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[Ubuntu 11.10] No sound at all.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by iLuke106, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. iLuke106

    iLuke106 Shipwright

    I have a bit of a problem. I've recently upgraded from 11.04 (Like today.), and I downloaded KAG first thing after Java etc...

    I install it with the install.sh in Terminal, It loads up and I can't hear anything. It was fine in 11.04, but I can't hear anything in 11.10.

    My volume is 100% and I can't see anything about KAG on Sound Settings.

    Any help?-
    Can't play a game without sound, It is so quiet!

  2. iLuke106

    iLuke106 Shipwright

    I've looked on the forum, can't find anything solving my problems.
    Any help would be deeply appreciated!

  3. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

    Same here; worked fine on 11.04 yesterday.
  4. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Hmm, I'm guessing it might be KAG reacting to the Ubuntu Unity desktop. :D Seriously now, I run crunchbang so I can't be of help, I'm just linking to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1860906 cause you're not the only ones having issues with sound in the 11.04->11.10 upgrade.
  5. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks for that. In my case it's appears to be a specific issue with KAG (I think), as I'm not experiencing issues with other games or applications.

    Here's the error from console.txt: [0] Could not startup sound engine
  6. Machinista

    Machinista Shopkeep Stealer

    Fixed: install the libasound2-dev library.
    trelawney likes this.
  7. Ollantaytambo

    Ollantaytambo Catapult Fodder

    • Do not post the same question in multiple threads
    Question is how do I install it KAG. :L I'm running Ubuntu too.
  8. Stormvloed

    Stormvloed Catapult Fodder

    Hmm at the risk of necroing here.. I though I'd just comment if other people still have this problem.
    I had this problem as well, and tried to find the problem by running kag from the commandline (sh rungame.sh in the install folder)

    If, like with me, you get an error at some point saying:
    "Could not load libasound.so"
    It means the game tries to load a libasound.so file that doesn't exist. Since the game uses the 32 bit libraries type the following in the terminal (without quotes):

    'cd /usr/lib32/'
    'ls libasound*'

    it should list something like
    libasound.so.2 libasound.so.2.0.0

    the game's trying to load libasound form here, but it doesn't exist, so we'll make a link to the right file. Note the number behind the last file, and make sure you substitute whichever number you have. If you're on ubuntu 11.10, you should have the same one as I did

    'sudo ln -s libasound.so.2.0.0 libasound.so'

    enter your password and the game should work!
  9. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks for posting that. There is a bug opened at http://bugs.kag2d.com for this, everyone should feel free to go post there and comment on the fact that sound does not appear to be working on Linux, at least on recent Ubuntu releases.
  10. Djhacker

    Djhacker Bison Rider

    I have a problem, Kag worked fine about a week ago. But i havent played it in awhile and im using linux macbuntu 11.10 and the launcher doesnt seem to be working. I can open up the file which brings up the mini Launcher but when i click play it seems to freeze and doesnt launch, the browser just becomes a snap shot of whatever my desktop was on. any help?
  11. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Please create a new thread for your issue - it is not related to the sound problems in this thread and we need to keep the threads separate.
  12. Djhacker

    Djhacker Bison Rider

    well no body would hear my problem if i didnt post it out in public
  13. FliesLikeABrick

    FliesLikeABrick THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Creating another thread in the Help forum is public. Please post there. Your problem would get even less attention here, in a thread with a completely unrelated title