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CTF Progress, Day 1 + Other news

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DevBlogger, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. DevBlogger

    DevBlogger KAG DevBlog Feed Bot

    So, this week we’re splitting the workload between MM and I - He gets the cooperative multiplayer side of things, I get to make Capture the Flag.
    This isn’t a carbon copy of classic. I want to address the myriad issues that were present in classic’s CTF, the largest planned changes being
    • Spawn point and flags separate objects - eliminating stalemate at the tent.
    • Layout of number of flags, location of flags up to map maker
    • Saving the flag takes time (no more 1 frame flyby returns)
    • Compatibility with low and high player counts via clever map design.
    Here’s an animation of how progress is going so far. It also shows one of the large things changed about archer - he now has a grappling hook for getting around the map.
    Note that the work is very rough, but you can already take and capture flags (without interrupting your own flags). Turtling the flag points will likely be standard practice, but note that to cap and therefore win, you need to have a way in and out. This should prevent entombing without being to restrictive on fort design.
    I’ll talk more about the archer changes as it’s nearer to release, we’re aiming for the end of the week for at least the archer changes (and the usual slew of fixes) if not a playable CTF + co-op as well.
    Stay tuned, and tell your friends :^)

    Original DevBlog post.
    69trooper69, Atheon, FG and 11 others like this.
  2. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    That grappling hook looks awesome. And so unfair for Archer-pursuing Knights.

    In other words, I love it.
    Still, I hope it doesn't make Archers impossible to catch. We need the game to be balanced, after all.

    I'm glad you're taking measures to eliminate the grab-n-go flag capturing. It really was annoying when your entire team was busy hacking through the enemy base and then one bombjumping Knight snuck past and made all your hard work completely pointless.
  3. Hum, it's TeeWorlds ?
    Atheon, Robinskie, MrError and 3 others like this.
  4. Ninja shiz coming at you Knights. Hopefully the using the grapple slows down the speed of the archer so Knights can catch up.
  5. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    That doesn't even make sense. Why would grapple be there in the first place if just to hinder archers?

    To get the cherry on top of the cake, how about a script that basically switches the map pool to larger / smaller maps depending on player count? The progress seems hella cool btw. I sort of hope there'll be coins in CTF and capping the flag makes a good 1 grand drop out :p
  6. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    This is the moment you think of throwing axes to kill pesky grappling archers right now, by the looks of that gif it seems that you can propel yourself with some good hook grabs to gain speed.
    NinjaCell likes this.
  7. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Yah, trees are an Archer's best friend in more than one way now - it seems you can latch onto those as well to speed yourself up.

    Oh boy. I can see it coming right now: Knights will resort to not only stab-spamming every body they see in case it's a possum-Archer, but also stabbing every tree they see so Archers can't use them to get away.
    AcidSeth and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  8. NinjaCell

    NinjaCell Haxor

    Will the grapple replace the knife? Seriously that thing is useless now. :/
  9. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    I hope it does. Ever since beta went live, i've gotten like 1 knife kill. it's so weak it's useless. Getting backstabs in a 2d game is far harder than in a 3d one.
    NinjaCell likes this.
  10. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Yeah the knife is going to be removed and replaced with the grappling hook. Arrows were still a better option at that range than knife anyways so you won't really be missing anything. Does mean however that you won't be able to make arrows like before, so they'll be other changes than just grapple. These changes will affect balance and it's being discussed heavily with several different view points, although some sort of consenus is starting to be reached. I do suggest you guys post some things here: https://forum.kag2d.com/threads/what-would-do-you-like-on-archers-and-what-do-you-dont-like.15666/ if you have an opinion on archer. Do note that mounted bow will also probs be removed as well.
    NinjaCell likes this.
  11. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Now these little buggers move even faster. One bomb right in the face and grappling hook won't save you archers.
    Will knights be able to throw bombs while holding the flag?
    Will archers be able to use special ammo while holding the flag?(that might give them a bit of a unfair advantage)
    If knights will be able to use only stabs and slashes and archers will use their whole arsenal+ grappling hook
  12. eamono

    eamono Arsonist

    That grapple hook looks crazy OP, I hope it will either have a cooldown, take up alot of inventory slots, or be a late game research item
  13. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    This community is just so butthurt and scared about archers ever being good.
  14. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner


    It's like everyone is shitting and pissing themselves to even think of it.
  15. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    We should be able to grappling hook bombs and throw them back. Allowing you to type in chat DENIED. :D
    NinjaCell likes this.
  16. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    No, stop being a douchebag Community is just saying their thoughts about the upcoming update. Some of these thoughts won't effect the update (Example:Yay, I love new update), but some will.
    Comments might contain some good thoughts and prevent feature disbalances.

    I think that it will be even more enjoyable to kill these fast buggers if they will become stronger.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 20, 2013 ---
    I just made an epic animation of that like how you capture bomb spin it around, while doing that capture another one with a second grappling hook and throw back first bomb and then jump swing the second bomb underneath you and throw it at the enemy .Enemy captures the first bomb and the second bomb hits the first and BOOM.
    and the whole team:eek:
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2013 ---
    I think I found a bug or maybe not. in that animation when archer returns with a flag he jumps in to that pit in the middle and tried to grapple to the bottom of the top floating island and missed, but when he continues falling and the grappling hook returned and it went through blocks ad grappled to the first available surface block which was the right side of the left mini floating island which was made out of stone blocks.
    eamono likes this.
  17. Crafterfr33

    Crafterfr33 Bison Rider

    MM, I want to see those hooks in Soldat. Now *.*
  18. GangstaWarlock

    GangstaWarlock Builder Stabber

    Well, this should remove all complaints of knights being more agile than archers. Base design will have to be completely changed. Grappling further diminishes the effectiveness of high towers as base defense. I predict that spiked skybridge roofs covering large amounts of territory will become a necessity
    Gofio likes this.
  19. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    Whats wrong with epic sky bridge wars. I played on the [AT]War(100 slots) server and it was fun as hell. No one got mad and everyone had fun.
  20. NKking

    NKking KAG Escadrille Donator
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    spikes won't help
    it is really easy to swing like a Tarzan on that type of a grapping hook without hitting the ceiling.