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Overworld and Adventures

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SirSalami, Oct 19, 2011.

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  1. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I didn't remember the word, fixed my post :)
  2. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    PvE battles - BADASS.
    Also i did like see players unite to defeat one hard boss.
    This would have great co-operating mode!
    Who is with that? : D
  3. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    But this game doesn't have abilities with cooldowns, and I don't feel they would be appropriate to implement - KAG gameplay is very KISS and intuitive! So shouldn't these instead be passive buffs to existing mechanics?

    Like if you choose Sprint "feat", after a short period of running along the ground your speed is automatically increased by some percent (this boost is canceled by jumping or damage/stun/stop)
  4. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    Can premiums suggest maps for new overworld mode, advantures? Or maps randomy generated?
  5. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Shipwright

    So I guess I'm alone here in thinking this is a bad idea?

    I'll preface this - I am also a professional game developer - a Producer. So from my viewpoint, when I see this post it makes me think "Wow, that's a whole bathtub of interesting ideas that may or may not go well together, and doesn't seem achievable on any realistic time-frame or budget."

    KAG is a game - it has features, a unique style of game-play, and a following. What you are talking about here is a separate game entirely. Why even tie the two together? Release KAG Classic as a finished game, with the feature set already discussed for the next update, and call it done - sell it. Then move on to this next project, which sounds much, much more ambitious. This will give you the time to perform the engine rebuild talked about earlier without having existing KAG players breathing down your neck to get it done or create new updates for KAG Classic. If you try to do both, you're going to stretch yourself too thin.

    I'd rather purchase a less ambitious project from you than have this next project go the way of Link-Dead.
  6. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Of course it could fail, but I think that with active contriputing from the community, it will end up well. And it sounds like KAG classic will come in different installer, so they would be different... Kinda :P
  7. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    I don't know what to think of it, but you are right, it does sound like a totally different game.
    imo, it sounds more like terraria than KAG. A sort of mix between what KAG kind of is, the exploring of terraria, and a little bit of spelunky mixed in for good measures. Dunno why I think that, but it feels like it to me.

    The fast paced, bloody battles is what makes KAG special to me. If they go this direction, it'll be more like what the terraria group wants to do with their PvP + an overworld. If they do end up succeeding and releasing both, I won't treat them as the same game at all. I'd probably still like both, but they'd draw so many distinctions as to become unrelatable.
  8. AHrEJl

    AHrEJl Shopkeep Stealer

    The developers are doing everything right. As promised let it do. Do not throw him from the right path.
  9. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Hey Snoopicus, been a while! :)

    I think the intent is to wrap up production on "KAG Classic" before starting on the more ambitious project. Though i do agree that they should be making some money off of "KAG Classic" as well!
  10. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Shipwright

    Hey Salami! Yeah, been working pretty hard on my own game (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf3fwLf5Q8U) so I haven't played much. Been trying out the test build though - I like it! Hard to tell if its well balanced though, as in small games Engineers are dominant with their ability to build now-difficult-to-destroy spike traps.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I've got few questions:
    - What if the server crashes? Will all the progress be lost then?
    - How does the overworld actually work? When you walk to the end of the map and enter to a new area, will you travel in the overworld too? Do all the others see your position? Or is it only for teammates?
    - Will you be able to do your own journey in singleplay or something?
    - Will we be able to make multiple characters in different servers?
    - Which would be better?: -Your character could be killed and all your stuff lost while you're sleeping, or -Your character can only be got to 'down but not dead' state and all your stuff robbed? I myself prefer the last one, because I want to be able to leave my account be, go play some war and go out for two weeks without losing my hard-worked character. Permadeath while logged off would encourage too much nerd raging the game for my taste. Sure you could go hide, but you still can be found. And it's not nice to dig for 10 minutes just to leave. This 'down but not dead' state wouldn't be too hard but still punish you if you didn't prepare yourself before going out.
    - This permadeath in server. Wouldn't the servers get empty with it? Imagine this: You have been having a great war in the server against one other, but then you finally lose and your foe's empire starts to get stronger and stronger, would you want to join the same server again? The newcomers would have few to no chance to survive in them. Just making your fort stronger wouldn't be soo fun without enemies :/. It could be different with the map, but I just haven't got the overworld thing.
    - Will there be any kind of goals?
    - Will 'King Arthur's Gold: Classic' come in different installer? Or will it be just part of the big game, whereas you don't have acces to certain places?

    Don't take me wrong, I love the idea, but I just wish to know about it a bit more :)
  12. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I've got to be honest, as excited as I am about the proposed changes, an awful lot of what Snoopicus said rings true.
    This is incredibly ambitious. I am a little concerned that you guys may be biting off more than you can chew.

    You have an ambitious project on your hands with overworld-less kag.
    Adding in this extra layer could be exponentially more difficult.
  13. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Wow. I can't help the little bit of skepticism, but what the hell. Go on with your dream-project, guys. It sounds too good not to try. ;p

    Also, MM, if you come to Tarnowskie Góry in a year or two, I might be able to give you a room and feed you. You just finish this! :D
  14. Noc

    Noc Bison Rider

    They can't cash out on KAG classic, everything's free already.
  15. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Snoopicus: We'll take it into consideration but we're planning on working on stuff for the game at the same time. The overworld mechanic isn't actually that complicated, it's all the stuff around that that'll eat time, haha.
    The plan is to feature-lock KAG classic very soon either way so that we're focussing on paid features - at the moment there isn't an appreciable difference between the two versions, which is something we're working on changing now (focus word for the next week(s) begins with Z and ends with ombies, along with all the customisation stuff on the side)

    Maps would be able to be made from scratch or randomly generated, to whoever asked that above. Hopefully we can get the worldgen up to a sufficient standard that people prefer to play those maps to the handmade ones.

    I answered Monsteri's questions above in no particular order on IRC last night, here's the log for anyone wondering the same things:

    We also had quite a few discussions of the finer points of many mechanics over about 4 hours from the times above (sorry for not making sense at times guys, that's what you get for accosting me after midnight though ;) ).

    We're playing a lot of the design of this by ear and we'll see what works in testing, but we're actually not focussing on the overworld metagame stuff now until we've got a very good idea of how we want it to work and some time to work on it. It's nice to have our dream idea meeting such positive feedback.
  16. Bandwagonman

    Bandwagonman Shopkeep Stealer

    Should we at all compare the two versions with each other? Or will the huge kingdom mode have so many differences and new gameplay mechanics balanced with one another that comparing its play style with that of KAG Classic would be somewhat of a long shot?
  17. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    Im just hoping that you can get something into shape, so the public can get a taste of it;D please dont let us wait for months and months.
  18. carydoom

    carydoom Bison Rider

    I don't knoww, they still have zombies and a whole new engine to worry about.
  19. Trae

    Trae Shopkeep Stealer

    I dont want to rush them. (to much)
    Just wanting them not to burn in with the material;D Ofcourse, that want happen, as they are quite active and ready to draft ideas to people. (im looking at you, test build)
  20. Snoopicus

    Snoopicus Shipwright

    This isn't true from any standpoint. From an business standpoint, it is his product and he can decide to start charging for it even if he has given away previous versions for free. From a technical standpoint, all servers are listed through the master server list, and it could be changed to support the paid version only. Finally, from a design standpoint, the game design for KAG has not been finalized yet and so the new features could be introduced in a pay-only version, which wouldn't make much sense if MM was planning to only release via this website with the small (but vibrant!) community, but would make a lot of sense if he was dealing with Steam,Impulse, Desura, the new Origin distribution channel, or any of the other digital distribution platforms. Which, in my opinion, he should totally do. Even community backlash is a relatively minor issue if you consider how small our community is compared to the influx of new people who would play the game if it were released on a major digital distribution channel.

    Selling KAG would provide income which would make the new game he is planning that much more likely to succeed.
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