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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    All past knowledge is questioned.
    Details on page A4.
  2. Shadowofgold

    Shadowofgold Haxor


    Me, Sigsson, darkenite, Volkip, and some other peeps were all on a server. Siggy decided to put on a bird mask and spam 'KAW' 'KAW KAW' in the chat. Eventually, l3lue joined and decided to follow suit. By the next game, the entire blue team was knights in bird masks charging a bunch of archers (including me dark and Vol) and screaming about flying in packs and killing the 'mudmen'.

    It made me question the BC Flatmaps community.
    I think we're all just freaking crazy.
  3. Dantedeathhermit

    Dantedeathhermit Horde Gibber


  4. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

  5. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    How the hell are you still alive?
    Okaham likes this.
  6. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Ok so the server had lots of pretty decent archers and I was getting annoyed that when I was chasing them I couldn't keep up since I was shielding, not slashing, and their arrows kept knocking back. So I decided to load up on burgers and continually slash at them, disregarding all arrows entering my body. Burgers kept me alive for about 20 kills.
  7. tur1sta

    tur1sta Random snippet here ಠ__ಠ Donator


    It's been a long time since I played ( when Zombie Fortress was still a thing) and the second match someone brought the fish out of water...it attacked everyone tho....quite vicious even out of water.
  8. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Playing a CTF round with Arcrave / FBB against Verrazano and Ruleral (both of them being spammy archers). We both cap each others forward flags within around 10 minutes and completely reinforce our back flags, while the other team is building a huge tower on their side. Buy Arcave a mine, he double bomb-jumps over and tosses the mine down, which is touched promptly by an archer knocking the whole thing down. Finally, our builder builds a huge tower to give us the advantage which I promptly use to bomb the shit out of Verra and Ruleral from a distance with bomb tosses. It's turning into a hell of a long stalemate, and guess who finally shows up? FBB had spent that WHOLE ROUND tunneling under the map, constantly covering it with doors, and makes a tunnel right underneath their flag.

    Needless to say we won the round 5 minutes later.
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Bitches should worry when they can't see me. :dirt_bg::dirt_bg::dirt_bg::builder::dirt:
    Guitarman and Stevedog like this.
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Now, as anyone who's been moled by me will attest, I like my tunnels. But this last game I played...

    So, we were pushing hard. We had control of 3/4 of the map and had taken 2/3 flags while only losing 1/3 in return. And then, like some hivemind of stupidity suddenly clicked into gear, my entire team abandoned me.

    And by 'abandoned' I don't mean 'left the game'. I mean all suddenly, without any discussion, decide to start tunneling. And it's not like there was a pre-made tunnel, or that there was an almost finished one that just needed bodies to help with the final push, or even that there were lots of builders working to punch through the dirt quickly-- I mean they all, archers & knights included, took it into their heads to start a tent-to-tent tunnel attempt...

    Leaving me to hold the topside by myself. :huh?:

    And you know, I fought hard. I used all the minecrafted towers and forts that had been build behind the battle lines. I utilised catas, ballistas, kegs and all that jazz...

    It took 5 minutes for the enemy to push through and take the flags.

    5. Fricking. Minutes.

    And where was the rest of my team during this time? As I fought, killed and died?


    FML :oops:
  11. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    Karma's a bitch you whore.25252525
  12. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    It serves you right, FBB.
  13. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    I had a pretty good match this morning. TTH island map, maybe 6 or 7 players a team. Huge wall of text ahead.

    It started well with me ninjaing mid fairly easily. After securing that hall I scooted over to their side and nearly took the enemy's natural, but was stopped by Rocinante and some timely lag, just a second before hall capture completed. I go on my usual lonesome adventures bomb jumping around the map, crashing into boats and whittling down walls with my bombs. I think all is going well, but during a particularly long excursion I notice that our natural was getting capped. Extremely quickly too, which notifies me that a very large force passed through. Swiftly I abandoned what I was doing and took to the skies, expending bomb after bomb to get there as soon as possible. I pass our recently captured based, striking down some stragglers mucking about the sad ruins. Thankfully I make it to our base just in time...

