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Middle Eastern Conflicts (Real life)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Im_a_Turtle, Oct 26, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    Whats your opinion on the conflict in the middle east?
    My opinion is that people should just get the heck out of there and let them solve their own problems as they did from the B.C. years.

    Also anyone really think that Bin laden is alive or actually dead?
    Because we have gory pictures of the dead guards but none of bin laden... a bit suspicious.
  2. Erasold

    Erasold Shipwright

    Well according to out government Osama Bin Laden's body was positively identified, but left out of any and all pictures to prevent any MORE provocation between our government and Muslim extremists.
    To avoid this, the intention was to bury his body at sea leaving no definitive location for his final resting place.

    So my thought on the matter is that yes, OBL was assassinated. I think it's very "wrong" with how our government is treating the body of this man though, if that is even what he falls under after all the hate and cruelty he has showed America.

    Either way it is very important that we show respect and follow Muslim tradition in regards to Bin Laden's body, the last thing we need to do is create ANOTHER foreign policy nightmare in the middle east by showing disrespect of Muslim burial tradition.

    But in all honestly, unless one of us here on the KAG forum is elected president, how will any of us ever now. It's falls into the category of being a possible coup d'etat. Kinda falls in there with "did America orchestrate Kennedy's death" and stuff like that.
  3. Grolandman

    Grolandman Shipwright


    I do not think that Ben Laden thought Christian traditions when he fall the twin towers ... Ben Laden did not care about our traditions and I don't know why we should treat it differently ... : /
  4. Erasold

    Erasold Shipwright

    So we should go so low as to act the same way Bin Laden did when he put out the order that all KIA americans faces should be maimed so they cannot have an open casket funeral?
    Acting as barbaric as Bin Laden doesn't help us "get back at him" it just shows how immature our country is. The United States of America was formed on freedom of speech religion and action. And that we would stoop to the same level as OBL.
    lehoon likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi