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Shotgun-style Legolas shot instead of Rapid-fire

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Fate, Sep 23, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    This is what I thought was meant when "Legolas shot" was first announced:

    I think it would be better gameplay and latency-wise. Less spammy when it comes to clicking and much more useful for covering more ground when firing (hordes of knights/archers/builders) rather than fast distance sniping.
    FlamingDragon96, Rayne, Boea and 5 others like this.
  2. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    That is definitely a better idea than the 3 spammy arrows that the archers currently have, but also, the devs need to bring in 2 different types of bows for archers. A shortbow, which would do the "Legolas shot" and have slightly less range, mainly meant for mid-range combat (aka the current beta archers) and a Longbow, which is primarily for sniping. the longbow would have a very significant range advantage, and fire arrows slower, but the arrows themselves would fly faster, and have more knockback/stun, and do more damage. (these would be the alpha archers)
    JoshTG likes this.
  3. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    One variable at a time, to see what works best.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  4. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    alright, focus on the shortbows for now, but keep the longbow idea in your head
  5. RogueCupcake

    RogueCupcake Haxor Official Server Admin

    I like the idea of short and long bow. Also the legolas shot is a bit, ummm, unusual to what I thought it would be. I don't know how it could be improved though.
    Hawxx likes this.
  6. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    I want shotgun arrows. That would be awesome.
  7. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    Shotgun arrows was an idea I had as well for the exact reasons listed in the OP. It would feel less spammy than "legolas shot" and would make archers worse at close range combat (like they should be), because the arrows couldn't break the knight's shield and have another 2 arrows immediately follow in succession. It's also way more unique and has situational usefulness.
    Guitarman likes this.
  8. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    You do realize that the only reason archers are able to do that is because they have no other means of breaking through a knight's invincible shield, right? I'm not against this "shotgun shot" idea aslong as it still breaks a knight's shield and does damage to the said knight but I am throwing this out: taking away the archer's ability to break through a knight's shield and do damage sounds like a very big nerf to me.

    Mind you, I do agree that they shouldn't be good in melee but since they can't do jack shit against shields at range, what can you do? Unless the devs find a way for the archer to bypass a knight's shield (at range), I wouldn't agree with removing the only method the archer has for bypassing the knight's indestructible shield and doing some damage.

    Also, by looking at the video I have a feeling that if this ability is implemented it might end up a sure 2-3 damage (much better than the current triple shot) aslong as the archer is close to enough for all three arrows to hit. That is, in the case where it's implemented so one arrow breaks the shield and the other two do damage. So it might just end up as a bigger buff for archers in melee, that is, if it's still implemented for the same reason as the current triple shot.
  9. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    This would be completely pointless, leaving archers with no way of dealing damage reliably in cqc and also nerfs his ability in mid-long range due to the in-accuracy a shotgun effect would have. The only use I can see for this is for I stakilling builders in cqc.
  10. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    I'd like to mention that I never said anything about removing the overcharge's ability to penetrate a knight shield.
  11. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    Well, what this would actually make the legolas shot just spammier, plus easier to aim and use. A no for me.
  12. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    How is it any spammier than 3 rapid fire arrows? It really would not be easier to aim or use if you adjust the accuracy to the right degree. One arrow would go right down the center while the other 2 go above and below your target. If you're going after only one target, then it's definitely harder to aim than the current legolas shot.
  13. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    At point blank shot (or very close to that), I'd imagine that all 3 arrows would still hit the target, unless the arrow spread is very big; to the point that the lower arrow always hits the ground and the higher aimed arrow ends up hitting a bomber or skyship, in which case it would be the worst charge triple shot ever. Even so, with such a shotgun ability, it's a guarantee 2-3 damage and you only need to aim right for the first shot, not the other two like the current triple shot, which as a result, would make it more powerful.

    Honestly... the more I think of this the more it seems like a bad idea.
    Fate likes this.
  14. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    A slash to the face from a knight is a guaranteed kill as well. Firing three arrows in succession manually is more prone to being evaded due to some freaky lag or other kinds of deus ex machina, an automated 3 arrows at once (in a fairly tight cone I'd imagine) - not so much.
  15. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    You do have a valid point. I guess I've got used to the archer being the underdog in KAG, since the very idea of an archer being able to one shot kill another archer or builder or even a wounded knight just makes me half expect a lot of players to call a nerf. On a side note, I really wish archers could pass through shields at range and not when they're within melee range.

    Making the archer only capable to break through shields when in melee seems like they're competing over the "best melee class" with the knight. Which I tend to agree, might seem unfair for knights and doesn't feel like playing a ranged class but... what can you do? You either stick with this, remove it and make them useless or add range stun and make arrow spamming OP.

    *sigh* I'll stop my ranting here.
  16. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    I think it's fine the way it is right now - hit preoccupied knights (who are fighting somebody else) and kill other archers/builders. Also, it is possible to shoot knights with a fire/bomb arrow, which stick and either inflict a DoT or a delayed explosion (that they cannot shake off!).
  17. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    It's three arrows at once, they would all hit the shield at the same time, so instead of the current legolas shot breaking the shield then hitting the knight for 2 damage, all three shots would be wasted on the shield.
  18. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Not exactly. If it was exact and they hit at the precise same time, then that would be the case. But this isn't exact. Even the smallest angle would change the time they hit the shield. Even if it was a tenth of a second, it would still break it, then damage. This is a shotgun blast, so the arrows are slightly spread out. If it was 3 arrows under the same sprite, then I suppose they would all hit the shield at the same time.
  19. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    I wouldn't be too sure of that, from what I've noticed every time I managed to hit an unsuspecting knight with an arrow bomb he seems able to just shield against the blast due to how the bomb arrow ended up embedded in his body. One time I even saw one guy shield and then the arrow fell on the ground and he just walked away, so I wouldn't put my hopes up on bomb arrows, fire arrows are still useful though. I assume it's a bug, but still annoying nonetheless.

    Overall I can't really say I'm satisfied with the idea that archers have to rely on others distracting the knights in order to do damage at range. Most of the times they need to hope that the knight is distracted long enough to get a shot in or that the knight is dumb enough not to shield 90% of the time and not rely on good accuracy.

    In other words, the archer's success on taking out knight's from a distance seems to rely more towards aid from teammates and how bad his target is then accuracy, which is kinda silly if you ask me. Mind you, accuracy is still important in order to hit the knight but unless he lowers his shield, accuracy ain't worth crap.

    I guess the point for all this rant is that, I kinda ended up seeing shotgun shot just a replacement for triple shot that offers the same results; damaging a knight from melee range, only in a slightly different way. So what's the point suggesting another ability that offers the same result? Why not work towards improving his ability to damage from a distance? At least that's the conclusion I came too.
  20. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    archers shouldnt be able to damage knights from a distance because of one simple fact, the shield. for you to make archers be able to damage or stun knights at long range completely negates the use of the shield. you might as well take the shield away at that point. Right now i am perfectly fine with were archers are, they are extremely effective when put to good use. to be honest if a knight doesnt have a bomb and the archer is smart enough the archer can actually win now. My point is that making archers have alpha archer capabilities and beta archer capabilities is op as fuck and as long as you know what your doing you can 1v1 knights easily if you wanted.
Mods: Rainbows