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[866] My invented constructions.

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by franek123, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    hey guys,
    those are some of my invented buildings and traps x)
    i hope you can enjoy those videos and be sure that there will come more!
    so keep up looking on my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/abcfranek for new videos :)

    the sushimaking sushimachine : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mV3kEZRF5k&feature=c4-overview&list=UUydokZ1OwA6ywJHndGpk6QQ
    the wood transtporter : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwszB_GZhMY&feature=c4-overview&list=UUydokZ1OwA6ywJHndGpk6QQ
    the instakill wall trap : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOLOit7FRjw&list=TLYzj112LG3YZOAARuL259vhvo-B06iFUP
    the idiot trap : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0LZe2LzsCU&list=TLgaBFo_9IEvwHCr0Qa-ph-Xnxom6150-G
    the small and mean trap : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJGAFmHzCgM&list=TLzwc2jfWAeOL7t1uNclYYmGPMS--TT3RU
    and much more!!!

    if you already invent some things yourself, feel free to post them here, i'm intrested of your inventions in KAB too.
    :3 (Probably ill add links for my new films in posts below)
    Asu, Fellere825, 8x and 33 others like this.
  2. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    cool traps franny (;
    keep going on inventing those, i really like always the last parts when the noobs jump in... ***me***(in the sushimaker):p
  3. Kingdom

    Kingdom Haxor

    lol la lo landoo (idiot jump) :D:D great trap
  4. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    Hah, I remember making an older version of that sushimaker of yours some patches ago.
    Traps with trampolines must really be reconsidered!

    On a side note: problem with larger traps is that more aware players will easily destroy them and turn the battlefield into a trap for your teammates as well.

    Anyway's great job, subscribed!

  5. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Bint, Hawxx, master4523 and 1 other person like this.
  6. Starsly

    Starsly Bison Rider

    You are so fucking awesome franek.
    Hawxx and franek123 like this.
  7. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    may the sience be with you my master...
    ( new trap already invented, video maybe tomorrow )
    franek123 likes this.
  8. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Right now I'm working at stone generator :) Not sure if it will work, but in game saw some bugs from alpha (drop one block get 7) now i must try make it not so random and get drill and water. And today Ill upload "Newbs catcher" trap. :)
    Landoo2 likes this.
  9. sheek

    sheek Horde Gibber

    The trampoline trap is by far the best one. Very smart and clever:thumbs_up:
  10. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Sorry I didnt upload video yesterday buti had soem problems with internet. But now its done! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3usPk5HNoZ0 For building video look in description :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 28, 2013, Original Post Date: Aug 27, 2013 ---
    I still working on my BMM (boards makeing machine) and made new version! It uses another trampoline to frop your boards into storage :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH5x2Bo4mpY Enjoy!
    JacKD, Bint, Acavado and 1 other person like this.
  11. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    hi folks!
    my master franek was so creative and has now something new!
    not spikes, not a saw... but still killingmachine!
    this works with arrows !!!
    (tipp : if you use it in multiplayer, mark the places, where the arrows go, so you have better chance to get them )
    so enjoy the video and i think im allowed to say as his padawan...
    may the sience be with you !
    Sir_Walter, Bint, Gurin and 2 others like this.
  12. AcidSeth

    AcidSeth Arsonist

    That thing is brillaint! Really franek, I hope every day for a new thing to prove in multiplayer and you always surprise me with these.
    I hope you'll build something even greater anytime soon so to get everyone's attention.
    franek123 likes this.
  13. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Yeah I dream to get noticed by MM or Geti :) And for today I (Landoo did a lot there) have prepared small insta kill trap using one spike and trampoline :)
  14. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    That trampoline cannon, wow ^^

    If only we could modify it to launch boulders..
  15. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Boulders not yet but second ago I made underground bomb throwing system. I think its no sense to build it in battle so i wont probably up load it x) (And what you think about my new title? :3 )
  16. -Q

    -Q Donator

    It's possible to adapt this design to fling people very very far. Terminal velocity is achieved when you position two trampolines horizontally parallel, but appropriate damage is caused if the entity in question collides with another object in its collision layer, or a block. Hence, with a design with blocks in the path, boulders instantly explode and players instantly gib. However, there's a method to 'float' trampolines in a 5x1 area if you're careful. With this, anything you input will attain /very/ high velocity, allowing you to release the top one and go very high.

    To put some perspective, I tried releasing the bottom one, and I was flung through 10 blocks of water and gibbed on impact. Next, to use a third trampoline on top to redirect the projectile's heading. Super catapult, anyone?


    Asu, FuzzyBlueBaron, sheek and 2 others like this.
  17. That all things is good and i will use it when play Kag/thx.
  18. Landoo2

    Landoo2 Ballista Bolt Thrower


    ok guys, i dont really know wether all of you guys know how to build it, or if this traps explains itsself.
    so if you want a video where my master shows how to build it, pls answer to this post or something like this..
  19. franek123

    franek123 The architect of the royal castle. Donator Tester

    Bint, Raelian, sheek and 2 others like this.
  20. -Q

    -Q Donator
