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TTH Modded

Discussion in 'Server Archives' started by Tsilliev, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    • Server name : TTH Modded
    • number of slots : 16
    • gamemode : TTH
    • server location : Denmark
    No download required.
    If you have interest to host, download from here. Download

    And if you want to get coins while mining or cutting wood. Download

    Newest version with coins and upgrades Download

    If you see it as exe, just rename to .rar
    So to make an update.
    What is included
    Farming is back
    -Seed Nursery: Pine Seed,Oak Seed, Grain Seed, Flower Seed gold,Shark egg,Bison egg,Fishy egg Cost: 500 wood, 250 stone, 50 gold
    Some old Buildings:
    -Barracks 150 wood, 250 stone
    -Dorm 250 wood, 50 stone
    -Kitchen 200 wood
    -Fireplace 50 wood
    -Warbase 350 g, 1000 stone, 500 wood
    Warbase haves a spawn and dorm haves a spawn + heal, what does this mean? This means you can finally go out of the hall and make an entire base at another location, with spawn point, barracks, kitchen for heal, and cattle farm to use the animals in a defensive manner, tunnel can be packed from the war base.

    Minor bug with the war base you need to be left from the hammer icon that is on the workbench so you can get things from there and also when you buy factory or tunnel from the war base they will go up when they are unpacked I will check that as well.

    Edit: I will make the dorm with much higher price so it is not spammed, because it acts as a universal spawn point and it heals, so kitchen becomes absolute if there are many dorms.
    -Dorm 500 wood, 250 stone, 25 gold

    I am also thinking to make the stone mining yield 2x stone, wood doesn't need any improvements because its unlimited and the gold, not sure yet, I don't want more than 2 war bases at the same time.
    I am doing this because you need a lot of stone just to build the buildings and there is no stone left to cover your base and to make big forts as well.

    Edit: I made the stone x2 and gold x1.5 because a lot of other buildings need gold as well.

    Edit 2: Lowered stone output when mining from x2 to x1.5 because it was too easy to accumulate stone and changed fireplace from 50 wood to 80 wood and 30 stone, so it is not spammed all around the map.
    Edit 3: Coins are implemented as well.
    kaizokuroof and Duke_Jordan like this.
  2. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    Nice. I always wondered if someone would do this. also, -Fireplace. :thumbs_up:. Lanterns are just too weak for lighting underground bases and tunnels.
    amgtree and Duke_Jordan like this.
  3. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I agree, if you have suggestions :)
    I think to make either the building menu horizontal or to put those structures in the workbench and when bought they will come in a box.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  4. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    A lot of stuff in your mods is for builders only. Maybe add some stuff for archers and knights. Not sure what you would add though. :/
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  5. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I'd love to play. but I think your like 6 hours ahead of me and everytime I look for it, its offline so I assume when you sleep you turn it off :c
  6. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Here it is 3:18 AM and your time?
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2013 ---
    I mainly play builder thats why lol, hmm, maybe add more hearts to knight +1 or 2 and maybe more damage from arrows for archer?
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 20, 2013 ---
    Oh my goodness, did I anger the Gods by some chance? All files got deleted and updated with the originals although I have their directory lines written in autoupdate_ignore_custom.cfg.
    Or maybe I am just dreaming this would explain why it is 3 AM in the morning surrounded by people that I haven't seen before.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  7. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Currently it is 10:10 and that's 45 minutes after you posted your reply. So I was incorrect, but when will the server be up? I have been checking every so often because i'm excited to try it out c:
  8. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Now I am at the airport, after that a good night sleep, and bring back old files, ehhh, tomorrow :D
    What would you like to see in the server?
    Almost done, after I finish bringing tth with fixed menu, I will upload the files here and i will try to make economy and bring coins back.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 20, 2013 ---
    And here are the files for download, unrar and copy base to main folder, make sure all files are checked read only from properties.
    1st post updated as well,
    If someone haves interest he can host it while I am away, if I have forgotten something just tell me and I will add it.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.
  9. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I will test it out, Thanks
  10. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    :D:D:D $$$$$

    Coins are implemented as well now!!!!
    You get coins from mining stone,gold and from cutting logs.
    You will be able to have 10 stacks of coins in your inventory, this means you can gather as much as 2500 coins in your inventory.
    I understand that coins are somewhat virtual and must not be putted in inventory, but right now there is risk of losing your coins when you die, and you must deposit them and hide them somewhere if you want to save a lot of coins. I understand that slot inventory is important so I will add +1 stacks for every resources, this means you can get up to 750 wood in one slot not 500, and 750 stone and the gold will stay default 1000, this way you can have coins in your inventory as well. So by default you had to stack up to 500 wood 500 stone and 1000 gold and you would be full, now you can stack, 500 wood + 250, 500 stone + 250, 1000 gold and coins, so it is actually the same size as default but with coins as well. Unfortunately you need to download this so you can use it and now I will see how to get coins from kills but knights and archer inventory is going to get full as well, so should I increase the size of pickable items or just add another slot?

    If you want virtual coins, or no coins in inventory, then you must help me how to make that because I am not sure how. I copied cfg from stone this is why you have coins in inventory.

    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 22, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 22, 2013 ---
    Now I will try to make a bank and/or chest.
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  11. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    TDM has coins as part of the game mode, so does challenge mode - If you have a look through the scripts that are included in these gametypes, you might be able to figure out how make a coin system that doesn't involve the inventory, or you could just cut/paste the Devs code and use it.

    Good luck with your modding =))
    Tsilliev and Duke_Jordan like this.
  12. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    How do I install the download for the coins? Is it serverside or do clients need it?
  13. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    You are right! How did I forget. I will look there thanks, I can only program from examples and this is a good one.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 22, 2013 ---
    Did you see the Download button at the bottom of my last post? And I think it must be downloaded because materialsCoin.cfg is a custom cfg, where others don't have it. But I am not entirely sure needs testing.
  14. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer


    yes, but its a .exe. When I download it, I get a .exe. How do I install it?
  15. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Try replacing .exe with .rar
  16. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    Doesn't work. Try using Mediafire. it's simpler. Also, are you packing it into a .rar/.zip, or are you making it a .exe? Because if you're making it a .exe, that is why.

    Edit: My computer is saying it's a harmful file. Try repackaging it into .rar, and reuploading it. It should work ten.
  17. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Originally I make it rar not exe, you get it as exe somehow :D Ok I upload from mediafire and here is the newest more stuff added and uploading it at the mod contest topic as well. Download
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 23, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 23, 2013 ---
    Unfortunately I cannot host, because those damn ports wont open even with router pass, but I guess DownBurst will host the mod, and let's see what happens.
    Duke_Jordan likes this.