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Battle of Wizards

Discussion in 'Server Archives' started by norill, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Server info
    Location: Poland [​IMG]
    Link: kag://
    Slots: 16
    Game rules: Battle of Heroes, new game mode based on TTH. more info below.
    Maps: default

    Guards are welcome

    This server is the first running a new game mode called "Battle of Heroes". It's a modified TTH where every 15 minutes a player with best score in team can change class to a special hero class. In this case hero class is Wizard, but i'm planning to add Titan and others. This means that after a hero dies the team must wait 15 minutes before it can respawn. Heroes have some special abilities and more health, which regenerates over time, but they cannot capture halls or use healing items.

    After a hero arrives a player with best score is chosen. The score formula is 2x KILLS - DEATHS. Then he has 1 minute to change class. After that time 2nd player is chosen, and then 3rd and so on.

    Slaying a wizard gives you 5 kills instead of 1.


    Hero spotlight:
    • Shoots orbs and stuff. Can shoot 5 orbs before having to reload. Orbs go faster if player makes pauses between shots, 1st orb is always fast. Each orb deals 1 heart of damage and follows the enemy it was shot at. Wizard can shoot down while jumping to propel himself up (jetpack). Also can shoot while riding bison.
    • Wizard can also teleport. There is a cooldown after teleports. If a wizard is on a bison or boat or any vehicle he can teleport with it and whole crew. That allows teleporting with whole team into enemy hall :D
    • Wizard explodes on death and drops 250 gold and 1 random scroll.
    Areo, Gurin, FuzzyBlueBaron and 12 others like this.
  2. Pecola1033

    Pecola1033 Drill Rusher
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Thank god theres only 1 person who can go wizard and theres a cooldown aftr death...
    If every person went wizard one team would all teleport into every hall and win the game
    Anyway this seems epic :B): YOU DA BEST
  3. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I like it I played Wizard yesterday, but a small note, can you let builders get points as well? Or no one would like to build defenses.
    You can do something like 1p per block and make the kill like 20 p or something like that, in a balanced manner. Yesterday I made so much defenses and I still had 0 p with 2-3 kills because I was mainly building while the top player had 46 kills lol.
    I also like the idea that other classes will be introduced.
    But its a nice mod, some people wanted more classes and diversity well there you go :):thumbs_up:
    FuzzyBlueBaron and norill like this.
  4. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    I do agree that building should give points too. most games are "Build decent starting base, then rush-to-win."

    Also, this is very fun.
  5. builder dont get points from building in beta. i could mod it, but its not a good idea. the purpose of choosing a player with best score is to prevent unskilled players from becoming a wizard just to die 30 seconds later. and number of blocks placed in by no mean a measure of skill. this could lead to builders spamming blocks everywhere just to boost their score.

    i realise that builders in beta are piss weak and playing battle builder leads to terrible score, despite being a great help for team. defensive builders are important too. i thought of 2 ways how to fix it:

    1. destroying enemy wooden door is worth 1 point, stone is 2 points.
    2. builders get credit from kills made by spikes they place, just like with saws.
    i have no notion of how hard will that be to implement yet, but nothing is impossible.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    My thoughts on your ideas in bold. Also, builders are way too weak. Hopefully, a mod that makes them stronger, or at least more useful in battle happens soon.
  7. larsalon

    larsalon Builder Stabber

    where can i download this plugin for my own server?!
  8. Detective_raccoon

    Detective_raccoon Horde Gibber

    Some admin kicked me, I'm not sure who, probably a person who isnt highlighted, kicked for using bucket, made my day.
  9. Digger101

    Digger101 Shark Slayer

    This is a great server but is only populated when im sleeping or when I just wake up. btw im on the other side of the world from you guys >:3
    But this is heaps of fun that I have to come ;).
  10. amgtree

    amgtree Haxor

    I believe sir you got rage kicked. Good job

    Also next update your archer timer might be broken
  11. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    This is easily my favourite server in the beta at this time.
    Digger101 and norill like this.
  12. some gameplays:

    and a whole match (over 1h, in 2 parts) recorded by voper45:

    yesterday (and partially today) we had a truly epic 2,5h match. for the 1st hour my team was having our asses handed to us and we were close to losing (i couldn't rebuild, was locked at wizard). after that we took initiative and claimed middle. it was funny to see our part of the map obliterated to barren rock and their part so untouched, with trees and grass so green, not knowing it was about to be stomped by a thousand feet and torn apart by hundreds of explosions. during the match i was wizard twice, for a very long time. 3 times i plunged into shit so deep i barely survived (less that 1 heart left), like teleporting right into a group of blood-thirsty knights. somehow i managed to surf on their heads long enough to let the teleport recharge. at other time i slipped into a pit with two knights, and they tried to jab the crap out of me, but luckily i had 5 orbs in my "magazine" and they forgot they had shields :D. only one came out alive from that pit, and it was me (0,5hp left :p) . finally they got me, but as a knight i was no less fierce. i've stormed into their last hall 4 times through stone door, before we finally blasted the wall and captured it. gods, i love KAG
    Hella likes this.
  13. wer66

    wer66 Shark Slayer

    the server is down....
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 14, 2013, Original Post Date: Sep 21, 2013 ---