/Rules/WAR/gamemode.cfg, and where it has all the lines that end in ".as;", add "Entities/Natural/Piranha/SpawnPiranha.as;" on a new line, without quotes. Save the file and you're good to go! You should now have piranhas.
    You can also view the guides at https://wiki.kag2d.com/wiki/Adding_a_Mod_to_a_Gamemode and https://wiki.kag2d.com/wiki/Installing_a_Mod. You only need to install this mod on the server and it should work for all the players because it uses the original Fishy.png texture.

    If you have any problems or requests just post here or message me on steam (also seanshoots).
    :) Next up: Diplodocus!

    Attached Files:

    Blubahub, zerd, kaizokuroof and 13 others like this.
  2. Crash159

    Crash159 Base Burner

    Really cool mod.
    And nice avatar too :D
  3. Seanshoots

    Seanshoots Builder Stabber

    Thanks, if you have any ideas for other mods that use sprites that come with KAG (or custom made ones I guess), I could try and make them. I'm thinking of creating make-shift bats and chickens with the sprites already in KAG, but I haven't started yet.
    VanHuek likes this.
  4. https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/request-giant-mountable-mole.13744/
  5. WinMillion20

    WinMillion20 Shark Slayer

    Hey dude all of your links are broken, upload to mediafire or something please
  6. BanakaI1

    BanakaI1 Shipwright

    I thought about modding a shop where you could buy piranhas or piranha eggs, so you can make traps and giant moats that are dangerous, the shop would also sell snakes in order to make snake pits and traps, but I was too noob to do it.
    Blubahub and zerd like this.