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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. it makes me feel sad that other people are that much worse
    Sturm likes this.
  2. neil_v

    neil_v Shark Slayer

    LOL!!! You are correct, I am not really better, but statistically I am. And statistics don't lie, as they are perfect in every way.

    I don't feel bad for these people, they will get a lot better really quick as the bar is set so high. Soon they will be intolerably good, quit, or be griefers. Just like before, but more of each.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Oh my lord the lag is too powerful. I will have periods of like 3+ seconds where the game is still going but my visuals are frozen so I have to guess what's going on. I usually guess correctly but still this is dumb lol.
    Crabmaster likes this.
  4. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Heh, had a great match of TTH last night.
    It was on a map a little like this:
                  ____________                   _                     ____________
    __HALL___      \__/ \___/       ___HALL_____/B\______HALL___        \__/ \___/      ___HALL__
             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    /B\ = Bison enclosed in dirt
    HALL = Hall (duh)
    _ = Ground
    ____________  = Floating Isle
     \__/ \___/ 
    Which is one of my personal favourites. :3

    But yeah, we got off to a bad start, as most of our team didn't really seem to know what to do during the build phase, and weren't very quick to make a charge when the war began. Thankfully one knight is enough to capture a hall, and just after I captured it a few players joined and spawned there, so we still had a vanguard of sorts.
    We fought on and off for the two centre halls, but their home defences impregnable to a lone knight.
    Unfortunately for us, they seemed to have a few budding battle-builders, and so after erecting a fort in the centre of the map, we were pushed back to our home base.
    By this point, the builders at our base had managed to erect some defences that weren't great, but weren't bad neither. Simple but effective towers with stone doors and the likes. Nothing fancy, but reasonably impenetrable for now.
    However, problems arose when they started building ships, of both kinds. For those of you who don't know, a fully manned longship will not only flatten any soldiers that come in contact with the prow, but also do a damned fine impression of a sea-borne battering-ram. Those things are deadly. The fatships (as I like to call them), apart from the mounted crossbow, also work as a mobile spawn AND a siege-tower. Even after you've sunk them, they still operate as a spawn, too, so you have to completely destroy them to eliminate the threat.
    While the enemy spawning on our front door made it hard to carry out repairs, the larger issue is that they could use the extra height to easily climb onto the floating islands, which was suddenly covered in catapults and ballistae. Things weren't looking good.
    While we were distracted by catapults and knights, the enemy builders were completely walling off the area between the bottom of the floating isle and the seabed below. The only way through that passage was either over the isle (very hard, as it is rather high up, and they had built a tower on top) or through the doors in that wall.
    We fought valiantly, but we were definitely losing. We had a thick stone door corridor between them and our hall, but it was failing fast.
    There was really only one option left.
    I waited around until I had secured 4 bombs. The first one launched me from the top of one of their ships to the floating isle. The second and third made two notches in the wall of the tower on the isle, allowing me to climb to the top. The fourth got me from the top of that tower to the nearest of the halls on the centre island.
    By this time, the game had been running for so long that there was a LOT of crap lying around, which the poor aussie server was not coping with. Lag was increasing, and my computer had long ago decided that 5 FPS was more than enough for anyone. I'm honestly surprised I managed to get any kills, since I couldn't even change direction in under a second's notice.
    Thankfully the only people nearby were migrants and builders, as the full fighting force was currently hammering on our home hall. Working quickly, I captured the two middle halls, and with a following of a few friendly knights that had subsequently spawned there, was just finishing off a builder in their home hall when they captured ours.
    By that time some of them had noticed what was going on, but unfortunately for them, their own defences were too good! :D
    Eventually they did recapture the two middle halls, but we also reclaimed our home hall, leaving them stranded in the least defensible position. Even with our base mangled as it was, it was still rather defensible due to thick walls (they only broke through the doors, which were quickly replaced after we reclaimed it).

    We had all but one of the centre halls when a vote to next-map was finally passed. I maintain that we would have won, since we had now built our own offensive battery on the floating island, and were raining hell down on their already rather dismal defences, but it doesn't matter. It was an epic battle indeed! ^_^
  5. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Had a couple of awesome games with Beef, Monsteri and Raron on CTF. Crazy kills, high K/D ratios and general awesomeness were found.
  6. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Haha! I know that feel. :X3:
  7. masterjen

    masterjen Drill Rusher

    Had a TTH match with 64 players it was epic!!! It was a GIANT clusterfuck though but alot of fun.
    Here is a screenie of our castle thing.... (Well at least it could stop 32 other players)

  8. Aeynia

    Aeynia Obligatory Mute Girl Donator

    That wooden bit at the entrance looks like a wonderful spot to place a fire arrow :D
    Bernhardt likes this.
  9. masterjen

    masterjen Drill Rusher

    Yeah it all burned down at the end of the match. (We won though)
  10. ornitorrincos

    ornitorrincos Catapult Fodder

    if it was the same match that lasted for more than two ours and at the end converted into a water map, well, I burned that entrance ::):
  11. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    I learned the ways of buckets from that one guy that loved to keep four on his body, at all times.
    I'm not good at initiating a chain stun, but I'm good at timing the chained stuns.
  12. masterjen

    masterjen Drill Rusher

    Yeah the game took hours and the map was one big wasteland at the end. It was allot of fun though playing with 64 players. ::):
  13. ornitorrincos

    ornitorrincos Catapult Fodder

    also, for those who weren't there, those wooden structures were built because everyone ran out of stone and the only source of materials were the trees, not as if mattered as it was almost impossible for an archer to get close enough to the structures to burn them(suicide knight with kegs were another matter, and they explain the destroyed map)
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  14. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    You know what really ruins a god kd?
    kegs, enemy kegs, our kegs, everyones kegs: 12 suicide keggers took me with them.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  15. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    I agree, kegs are A+ design.

    I had even higher K:D later on, but McCafee thought it's time for me to stop playing and reboot the computer.
  16. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    This is my highest score I've ever got, so far. I bet someone's beaten 2000 already[​IMG]
    The scoring systems is so weird...
    What is your highest score you've gotten so far?
  17. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Played a match today where I told a builder what to do, with multiple steps involved, in order to win the match and they followed all of it. It was so beautiful. ::(:
    Wonkyth and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  18. AdrianC

    AdrianC Haxor Tester

    GloriousToast likes this.
  19. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    We have the "Ye Olde Pubb" thread for this.

    When it comes to scores, it's more of a matter of "How much time you are going to spend on a server", than your actual skill.

    I should tell my buddies how to play the game, but I feel that it'll make them too good.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2013
  20. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Merged since we don't need two threads about the same thing.