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Grapple while charging arrows

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Ecued, Oct 12, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Ecued

    Ecued Shopkeep Stealer

    It would be useful if archers could grapple while in the middle of charging a shot.
    Currently, if you hold down M1 and press M2, nothing happens.
    It would be very useful in those situations where you want to jump off the side of a tower to shoot someone climbing it, but it's so high that you're likely to kill yourself, or those situations where you have to slingshot yourself over a wall, but the bottom is covered in knights. With a charge shot you could at least knock them out of the air before they killed you.

    Currently, you can sort-of do it by either jumping off, shooting, and then quickly grappling, or more easily by charging a Legolas shot, shooting one arrow, and then grappling (since for a second or so you can fire arrows instantly with no charge)

    It would also make it much easier to skirmish with knights and other archers since currently you're pretty much stuck in place while charging.

    It's especially annoying for me since I've gotten used to pretty much never moving without using the grapple. Walking is just incredibly slow by comparison, and jumping is only useful for getting off the ground in large flat areas or getting momentum off of walls.
    Contrary likes this.
  2. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    you can hold on to a wall while shooting.

    no need to make archers any stronger.
  3. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Yeah, I agree. Get your builders to make competent archer towers and you'll be shocked at how little mobility becomes an issue.
  4. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    I will explain why we shouldn't do this using "logic". Shooting a bow requires two hands. Launching the grappling hook takes one hand, but keeping the grapple attached to something takes no hands (I guess by tying it to themselves? only logical explanation (damn they're fast at tying knots)). So since 2+1=3, archers would need a mutated 3rd arm in order to use the bow and launch the grappling hook at the same time. and well, look at your own body, do you have a 3rd arm? (the correct answer is no) So what you want to add into the game is mutating archers and giving them a 3rd arm.
    ZeroZ30o and sinnertie like this.
  5. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Well I think the premise that since they can already grapple, then fire, and therefore should be able to fire, then grapple is a logical one, I simply think it's overpowered. Using the third arm logic, they shouldn't be able to grapple and then fire as it is now.
  6. Auburn

    Auburn Prepare Yourself! Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    To make being able to fire while stuck to a wall logical, the grappling hook is always tied around their waist, they just have to throw the hook with their arm, but then they can dangle, because it's already tied to them.
    Nighthawk likes this.
  7. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Auburn's interpretation is the one we modelled the mechanics on - it's also important as an archer to be able to cancel your shots as needed. We won't be taking away firing from grapple, but we won't be adding grappling while firing either.
    UnnamedPlayer and Klokinator like this.
  8. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Oh, I misunderstood what Auburn was saying.
  9. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Well knight uses three or more hands all the time, holding a bomb while fighting and eating burgers. Allowing archers to grapple while firing presents 0 balance problems and makes the class a lot more intuitive and fluid to play. The cancel shot button could easily be switched to crouch or something else.
  10. archers would be able to charge arrows in any place and just grapple away while shooting while in danger

    idk if thats a balance problem but thats something
    Fate likes this.
  11. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    Current system provides tactical choice: "Do I run away, or do I wait and hope to get my chargeshot ready by the time the knight is mauling my face off?"

    If you could grapple while charging:
    An analogy with knights to get the point across:
    Imagine if you could charge your sword while holding up a shield. No tactical choice between running away with shield or engaging with attempting to get a chargeslash off in time.
  12. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    What about if knights couldn't shield while holding a bomb? That would be a "tactical" choice. It would also be ass.

    Are you an archer player? Does the "choice" between dying on the spot and not being able to do anything to pursuers make the game more fun and engaging for you? In this thread I see an archer player asking for a tiny little change to make his shit class less shit and a bunch of knight players kneejerking at any buff to archer.
  13. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    My personal opinion is that the archer class, for all intents and purposes, is primarily designed around the fact that it is a long-range class. It has been given some melee range capabilities, but that is not it's primary focus. Most of the archer arsenal you see is meant for long-range warfare:
    - High-powered shot travel a great distance
    - Bomb arrows provide distance sapping, so do the fire arrows
    - Overcharge shot is excellent for taking down camping targets, good for choosing that perfect angle because you can shoot from three different angles rapidly. It has a secondary function of being able to punch through the knight shield at melee range.

