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Ye Olde Pubb (Last/Previous match general)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by saniblues, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Can you merge my posts too?

    Anyways, my main fear about directing builders is that it'll make them into over-effective builders... ones that build bases so defensive that stalemates become the norm.
    And all because I figured out how good a certain object is in the game.
    Kriegson likes this.
  2. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    i disagree, its more of how many can plebs can you rape and murder before you die
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 9, 2013 ---
    not essentially. the other one was about wrecking plebs and getting a high score. This one was about the last match you played.
  3. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    You get score, and kills as a result of various actions, and consequences.
    From there, it's simply doing whatever doesn't removes score, or lower k:d.

    So I'm not really amazed by k:d, or score.
    They are arbitrary statistics that don't adequately represent the person, especially with the influx of new players; I simply can't play on servers for long because of unreliable connections.
    I'm still able to build several workshops, and tree farms, which will more service my team than anything else I can do in that time.

    Post Scriptum ::
    I just had another idea for a potential game mode.
  4. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    I really don't care about you not caring. I just want to see someone get a high score and then i will attempt to beat it. At the end of the day the highest score is the one who should have the biggest bragging rights. the biggest e-peen.
    neil_v likes this.
  5. the biggest tumor
    Hella and neil_v like this.
  6. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    Also I got 1900 for a score.
    Dat score systems I feel is so bad.
    Score system apparently is your basic score (all the points you've earned) divided by your deaths. Can someones confirm this... ?
  7. Hella

    Hella The Nightmare of Hair Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Score system is K*100/(D+1). Probably.

    Just look at the scoreboard to see this, you mathematically illiterate butts. <3
    GloriousToast likes this.
  8. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Unghhh I don't think I can play this game anymore. At first I was having a lot of fun demolishing servers but now I just feel guilty. In two different games on two different servers just not I turned near loss games around but in doing so made most of the enemy team leave. :(
    Sir_Walter, neil_v, Noburu and 2 others like this.
  9. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Shhosh, it's ok Contrary.
    I'm skilled enough to carry the team some of the time~

    It's really a testament as to how good a player can get, and they should be taking notes.
    [Also, if this is you feeling guilty, it really explains how you try to get revenge <3]


    I'm really proud of myself, I'm becoming a really good builder. My main problem is that I like to play zoomed in all the way, when I am a builder.
    [Knight is ~Medium-Far Zoom]
    mari_kiri likes this.
  10. AsIPutOnMyWizRobes

    AsIPutOnMyWizRobes Catapult Fodder

    I saw you in a game earlier. Hi. :)
  11. Crabmaster

    Crabmaster Bison Rider
    1. Zen Laboratories

    Yeah, playing games for me is hard too, if there are new players and moderately good players online(what I consider myself to be because I am nowhere near as skilled as most vets/testers/pros/guards) it goes well for the most part besides a few games where one team completely destroys another...

    But when any really skilled player logs in boy are games unfun...unless there are equal numbers of them on each team games either go to one side where it is too easy and your team wins with no effort, or it becomes a painful game of you trying to counter one player who just plows through your team and you constantly...

    I did have one funny game earlier. I captured 3 flags...when the map only had 4 total!
  12. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    I was a builder, and pretty much the reason why why my team lost no flags, and won two rounds... #BUILDERSOP
  13. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    A couple of days ago I was playing KAG in an Australian server, i loved the way they actually used team-work, travelled in groups of knights, tried to defend the keg, etc. It gave me a warm feeling inside.

    In their numbers, they actually stood a chance against some of the pro's on the server that day. I saw that some of them waited for some one to run by so they could tag along.

    Some of them were building a massively fort, it was insane. There was about three or four of them at the time (three new players, one average player.), the average player was helping them out, it was great. (Building saws under the trees, getting drills, etc.) Sadly, the fort was not tested or sieged by the opposing team. I wish I got a screenshot.

