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Sedgwick's class

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by razor871, Aug 28, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. razor871

    razor871 Catapult Fodder

    I've been thinking! Why not add the Necromancerish class that the villain in challenge mode is? Of course it won't be an OP teleporting guy with unlimited destructive magic, it'll be slimmed down. here's a few examples of how this class might work:

    -It could heal other players/maybe revive them with a healing potion of sorts

    -The destructive magic could be a possibility if it is trimmed all little, perhaps add a resource count for it and make it a little less.. "Kill you in two hits".

    -The disadvantages would be that it must recharge mana at a man-made altar of sorts and cannot attack while doing so, it would also have a staff for melee attacking but only takes away half a heart each hit, also the teleportation wouldn't be possible (obviously).

    So, that is my rough idea of the new class. Tell me what you think of it and/or feel free to suggest improvements or changes that could be made. Bye for now!
    Grantis2 and ninja124 like this.
  2. thebonesauce likes this.
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    As said above, it was already done as mod. I'll keep this thread open though, so that people can discuss stuff.
  4. razor871

    razor871 Catapult Fodder

    I was not aware of that but I'll remember that next time, you see, I've only been on these forums for a few days now, prior to that I was too immersed in KAG's gameplay to even approach the forums. My dearest apologies I'll be more careful from now on.
    norill likes this.
  5. ghostofdeath00

    ghostofdeath00 Catapult Fodder


    So, let's get started with the basic, shall we? Mages would have low life, I thought 3 hearts. They can`t protect against archers as Knights can.

    The good thing about them would be that their magic pass shields making them good against knights. The range of the spells should not be higher than a half or even a third of archers range. Spells would also not (of course) be affected by gravity.

    They would have 100mp, regenerating 1 mp/s and no kind of ammo at all, everything based on their MP.


    Mages first attack
    would be a magic ball that costs 10 mp and destroy 1 heart each. They must "channel" the spell for half of the archer time (or a third, depends on which range you choose). Charging it could be either triple shot as usual or a shotgun, that would fire 3 balls at once but that spread over range.

    As the 2nd spell, I thought of 3 possibilities (the third is my favorite):
    1 - Heal: 15-20 mp cost, 1 heart 2 - Fly: 20mp/s
    3 - Meditate: makes the mage regenerate 2-3 mp/s while meditating.

    Items and Tech

    As per items I think that combat supplies tech would give them mana potions which recover 20mp, instant use and dont stack on each other. The other techs would be:

    Pyro, which gives the mage the ability to cast fireball and burn stuff at 60mp.
    Explosive Ammo: Explosion Ball or Suicide Bomber
    Explosion ball: The mage fires a ball that explodes when hits, destroying walls (like a knight bomb, but directed). 80mp
    Suicide bomber: The mage would channel this spell for 3 seconds, without moving, and if he suceeds, he explodes as a keg. 100mp.

    would give him a waterball to stun targets, 30mp.
    Aeroblitzer likes this.
  6. madcat768

    madcat768 Catapult Fodder

    Wizards and Zombies
    Guys! There are non gibbed bodies on the ground right? And it would go hand in hand with that zombie mod soon to be in game. Right? Of course you probably wouldnt be able to have access to the particular item/power in the zombie game mode. But hey it gives all the bodies lying around a purpose and a purpose to be gibbed! Practicallity yes sir indeed. It should require an item from the wizard shop in order to raise zombies. I like your ideas uptop there (except for the flying part seems a little OP knights can already glide too) maybe instead of water ball, (the archer already has that exact thing) maybe that could be replaced with the zombie item?

    The Item
    Wand/book/staff/stackable item which only can be used a certain number of times. I personally think 5-6-7 zombies per item would be fair. That is also assumed that it would be the most expensive item for the wizard. Using the item could possibly drain nearly all of your mp if it still seems a little powerful.

    Possible Enjoyment
    It would be amazing if lets say some enemy bodies were behind their wall. You just get a wizard right up against the door and presto they have an insurgent problem.

    You are a defender? Catapult some zombies why dont you? Or pick the squirming things up and throw them upon the intruders.

    "Builder! Yeah! You with the gnome head! Dont you dare trap block that shut! No NO NO! You gotta put that block down you put that block somewhere friggin else! Cause mi amigos be bringin back SOME-BODY! We sah' gonna zombie up dis pit!"

    "Look I know you are aggravated! But I'm trying to make ZOMBIES here man! So if you'd be so kind as to not gibb every dead thing on this particular side of the wall it would be much appreciated! THANK YOU! Now kindly go catapult yourself."

    "Pardon me my good archer but i just happened to notice how you keep missing with those fire arrows of yours. Why not put them to better use and ignite one of my hear zombies. Trust me the little guys take to newbie wood walls like flint and tinder."
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    madcat you would have to ask permission to use that mod. Im admin on a server whos owner is friends with Eanmig (creator of the mod). It would take a little bit of complicated modding to add it in. Especially for the amount of zombies etc. Good idea though.
  8. madcat768

    madcat768 Catapult Fodder

    Thank you. I was under the impression though that the zombie mod was being integrated with the game. I would agree that a mod like that (what i just stated) would be hard to make and would imbalance the game if not everyone were using it (and if it were allowed on servers) (or ud need dedicated servers if people were that passionate about the idea).
  9. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    The zombie mod is on some servers. But actually adding the necromancer to it would involve alot of complicated coding. It is possible.
  10. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    That's not true, it was posted as a public resource yesterday.
    Not as complicated as your might think, since you could use the Battle of Heros mod to add the Necromancer. All you'd have to do would be make a function to turn dead corpses into zombies.
  11. madcat768

    madcat768 Catapult Fodder

    But is it true that the mod is being integrated with the actual game? I am really hoping it does somewhere down the line. It would be great to have a necromancer class but I dont see how it wouldnt imballance the game if it were a mod. Guess ud need dedicated servers.
  12. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    I played on a test server a bit ago, I think it was @hierbo 's. There was an item called a soul stone. You bought it for like 200 gold or something. You could then, after buying it, make a shop where you could turn into a wizard, after getting another soul stone.

    Interesting idea. I wouldn't mind having it in the game where you have to buy to become a wizard and an enemy team can destroy the building if needed. Adds an interesting new concept to the game.
  13. One

    One I got 99 problems and my name is One Donator Tester

    What so everyone minecrafts for gold the entire game? No thanks.
  14. Duplolas

    Duplolas So Sad

    Gold coins. Not gold from mining.
  15. madcat768

    madcat768 Catapult Fodder

    I like that idea very much! Making wizards very powerful and can damage the enviroment from a great distance. Lightning strikes ect. would be awesome. But to become a wizard yourself it would take considerable effort. Really like that idea. I think that this is the best way in light of existing players not apporoving of the idea in general. It would not be an optional class to pick from the start but would be something that later in the game could be achieved. Does not impact the game as much that way so ppl who do not agree, will still be happy.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2013
Mods: Rainbows