    The dynamic of the battlefield is such, that the knight has (and should) have the upper hand in CQC.
    Knights and archers should not have equal capabilities in long range and close range combat.
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    The knight has the upper hand at both far and close range. Arrows don't even have that much range anymore and do piddly damage and no stun unless the enemy is within pissing distance. Meanwhile knight is 1HKOing archers at range with bombs- if I see an archer on my screen I can just press space, and no matter what the archer tries to do they'll be dead once the timer goes down. Though I rarely bother with that since it's so easy to advance with shield/slashing.

    Being able to grapple freely while shooting wouldn't even bring archer close to equal to knight at any range. Hell, knight beats archer at mobility and at least ties at sapping. Bomb jump > grapple and while fire/bomb arrows are good they are either expensive as fuck (in CTF) or rarely built/later in tech tree (TTH). Knights also have exclusive access to kegs and are much better at planting mines in enemy territory.

    Fact is archer is sorely under-powered and is in terrible need of any kind of buff. You need to check your knight privilege, sir.
  15. are you fucking saying that archer is outclassed in a meta where the team that can make a huge tower and keep their siege weapons alive wins? because to me it looks like archers are primary tools to abuse/accomplish those goals.
  16. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    This isn't classic, making a huge tower and stalling doesn't make you win, it just stalls the game. Archers can benefit from large towers but any damage they output from that tower will be less than knights on the ground could do.

    Really people think of it likes this. What could an archer do to make you say "wow"? I'm greatly impressed when an archer takes a knight down from full health. But for a knight to impress me, they would have to get like 4+ kills as well as destroying a tower/taking a hall. We regularly see knights have these huge impacts on the game. In a regular game of TTH if no one else on my team is that good I usually take every hall by myself, often twice or me if we get backcapped a lot. What do archers ever accomplish? Occasionally they're able to burn down a poorly built building- but that relies on the enemy team being retarded and building huge slabs of wood without a stone exterior or any stone separators to stop fire spreading too much. But every day I see knights blast huge holes in enemy defenses using bombs or kegs- something that's not contingent on having a retarded enemy.
  17. play ctf please
  18. Ecued

    Ecued Shopkeep Stealer

    Personally I just thought it would be a good idea since you can already do it, just more inconveniently.
    Currently, you can charge a legolas shot, then grapple, and as long as your arrow is still glowing you can immediately fire again.
    The specific situation this came up in was an enemy archer climbing the outside of our tower. He was under and overhang so I couldn't shoot him from above. If I grappled down to him and then charged my arrow, he'd get a shot off first, likely killing me. I could also charge my shot, jump off the tower and shoot at him, but there were knights at the base of the tower who could easily run up a wall and kill me at the bottom of my slingshot, plus I was VERY unlikely to hit and even if I did, it wouldn't be enough to kill him.
    I finally settled on charging a legolas shot, quickly grappling down the tower, and hitting him in the face pointblank with 2 arrows, killing him.

    What I'm saying is that right now it's totally possible to do the equivalent of charging while grappling, but it requires an extra second and some finicky guessing how long you'll have left to fire before the charge wears off.

    In addition, unrelated to the last situation, archer fights are extremely boring right now since both of us are basically either standing still charging a shot, or slingshotting around dodging arrows.
    Usually this boils down to 2 types of combat:
    1)both of us charging and whoever manages to finish first and jump out of the way wins
    2)one of us charging and the other one jumping around, hoping to move to a better position after the other guy fires, which usually results in 1.

    Of course there's also:
    3)charge your shot trying to hit the other guy, get smashed by a knight you didn't see sneaking up behind you, or above you, or below you, or under the ground.
  19. H3llO

    H3llO Shopkeep Stealer

    i think there is acutally a little bug too. if you charge your shot while using the grapple hook without shooting your arrows, your archer will release the grapple hook. same thing if you press *rightclick to prevent yourself from shooting. I don't think this is a feature
  20. kilmanio

    kilmanio Arsonist

    there should be a stun when not shooting overcharged arrows, similar to the knight's overslash
Mods: Rainbows