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BC Zombie TTH

Discussion in 'Server Archives' started by BC, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. BC

    BC Bison Rider

    Zombie Take The Halls - 16 player slots, California
    (Server down atm because I broke zombies)

    Build factories to produce different types of zombies to fight for you!
    Extra migrants spawn over time so you can produce more factories.

    Types of Zombies:
    • Zombie Chicken
    • Zombie
    • Zombie Arm
    • Zombie Knight
    • Skeleton
    • Bat
    • Greg
    • Wraith
    Zombie Boss waves Spawn periodically from halls.

    Types of Bosses:
    • Zombie Chicken Boss
    • Skeleton Boss
    • Zombie Arm Boss
    • Zombie Knight Boss
    Ballistas work as a spawn point and tunnel, so place them around the map for more mobility.
    Buy Ballistas and other items at factories.

    Auto-firing turrets spawn at your hall during each shipment of supplies.

    Other Info:
    • Spikes get damaged and eventually break when people step on them.
    • Logs/Saws don't hurt people/zombies.

    Recent Updates:
    • All zombie types except zombie arms damage doors and platforms now. Bosses and zknights no longer damage walls.
    • Lowered the amount of gibs from all zombie types.
    • One way platforms now work properly, zombies dont get stuck on them.

    Thanks Rayne for sending me with your wallclimb script :)
    To anyone else who helped me with this mod, I appreciate it!

    Have fun y'all!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
  2. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

  3. BC

    BC Bison Rider

    I'm working on some updates at the moment. Will remove the password when I'm done.
  4. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Day 63: So cold... haven't touch server in... DAYS...
  5. BrokenWings

    BrokenWings Builder Stabber

    Sounds nice, looking forward to it. good job my friend :P
