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FUN servers

Discussion in 'Server Archives' started by Diprog, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. WolfgangPolska

    WolfgangPolska Shipwright

    You should make cheaper dirt block, (like 5 wood and 1 stone) and add some new machines like siege tower, or submarine!
  2. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    As dirt can be used for nusery, the price is correct for now.
    About those machines, I can code them but we can't use custom sprites. We use only KAG Sprites.
  3. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    For the submarine, you could use a covered dinghy... like the car, but with no wheels.
  4. WolfgangPolska

    WolfgangPolska Shipwright

    Next ideas (^^) {i just love post suggestions}\
    Wood, and stone factories, KAG War rounds can go even an hour so map is very eroded then, and some teams havent got good buliders which gather resorcures, so these factories can make everyone fight.
  5. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Maybe it should be two time this sprite, one in normal position and one in opposite position. Then it should look like a submarine. But I'm not a pro at modding and I'll certainly ask MetaPhoenix for example.
    A little note, meta is a nice modder. He is helping us with some stuff, like mounted bow arrow type switch.
    If we implant submarine I/Diprog/NKking ( if he wants ) will add very big ocean maps.

    Maybe the max length of the war should be :
    1 player = 5 minutes.
    Then 10+10 should be 50 minutes, something like that. At max. 1 hour maybe? I'll keep this idea.
  6. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Also, Nurseries man, Nurseries, trees as far as the eyes can see on any natural block.
  7. Omen267901

    Omen267901 Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah. Nurseries are WAY too cheap. my team had like 20 in a game earlier. It destroys the balance, and also wrecks people's frames to have thousands of trees.
  8. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    What destroys framerate are the particles produced when you render a felled grove with a casual mill saw toss.

    Also, it goes to reason that I may have started this trend, and in my defense I only made 3 per map, even though 2 would probably be enough.
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    When there was 31 players, there was a EPIC lag ingame. 8 FPS instead of 70 ( Uncapped ).
    Is it possible to see all scripts runned in the client?
  10. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    You can tip tap over to geti, if you want, but I suppose a massive amount of globs [log/particles therefrom], and tick updates [trees growing] are going to be a large issue.
  11. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    Ideas galore!

    New hold-ables for Builders!

    Shield to defend front/back from attacks, can stand it up!
    Drill that doesn't overheat but costs an extra 100-200 gold per.
    BIG DRILL, drills huge holes, can't damage stone blocks from players.
    Personal Vehicles, who the fuck doesn't want a mini-bomber to just cruise around in?
    Auto-turrets, protect the skies, protect the guys!
    Slow arrows, do no damage, slow ya like the dickens!
    A new warship that is twice as large as the current one, doesn't have an opening on the outside, only team-doors!
    Mini-mounts! Who wouldn't want to ride a tiny Ox into battle?
    Archer Rope shots, make a line, people can walk the line!
    Bucket-of-Plenty, NEVER ENDING BUCKET!
    Market, so we can buy mats and sell mats we don't need. Extends game time, makes game more interesting!
    Siege Tower that can load up people and then drive to the destination and dump them, will also accept trojan horse.
    Parachutes, CUS PARACHUTES YO!
    Gliders, I'm Batman!

    I'm spent for now, I'll be back!
  12. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    Drill > Maybe a drillcar is planned, it won't overheat but will lose few life when mining and you will have to repair it with stone and gold.
    Vehicles > Maybe a button to make the vehicle personal
    Auto-turrets > Not for now
    Slow arrows > Wat.
    Warship > We must use default QKAG sprites
    Mini-mounts > Again
    Archer thing > Maybe
    Bucket of plenty > Maybe more use but not infinite. What about a system setting water when fire has been found?
    Market > Yep certainly
    Siege tower > ctm sprite problem
    Parachutes > Had this idea but it will be builder-only
  13. WolfgangPolska

    WolfgangPolska Shipwright

    Well i got banned (idk why), can you unban me? please ::(:
  14. Ramsis

    Ramsis Ballista Bolt Thrower Donator Tester

    You might have gotten Ping kicked friend.
  15. RaptorAnton

    RaptorAnton Horde Gibber

    Hello everyone! I decided to let everyone know I'm joining the crew as their artist, so, many great things might happen any time soon. I've already made sprites for stone platform and wooden spikes, just for practice(and I personally think stone platforms rock), and now I'm up to something completely rad!
    Stay with us and visit your favorite FUN server every day to check for updates! :B):
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2013
  16. WolfgangPolska

    WolfgangPolska Shipwright

    Well, when will be FUN Roleplay realased?? That could be great!!!
  17. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    I think after month or early. We don't need to make RP while CTF has a lot of players. And I don't want RP
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Great job disabling votekicks! A guy named kelly7 (nick kelly) just spent the better part of 5 minutes brazenly destroying all the blocks under spawn on your modded fun server and setting up a very thick impossible to get through trap. If you'd be so kind as to ban him permanently and maybe get some admins to watch over that server I'd be grateful.

  19. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    For this time I have only 1 moderator, I need more but I don't know who can be moderator :C
    And is it good idea to setup for moderators guard head?
    And please, go to tiny.cc/funservers and leave comments in "Discussion" thread
  20. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Oh you're the owner and I saw you on. I could helpyou out. I help out Aphelion on his modded servers as it is.

    Also your modded server has way too much stuff on it. I like mods adding lots of new content but there's no sense of balance anywhere,the whole thing is a giant clusterfuck. I could look it over and make suggestions to trim it down if you like. Things like... why does outpost cost 2,000 wood? Why not 120 coins and make it a part of the siege engines?