    This is fairly kind on the Aussie' servers, the people who have played the game before are just steamrolling. Yes, it is a bit harsh and they may get frustrated, but that is with every game, right? You learn from the better, learn fm your mistakes, see how you died, why you died. Etc. :))

    They are slowly getting better and actually not jab spamming every-time, but instead think about their slashes and their movement, not run strait into an enemy horde.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  14. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I've found myself playing less recently too for the same reason. Hell I'm not even godlike but I'm a really good builder, and in these games with nooby knights, a builder can go 1 on 2 and actually win, it's crazy. Boulders FTW.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I'm finding that if, on joining a server,I advertise that I'm willing to offer advice/help/tips if people are interested that newer players are less likely to rq and instead ask for advice (after being repeatedly rekt for a few minutes) and then seem to feel all warm & accomplishmenty when the advice offered allows them to triumph over other newbies. It's a beautiful cycle whereby I can kill lots, then teach some, and then kill some more, but all without feeling guilty. ::):
    Noburu likes this.
  16. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    The problem is, I'm usually not sure how to advise.
    On [R]TDM, if I repeatedly use a simple tactic to wipe the floor (e.g. tramp<<mine), I can point out to them a simple way of avoiding falling into that trap, but for anything more advanced it's a bit harder. I mean sure, I can describe a few basic tactics, "Wait for them to get close then release a single-draw and a half-draw", "Use water bombs to get a free slash", but since I don't generally fall for said tactics, it's kinda meaningless...
  17. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Just played a match where I quickly erected walls around a flag that had lost all protection. It was even floating in the air—that's how bad it was. Most of it was wood, but was something. Then I went to remove a broken wood block at the corner to replace it with stone... and the whole edifice collapsed into nothing.

    I just left. I didn't even rage quit. I just left out of embarrassment. :oops:
    Sir_Walter likes this.
  18. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Had an awesome game today, what started out as a simple 2 on 2 match on plains with Bisons... became a 16 on 16 in a flooded valley littered with Longboats, Corpses, Various mines, Fire and general disarray. (To clarify, the plains were bombed to pieces, then I let water from a small source flood the whole damned place, and proceeded to repeatedly try and flood red teams shops.

    For a TTH game, it was very fun, and just when we were making headway into pushing Red back to their monstrous fort?

    VOTE NEXTMAP; Cast by SUMNOOB, Reason; Stalemate.

    11 vote yes, 9 vote no. :*(
  19. Rocinante

    Rocinante Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Had fun with Verra, FBB, and hierbo at two o' clock in the morning on hierbo's TTH server. In spite of sleep deprivation, I was doing pretty good. But in my last match with them there was, I felt, a decisive moment where Blue had capped both home halls at either end of the map. I acted hastily and bomb jumped on to Blue's left base. I saw down below an exposed ballista crate and I snatched it. Set it up right at their back door. A builder spawns immediately and starts working on the doors. Verra and maybe one other comrade spawn to help us storm this infernal bastion of mayhem. At this point we still had both of our mid maps — on a four hall map — so this capture would've given us some serious breathing room if not exactly map control.

    And then FBB spawned at the hall. I mean, it could've gone either way but what actually happened is that he fucking wiped the floor with us. I died. Verra died. The builder died. Possibly some other guy died. That was the moment we lost because after that failed coup it was just a mopping up operation for Blue team.

    That was perhaps the first time since KAG came out of beta where I felt genuinely outplayed and was just as satisfied in losing as I would've been if we had won. Or maybe it was just too damn late in the night.

    -FuzzyRedRonin :^)
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 15, 2013, Original Post Date: Nov 15, 2013 ---
    Just played a couple matches with Skinney, Auburn, infinitito, and new people. The best one, by far, was when I was on Red team with Auburn and Skinney. We were prevailing and managed to cap the flag. Auburn decided to celebrate with some mayhem and exploded all of our shops.

    It was a four flag map. :P
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  20. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I've been joining TDMs and going 4:1 as a minimum (200:12 my best) because everyone jabs only.

    Join CTF, sweep floor by dropping towers and bases with bomb tosses and swapping games around.

    Join TTH, capture halls with controlled mines and kegs.

    Join Roleplay and declare war after people act like shitlords.

    I think I either need to take a break, or start teaching new knights how to bomb jump / slash jump.
    Apronymous and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.