    ...to see Acavado crash through our roof, into our bomb shops, and spam space bar. Entangled with the enemies behind her I could only watch as she slaughtered my whole team. She stood there, in our hall with the progress bar floating just above her head threatening to finish before I could get there. I launch off of an enemy's bomb towards our hall and we begin the deadly dance. She throws a water bomb at me, hoping for a cheap kill but my own bomb causes it to trigger just pixels from my hitbox. I charge through the mist and smash into her shield, momentarily knocking her out of the hall. A few enemies tried to sneak up on me, but I swat them without too much trouble. I am able to scavenge some supplies off their corpses but in the distraction Acavado has positioned herself on the roof, poised for a deadly strike. With gravity at her back she is able to break through my shield and deal a near mortal blow. Only thanks to the hearts of her recently deceased teammates am I able to survive. I steady myself and assume a fighting stance. We dance, swords flashing as the day cycle turns to night. Slowly I'm able to inch myself forward and with a toe in the hall I'm able to stall her victory. In the cramped hall building each of us moved precisely as a single mistake could decide the game. I slash, she steps back just out of reach and fires off a slash of her own. I step back hard, feigning a serious retreat. Thinking me out of position Acavado steps in for a killing blow. But it was a ruse! I jump and kick off the wall, flying forward for an unexpected attack.

    A +1 appears in the center of my screen but my satisfaction was short lived. The entire enemy team had just made their way back. The many headed hydra of blades and emoticons thundered towards me as I tried to take up a strong position in the scattered handful of blocks that made up our final base. Not a teammate spawned to aid me, and later I learned they were all pissing about the poorly positioned boats I had capped earlier. Things looked grim for me but for all their superior numbers they had a weakness: hubris. Not a doubt of victory crossed their minds and even their top players charged forth with reckless abandon. Lighting one of the bombs I had scavenged earlier I slashed viciously, trimming a couple hearts off of their front line before retreating into the hall. I tossed my bomb, hurting no one but scattering their offence. By laying bombs with no intention of hitting I was able to separate their forces allowing me to cut them down, one or two at a time. I even resorted to throwing a water bomb in order to finish off the last clump.

    In the momentary calm I quickly switched over to builder to patch up the roof and reinforce our ramshackle gate. Finally a teammate arrived, grinning as he stood upon the roof. He brought up his shield as if to say "I'll protect you!" He soon had an opportunity to prove himself as the next wave of enemies appeared in force. Killing a team all at once has the gross disadvantage of making them spawn and attack in unison. I barely had a moment to switch to knight before they were upon us, bombs and blades in a wave of deadly intent. Acavado sailed through the air, unleashing a payload on my roof and damaging it worse than before. But somehow, through equal parts blade and bravado we overcame, slaughtering them down like angry, well armed sheep. The smiling knight and I had nearly finished them when I got careless and greedy, running after a fleeing knight. I got him, but in my hunger I was left open to another enemy who slashed me to pieces. I thought we were finished but the smiling knight wasn't done. He stood in the doorway, shield up, with his grin seeming to stretch the pixels of his sprite. He was not a strong swordsman, killing few during the battle and none during his last stand, but with his body as a shield he was able to hold them off just long enough for me to respawn. I appeared on his still-grinning corpse and breathed a quiet thanks. I resolved to fight more thoughtfully and swiftly cut down the remaining enemies.

    I never saw the smiling knight nor another teammate again, but somehow I was able to fend them off wave after wave, with no defence other than the patchwork walls of my hall and no supplies other than which I was able to take from my enemies. They were getting mad, one enemy shouting across the map "contrary u asshole bitch". I grinned, taking it as a complement. In the last wave I met them on the grass before the hall, hoping to whittle them down before they got too close. They were more wary now though, familiar with my fighting style. I was able to land some solid hits, but took major damage in return. They fought viciously and I was forced back into the hall. As they streamed into what remained of my base I realized there was not enough room for me to maneuver so I abandoned the base, escaping through the back door. They all bunched up nicely within the base blinded by the thought of finally being victorious. I focused, charged up a slash and and ran towards the closed door. I crashed through the door and my sword fell.

    "HUAAAA" Wilhelm screams rang out, the dying call of a true solider. A sound I had many times but this time, one of the calls was my own.

    "FUCK" I said. I closed KAG and went to play Pokemon.
    MadDog, Stevedog and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  14. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Are there any servers that run a map flooded with water that also has air pockets throughout surrounded by bedrock? Would be an interesting map gimmick I might make if nobody else has done it before.
  15. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Bomb jumped into blue's base. Started having that moment of "Okay, what now, genius?" Of course I go for the knight shop to buy... anything really. No one's around amazingly. [This is all within the span of a few seconds of course.] Suddenly, two blues spawn—an archer and a builder. Just as I'm about to slash them both into ribbons—inexplicably—a keg plops out of the knight shop. Huh?! Did I buy that? Did the builder buy it? Who knows. Grabbed it, blew a hole in their flag chamber and survived! I didn't even kill anyone. I was on some Batman shit. I ran that thing back to home base as fast as my powerful, muscular horse legs could take me. :r_flex:

    I can't even remember the rest of the match. It dragged on forever after that. Altogether a pretty damn good day on CTF US Official. Now I'm gonna take a break for the rest of the week. :P
  16. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    In my latest match, I was only a Builder in the beginning, a short burst in the middle, and a little time after that.
    As an archer, it was towards the end, when the final flag bunker was made of wood, and of course, getting the perfect shot was tantamount to survival, but it wasn't something that was meant to happen.

