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The New Old Teleportation Glitch

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nonsequitorian, Nov 8, 2013.

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  1. Nonsequitorian

    Nonsequitorian Catapult Fodder

    • didnt follow the template
    A long long time ago Contrary and I found a glitch where you can dig a hole 1 block tall and use it to clip through the map until an open space was found. Now, that bug was understandably smooshed, because that's an insane power to have.

    I was playing today and had a dinghy in an underground tunnel under the enemy's fort. They had no way to get in to the tunnel because it didn't actually connect to the surface.

    If the level of the water is just a block or so under the ceiling and you are sitting in a dinghy, you are inside of the ground yet can still row the boat. As soon as you press s and get out of the boat, however, you are still inside of the ground. Since being 6 feet under isn't really normal unless you're dead, the game pushes you upwards to the nearest open area.

    Which in this case was their base. They had no way of getting to me, yet I could just appear in their base at will.

    Which means that clipping through the ground is still an issue.
  2. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    This problem existed in KAG Classic with outposts and catapults. Maybe it should be changed from you being sent vertically up to left/right. If you got under ground, there has to be away out either to the left or right.
  3. Nonsequitorian

    Nonsequitorian Catapult Fodder

    if you were to be sent left or right, it'd be rather easy to cheese the system at spawn and simply get flung to the entire other side of the map completely. If anything, you should be sent back down so as to not go anywhere. Either you'd just hit the water or get sent to the bottom of the map where you'd get stuck until you suicided.
  4. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    How bout just disabling being able to leave vehicles if there is a solid block above you. If you can get in, you should be able to get out, and the only reason why you would be doing it to where you couldn't would be if you wanted to use this glitch.
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