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B840 - New maps and Fixes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DevBlogger, Aug 6, 2013.

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  1. DevBlogger

    DevBlogger KAG DevBlog Feed Bot

    To start off the week we’ve shaken up the maps for Take The Halls - we’ll continue to modify them as the balance shifts around but they should help address things like constantly flooded halls, too much distance between halls and the like. Be sure to give feedback on the new maps and the changes to old one in the forum thread.
    We’ve also fixed the majority of the movement issues, but there are still a few like getting out of water being a bummer and it still being possible to eek your way up walls by jumping. These will be dealt with as soon as we can, but we figured this build would help with the overall balance of the game enough to get it out.
    Changelog as normal below
    [fixed] trader material exchange
    [modiifed] boats more reliably destruct doors
    [fixed] spectator chat not being gray
    [modified] blademire ridge has smaller distances between halls and is less jagged
    [modified] more map tweaks and shortening
    [modified] most maps have shorter water and distance to halls
    [modified] shark and bison regens a bit longer
    [added] EarthMoving WAR map
    [modified] jungle map has lower halls, is smaller, has 2 underground halls (total 5)
    [added] new map Voyager to WAR mapcycle
    [added] first team hall added on WAR map has research
    [fixed] reverted knight animation optimisation stuff, hopefully fixed "stuck" wallsliding anim
    [fixed] infinite walljumping while shieldgliding
    [modified] dinghy can be picked up when not on map if it's out of the water
    [modified] cant pickup dinghy with someone in it
    [modified] cant pickup dinghy unless its touching the map (ie at side of lake or on ground)
    [modified] warboat ladder area now visible on sprite
    [fixed] boulder breaking bedrock/other natural tiles
    [modified] cant climb on held ladders (too many issues)

    Original DevBlog post.
  2. Ratka

    Ratka Shipwright

    You magnificent bastards. Finally I can use a dinghy without the enemy knights just taking it out from under me.
  3. eamono

    eamono Arsonist


    This too
  4. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    There is a new issue with chat colour changing, I was in blue team and chat colour was red, and people who were in red had it in blue.
  5. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    Goodbye impenetrable door fortresses.
  6. RXShorty

    RXShorty Catapult Fodder Donator

    Nice release. :)
  7. Derek

    Derek Shipwright

    Why was I linked to some article about life sentences worse than the death penalty when I click on the B 840 release on the launcher?
  8. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    I checked and it also happened to me, pretty hilarious.
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Happens to me as well. Gonna report. On Twitter the link is correct. I don't know why it is broken in launcher. Probably it truncates one letter or alters something.
  10. Ratka

    Ratka Shipwright

    It's to show you what happens to those who don't like KAG.
  11. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    I've noticed that a few updates ago the single player deathmatch was removed? This is kinda disappointing because I can't test my maps when halls spawn where the TDM spawns would be...
  12. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Why dont they just put lag and insta death by falling though the world in the patch notes?
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Found and fixed the reason for the bad link in launcher (badly handled ellipsis at the end of some rss entries) - will be fixed with impending updates tonight.

    We know, lots of wrong configurations are happening, should be fixed by the patch tonight. Clearly wasn't tested enough.

    Noted, we removed it because we felt it was pretty shitty but I can see how it would be useful for that. fwiw you can host a local server running tdm and join that by using "connect to" and joining localhost:50301 or but we'll consider re-adding it, it'll need more maps for the bots to perform well on though.

    Because they weren't intended perhaps? Why so passive aggressive?
    Where does this happen? If you're talking about lack of collision when jammed through the map, that isn't anything new.
  14. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Between the last patch and this patch people started teleporiing alot. Other people have confirmed this to. Also falling though the world has happend to me 6 times since this last patch. I would just be walking and then boom dead.
  15. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Are you playing on servers that have "slowmo" bombs or similar? This is caused by the server running significantly more than it is capable of, hitting slowdown as the CPU maxes out. It could conceivably cause falling through the map or similar things.

    Falling through the map as if there's nothing there is caused by overly complex maps, and the game running out of collision lines for box2d. We're working on resolving that issue.

    Solution is people not overloading their servers or making their maps too huge or complex of course.
  16. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Geti I noticed in your maps a huge change; you removed most of the resources leaving only the top layer. you did it to reduce lag( correct me if I am wrong). I understand that there should be always a sacrifice for any change/improvement/fix/etc. but I thing it is not worth it to sacrifice win condition Example: Team (B) and (R) are fighting (A long battle) one of the teams get bored of fighting so they start digging, because under the layer of resources there is only dirt team B will just drill their way to the theam's R's base is a few min. And because the stone is running low team R will just use wood to protect them selves and wood is too week right now. That is how team R lost. Another scenario Both team will just run out of stone and start building out of wood and burn each other and one of them will lose at some point.

    Geti could you please find another way to fix lag problem.
    Example: all maps have the similar resource pattern ,but this specific map shows it really well.
  17. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I really can't be the maps, because It happens on old maps that worked fine before. Very simple maps I played was really bad. This "slow mode" happens on servers that worked just fine before. There is allot of teleporting and really extreme knock back. You get flung across the map type of knockback. I would understand if the maps were complex, but they are not. There is not anything new. Rounds that 32 people, stuff flying around and, bombs exploding everywhere before ran 5 times better than a flat waterless map now. Hopefully all of this will get optimize. Its just weird to have the game run perfectly before all of a sudden turn into a almost unplayable, because of a teny tiny patch.

    To make it short old stuff isn't working. :(
    </br>--- merged: Aug 7, 2013 at 9:16 AM ---</br>
    Shouldn't stone be deep under ground in large deposits and in tiny deposits above land
  18. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Not really usually stone quarries in real life are at the top and they show up in small amounts and ten slightly deeper under the ground there are a larger deposit. and deep under the ground there are metals and stones with larger density. but that doesn't work in the War map type. it works only in RP maps. but even then it looks weird.
  19. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I wasn't talking about in real life though.
  20. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    ok. then for Kag it is better if resources are spreader all over the map it will prevent just making a one huge quarry
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