    I feel as though I've really blossomed as a Knight [as a Destroyer, a Sentinel, and finally a Flag Runner], in the stead of an effective Ameliorate Builder [ie, one that repairs, and fortifies].

    [As a fore note, a Mark or March is a Contested Area, generally where Two Spheres of Influence Overlap]
    [I am Red, the Enemies are Blue]

    From the early game, everyone was trying to push the middle, as everyone is endowed this privilege.
    The first dozen waves were primarily knights, and archers, who were trying to get headway onto my team which only responded with a smaller handful of knights at a time. It seemed that every builder was focused on building the forward walls for their respective bases.
    After about thirty-two of their deaths, both sides started erecting walls around the small knolls in the middle.
    It did not help the case of the opposing team. Having better skill as knights, we pretty much wiped, or held back their waves. Because of this, it was only natural that we have the sheer coinage to repeatedly melt their marching walls.

    They only gained headway only in the middle of the game because they eventually decided to use siege engines, and cut down on the archers. It seemed that whatever was holding them at base no longer did, and came at full force.
    Without a care for builders, or even consider rebuilding the mark again, they continued to hammer at our marching wall, and we couldn't hammer on their nonexistent walls.

    Back at our base, everything was going swimmingly. The forward flag bunker was reasonably armed with every shop imaginable, and everyone could afford the liberties they gave. No knights, nor archers were able to get to it.
    It was a nice complacency, but the other team was dismayed. For under the hectic mark, they were digging a tunnel, and lining it with stone doors as we built a forward outpost between the marching wall, and the forward wall.
    As far as the mark went, it was kegs, and death every few seconds...

    This is generally what I consider the middle of the game, where both teams are matched by their brutal force, and the sides discover, or manufacture new ways to come at each other.
    The Blue Miners finally tunneled their way under the Marching Wall, and into the forward outpost. Unlucky for them, they didn't see the several mines we had, especially, lined up for them. I was there to actually meet the surviving miners in the opening... I was buying about three kegs at time? No matter, I followed them into the tunnel, and killed whatever Builder came my way. I used my mine to break a set of doors, and later a keg. The tunnel was dark, and I was alone with an ally that did a great job of filling the passage with wooden doors, and mining the stone doors in our way.
    The opposition was both notable, and not notable. Since we were making massive grounds on the tunnel that the blues had both dug, and fortified, it only seemed fit that they come back at us with Knights and Builders, and we would lose the tunnel entirely.
    They failed, they failed so massively that we backed them up to the tunnel's entrance: just below, and behind their impassable Forward Flag Tower. I don't know what to say about the skill of the Blues that died many times over, but I give them credit, they tried. The tunnel was pitch black; we were silent, and we had doors to shoulder the blows for us. That is, up until we got to their Stone Bulkhead.
    I bide my time, and waiting for them to come at us. Whenever they tried to aggress us, we were safely behind our wooden doors, or the safety of the darkness. After that, I simply came at them with a double slash, just as they were reeling back to continue.
    And again, I don't know what to say about their skill, or our skill, but I got about twenty kills, and they gave up.

    Meanwhile, in the background, they've almost taken down our marching wall, and we have access to just behind their forward flag. We couldn't take the flag then, we dug into a spike pit. We could only distract them, but it was no use.
    Now there were no Marching walls, and eventually, we even lost the tunnel too, but we sure did kill a lot of them.

    Everything really gets fuzzy from here on out, but, as I recall, both sides had chickens, but no one was really able to do much with them. They were only able to get past the marching wall, and then wait to get mowed down.
    There was a stint, in which the Blues were able to get an exploding ballista, but that was both short lived, but it did have warheads.
    The marching wall was undermined, and the Blues were starting to filter in front of our forward flag tower.
    I was surprised they didn't use anymore siege engines, mines, or kegs. I think... we just intercepted the kegs, and we were the ones that were actually buying the siege engines. Thankfully they were destroyed before they could be used against us.
    Nothing really happened... we were pretty capable at holding the middle, and I was getting pretty good at timing my bombs.
    The middle continued to be a festering cesspit in which nothing could be built, and the craters were just getting deep.

