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[928] The problem with bombjumping.

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Vania, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder

    I know it's not on steam since i joined the group thats trying to get it onto steam. There have already been discussions about the declining active player rate since the game became available. But as this is off-topic and i'm still searching for that PM button i will end it here.
  2. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    My sarcasm meter is broken, so I'm going to assume that you actually are looking for it. Just hover over inbox and click 'start new conversation'.
    Rawrzor likes this.
  3. Rawrzor

    Rawrzor Catapult Fodder


    Edit: at first i thought it would open up a new thread O.o
  4. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    No problem, glad I could help. :wink:
  5. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    knights so op now
    Over the course of a single ctf round, I as a knight was able to repeatedly make a large amount of coins from killing scrubs. I was able to purchase a large number of kegs and bombs, perhaps over 10-15 kegs and possibly even 5oish bombs. I was able to bomb jump over the other team rediculously high tower through a combination of a single bomb and wall jump. I grabbed their first flag and a number of enemies helped me jump back over it by pushing me up to a ledge where i could then proceed to jump over the top. I run home to cap the flag. The game proceeds to take more then 1 and half hours, revolving around me repeatedly buying kegs to blast the way through to the flag and a very troublesome builder would repair it and back to square one.

    After a long time we finally were able to get the flag out of the sealed area and near one of the flags. As a last ditch attempt to stop us from winning a solo knight was killing my team. I grab the flag and run towards the location, and unexpectedly the knight helped pushed me upwards so i can get onto a ledge and finish the game. Only twice (other then the start) was I ever unable to purchase bombs

    TL:DR A good knight makes shit load of sweet, sweet money and can really carry a team. (Enemies can also help you too)
  6. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Of course skilled knights are pretty OP right now. With this new steam release, this influx of pubs has been learning the game. I went 50-0 on the SHARK TDM server because it was almost all new guys.
    Apronymous and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  7. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    So many new kids. Being an op knight is easy business. o-o
    At this moment kiddies, Knights are super op... due to the influx of newbies us oldfags will overpower the little ones... there's gonna be many a complaint about that.. xD
    Many a complaint. xD
    Best thing to do is let this thread die for a while till the newbie swarm settles down some and we can continue this argument on why the knight is op and how to fix it. =w=
  8. Raelian

    Raelian Bison Rider

    It's almost hilarious to see old players showing how the knight pretty much is KAG's only "one man army" class and it's not just because of the newbies it's also due to the knight class having the most advantages and potential of all the KAG classes.

    What I find the most amusing is that when buffs for archers were suggested some players complained that people just want archers to be a "one man army" and that it shouldn't be as such and yet here we have the knight in all his glory.

    And all it took was the slaughter of countless innocent newbies to point it out. How sad. :QQ:
  9. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    Guys, it's our perfect chance to hone down our archer skills, just practise on the new guys. :p I'm at-least 30% better at archer.
  10. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Iplayed three matches with newbs yesterday. It was hilarious watching them try to build our team's defenses. One person was someone from alpha who was building one of those old door ladders, and it didn't work right at all XD
  11. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Okay I have decided to stop bomb jumping in non-TDM matches till the new players get better at the game...

    Last night I completely wrecked a game by myself...Which is crazy because I used to just look to be an average player...

    So yeah, for the most part, unless wanting the fun of being the "This is what you can become" kinda player, try to go easy on the new players...and easy on how often you bomb jump into their bases... @-@
  12. masterjen

    masterjen Drill Rusher

    Same here i feel like a god now in kag.
  13. SuperTurdBoy

    SuperTurdBoy Tree Planter

    A knight and an archer can dominate, the archer just shoots the other knights as they charge and then the knight overpowers the other knights.
  14. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Dude i rekon bomb jumping is a bit harder now on beta than on classic. The knight throws a bomb too far without a boost. You basically have to throw the bomb when its blowing up. Classic was much easier.
  15. Crafterfr33

    Crafterfr33 Bison Rider

    A tall tower? Triple bombjump or bomb arrow legolas shot.
  16. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    never noticed a tripple bomb jumper ingame, but i saw videos on youtube. Thats the Fuc*ing Supreme discipline of Kag. I'm happy with not failing single bomb jump. Since Arrowladders are nearly useless for Archer, is it possible that Knights can use Arrow for climbing? Didn't tried it since some time.
  17. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Fun fact, knights can use regular ballista bolts for climbing although, you'd be hardpressed to find anyone aware of this, who has that kind of precision control regarding siege.
  18. mari_kiri

    mari_kiri Catapult Fodder

    As a Steam newbie, I have managed to pull off my fair share of doubles in-game, and a few triples in a local modded sandbox. I wouldn't call it the supreme discipline.

    I mean, it's really all about the art of counting to 4.

    Unless you're talking about the one where you throw 2 bombs really really well. I just drop 2 bombs on the ground really quickly and hold onto a lit one while shielding down-back. Easy.

    - <3 -

    I have no issues with the knight having a bit of grunt. I sucked at knight on my first day, but by my third I was doing OK, averaging a not quite 1 KDR against... reasonable players. Even managed to fend off Wonkyth against a few thanks-to-my-knight-shop kegs.

    I'm totally OK with the knight being the top-tier class.
  19. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    Most people are, which is why subjects like these are so controversial. :rollseyes:

    It's true, though - a lot of KAG players play mainly Knight, because Knight is the class most capable of wrecking everyone else. Giving Archers grappling hooks was an attempt to make them more popular, but now they're too popular because people consider grappling more approachable than bombjumping, even though Archers are still incredibly weak. The result?

    More sword-fodder for the Knights. And guess who isn't at all opposed to that?

    The Knights.
    Raelian and hierbo like this.
  20. JTG

    JTG Bison Rider Tester

    Archers are far from weak, they are just fragile and require more planning and precision.
    That being said I see one good archer every 20 to 30 games, and a good knight or two at least every 3 to 4.