    I forgot when exactly, but the Reds were capable of holding the Blues' attention, and kill them at their forward wall.
    The Forward Flag Towers were at least large enough to prevent a Rooster Knight, and only the Red side seemed to have a working catapult...
    ... I think it was the catapult, and the huge gaping hole that led straight into the Blues' Base was what shifted the game in our favor. They had to deal with a team that could not only get them from underneath, but also, a team that could easily send repeated kegs at their wall.

    From there, it took five bombs to destroy the spike pit that impeded the Reds that went through the tunnel; three mines to take down their tower, and about seven kegs to punch gratuitously large holes in the Forward Flag Bunker for the Blues to stop caring about repairs.
    It took me three minutes to notice that there was only one archer in sight, and no doors on the bunker for me to actually steal the flag. Because it was between waves, I was met by three knights, and a new archer. Because I only traveled through the tunnel, or via that catapult, I never really noticed how bad the battlefield looked like. But regardless, I was able to survive the onslaught of blades, and arrows with one shield, and no help, but died literally outside of the Red Base. If this isn't a theme already, it is a theme now: I often take on five or more enemies on at one time, and some how make them forget about the world, and simply kill them or waste two minutes of their time.
    The flag is captured before I can rush in to help, and the Blue Base is worse for wear. They simply don't rebuild it anymore.

    This is what I call the end game: When both teams have gone through the motions of attack, and both sides have gone through heavy or repeated loses, and simply stop caring about repairs, or taking land.
    I don't know what to say, that one catapult is single-handedly the best thing on the map.
    I visit it; I fly; I fight, I die. I buy a scant bomb or two, then catapult, flight, fight, die.
    The Reds Forward Wall is repaired; I wither their defenses, and kill their waves.
    The team follows up between waves, and we continue to struggle back and forth.
    The Blue's manage to retake the tunnel that we forgot about, and still don't succeed at taking our Forward Flag. In fact, we use the shit door technique that I used in the mid-game to fight them off.
    Our tower is tall, and we get launched straight to their bunker.
    I fly, fight, die, and maybe a scant few knights come by.
    I dance upon their Last Flag Bunker, I kill them repeatedly, and they have to go through me to get to the battlefield.
    Fly, fight, die.
    I purchase a keg, or a mine when I can, and detonate it on the bunker when I can, but it makes no difference, my team is not there.

    After dying what seems to be thirty times, the battlefield is just craters; craters deep enough that no one can ignore, deep enough that they do straight into the tunnels. This is about the last fifteen minutes of the game.
    I end up fighting well enough that I can get enough to buy the occasional keg, and score a partial wipe and hole through their Bunker. The Reds finally make ground to get to the Bunker.
    The Forward Flag Tower, and its Catapult are destroyed, no matter.
    Red Kegs are half-constant, and the Red Forward Bunker is perforated, no matter.
    The Blues have undermined the Forward Flag Bunker, we are holding them off quite easily, no matter.
    The entirety of the Blues are against me as Knights, and Archers; they are repairing the Bunker I dance upon as the Reds come to help me, no matter.
    Two Kegs go off on the Blue's Last Flag, and there is a 10 second pause between them and the final Red Wave, no matter.
    The final flag is taken for the second and last time. I failed the first, but damn well got halfway with seven knights on me.
    The Flag Runner is cumbersome and slow, or poor to navigate the scorched and cratered earth, no matter.
    The Blues are literally rushing as fast as they can, and it isn't uncommon to be up against five Blues at one time, again, no matter.

    The final flag takes fucking forever to cap, but it does, and the common theme rears its ugly head as I ravage about twelve more Blues, and get killed by five more.

    Senpai, are you proud of me? My shield is amazing, and my sword is compelling!
    I can fly more than Rooster Knights, and I can sure as hell cook a bomb!
  17. screen-13-10-25-21-16-43.png
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 26, 2013, Original Post Date: Oct 26, 2013 ---
    had great 2 games today too:
    monsteri, jtg and me on a single team, we were roflstomping hard.
    we also had teracotta, the great master of kag with 1:2 knight k:d trigger enemies' mines on us, fail to deliver the flag, tell us what to do throughout the game and beg for the flag every time someone got it.

    truly a shame that guards cannot mute anymore
    Sir_Walter and Yagger like this.
  18. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    I learned that Flags are made of a material lighter than air.
    If you destroy the base of the flag, it floats until it hits the sky limit.

    Water Buckets, you can chain stun several knights at the same time.
    [There was a builder, and five buckets, needless to say]
  19. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Went on the RP server with Jackitch, Radpipe, and Arcrave.

    Needless to say there was a lot of trash bag wearing ninjas on the demons that yelled "B-BAKA" after killing people.
    Apronymous and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  20. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester
